Is it legal for corporations to take out life insurance policies on customers?

Is it legal for corporations to take out life insurance policies on customers?

An oil company customer gets a statement of the current value of their life insurance policy--a policy the customer NEVER purchased!


BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare





Driving course make teen insurance cheaper?

In Florida, you get a discount on insurance if you take a driver's ed class, but will taking a private driving course outside of school do the same? Anyone know the average cost for teen coverage?



How much does it really cost to have a car,do you know where the info is ?

I know there is like a true cost of owning a car and it includes the wear and tear, depreciation, gas, tune ups, keep up, insurance, car payments etc. Anyone know where to get that info please ? thaks



Will my auto insurance be high if i was not insured before. even though i have my G1.?

Hello, I'm a 20yr old Male, and I'm planning on getting a used car ( 1999 - 2004 ) bellow $3000 CAD. The problem is that i was never insured before. I got my g1 on 2007, and my G at 2010. Most of those years i drove with my uncle beside me, because he worked close to my school. So I was wandering, how high will my insurance will be? considering the fact that i did not have any insurance and i'm a 20yr old male. I searched online for quotes and the lowest i got was 499 per month... I am a student, thus i'm only making around 450 - 600 a month doing part time job. And any suggesting on a car for a first timer is more than welcome. (colour, make, model, yr. etc. ) Thank you very much for reading this.



How can i set up my own Car Insurance, that i can sell to people....?

Hi were i live there is this guy that sells day car insurance to youngsters for 40 a day. He insures anybody under any car for 40 as long as they have a driving license, and i really wanted to know how i can get into some of this action. This guys is making a hell of a lot of money, his office is rammed with people everyday wanting day insurance. I wanted to buy my own policy that could sell to people for a day, for a fee of course. Could anyone help on how i can set this up, and what kind of money i would need to set it up. Thanks You



How do you put someone on your insurance policy?

I have been insured for 3 years. My bf wants to get a car but with no no claims bonus he is getting quotes in excess of 3000 on the most basic insurance. I've tried to get quotes online to have him on my insurance but driving seperate cars and it seems I can't do this online. Do you have to actually phone them up? I'd prefer to do it online as it's less hassle.



Will paying off my car loan lower my premiums on my car insurance?

After some research on the pros and cons of paying off my car loan early, I've decided to go ahead and pay it off while I can. Despite all the research, I still don't know if doing so will help lower my insurance rates. I have to carry full coverage on my 7-yr-old car (I purchased it used) as long as the bank holds the lein. Thanks!



Average costs of homeownership wisconsin?

i really want to get a small single family house for me and my girlfriend and wanted some insight on average costs of home ownership such as morgage insurance utilitys and so on and whats the average. im looking to draw up a budget and see if it is even plausable for me to own a small house. thanks for all input



Any one know cheap nissan navara insurance?

Any one know cheap nissan navara insurance?



Car Insurance and Driving Restrictions?

Hey! I pay car insurance under both of my parents vehicles but don't actually own one myself. The cars are not registered in my name or anything, I just want to specify that I AM on the insurance and that I PAY for it (I literally use my own money) myself. My question is: If I pay to be on the insurance, am I legally allowed to drive the vehicle without permission from the owner, since I pay for the insurance. Any response will be much appreciated. Thanks!



How much would Insurance be for a Porsche 924 in Britain?

Hey guys, I am going to be turning 21 this August and hope to pick up a porsche 924 up. Do you know roughly how much this would cost me in terms of insurance costs? Thanks in advance! -R



Teenage car insurance?

I'm a teen, and I'm thinking about getting a car. However, I've heard that insurance for teenagers can be expensive. Since insurance is usually tied to the car instead of the driver, am I able to get away with using my parents' insurance if the car is completely under my parents' names? Am I allowed to save a large amount of money this way? I only plan on meeting the minimum insurance required by law (in California).



How do I get maternity insurance?

We are wanting to start TTC, but we are a little worried about the cost of the actual birth and doctors expenses, as well as any complications that might arise. Now, we do have enough money to cover the basics, but if anything else should arise to complicate things, we're worried. We both work from home for ourselves and have looked into private health insurance, even only maternity insurance, but the plans just suck and dang expensive! Anyway, I was wondering if you knew of any way to get legitimate insurance for only me while I'm pregnant, and for the baby after its born? Some sort of affordable state insurance? Im in AZ by the way. How would i go about finding something like that? thanks!



How much should I be looking for to pay for car insurance?

Its a 98 ford escort with 127,000 miles and it has a salvage title



Is there some affordable health insurance plan in the U.S. that doesnt have a huge deductible?

Is there some affordable health insurance plan in the U.S. that doesnt have a huge deductible?



Affordable and good quality health insurance in CA? Any thoughts?

Anyhow, I just lost my job and the Cobra option is way too expensive (over 500 dollars/month). I'm currently unemployed and so is my wife, and I'm looking for affordable, yet quality health insurance. Anyone have some suggestions? Thanks for your help.



Insurance for 2001 mustang?

I'm planning to buy a 2001 mustang convertible, 2 door and I'm 16, it will be my first car and I was wondering on average how much insurance would I pay?



Roughly how much would a BMW x3 in group 16 insurance cost?

My mum wants to buy this new BMW x3 2004 and it's in group 16, so is there a rough guideline of how much it would be for a years insurance?



How did they steal my car? It a 2001 Lexus is200 . Stock immobiliZer fitted! Will insurance cover this?

Whill the insurance cover this? What todo? :(



Car Insurance Cancellation Fees? (UK)?

So i'm probs 2 months away from passing my driving test, and i was thinking about insuring my car on a provisional licence for these few months to actually get a few steps ahead and more experienced. I was wondering how much it would/if it would cost to say stop the provis insurance after them 2 months? People from the UK preferably please, cheers!



If you are stopped for an uninsured car does this affect yor insurance premiums?

I was stopped for an uninsured car and they towed it. Does this affect my insurance premiums? How much is the usual fine for uninsured,unregistered and invalid inspection sticker? I did not get a sticker when I registered it in my name. Are there any other issues I may have to deal with before I register again?



How much can i offer to pay claimant on car insurance claim per month?

Im 19 years of age, I have a provisional licence, and I had a car with learner driver insurance. I'd just dropped my mum off and was driving home alone when another car pulled out of a junction and smashed into my car. The police were behind me at the time and saw that the other driver was at fault. However because my mum had just got out of the car my insurance was not valid. The other drivers insurance company is now making claim for cost to his car, can I offer to pay 10 per month off the cost or will they take me to court anyway?



Van insurance for youngsters?

I'm 17 and i do Motocross and because of this i need a van to transport my bike to and from tracks (i don't want to get a trailer) it will only be used on weekends, but i am getting ridiculous insurance quotes. where can i get good insurance for young drivers?



Where can I get classic car insurance under the age of 21?

I have a mark one escort that I've just finished had it since I was 16 I'm now 18 an I want to use it on the road, it's now a mint 1972 ford escort l 4 door, now I've found out that the law has changed an I can insure it after all that work I've done for the past 2 years, so what I would like to know is, can I get classic car insurance from anywhere under the age of 21? Or where does normal car insurance where I can add on an agreed value for the car for extra cost, thanks everyone, speedy helpful replays would be great thank you



What is car insurance rates?

I'm doing report, and i need to write bout 3 ways that how teenage car accidents rising affect us. One of my answer is car insurance rate would go up; &yet i don't know what that means. some one help?



Can somebody find me a really cheap insurance company that would cover for like everything?

I need to find an insurance company offers really low price plans that cover as many things as possible, becos we can't spend too much money but I need to find my mom an affordable insurance, i dun know where to find it.


Is it legal for corporations to take out life insurance policies on customers?

An oil company customer gets a statement of the current value of their life insurance policy--a policy the customer NEVER purchased!


How am I supposed to get Medical Insurance if I'm out of work?

I am 59 years of age. I've been out of work since Oct.'012. I live in SC. I have been trying in vain since 012 to get a parttime job. I live alone with my mother. She is 86 more



How much is it to add 16 year old girl to car insurance that is a good student.?

good student discount



How bad is insurance for a 17 year old with a stock 1979 datsun 280zx?

im buying my son a car soon and he found one stock average insurance cost? per month or annual



What should I do when the at fault party has no car insurance?

I got into a minor car accident, it was the other party's fault but he doesn't have car insurance. Because it was a rental car, my own car insurance is not going to cover. more



Where can I find information on low rate home owner's insurance?

I have a hmeowners insurance since I bought my home 10 years ago. The premium has gone up about 25%. Want to find out better rate from good companies - websites etc information



Where do i get health insurance in texas. im 18?

18 year old male. Parents dropped me. Sad day:(. Haha so where would I find cheap good health insurance :)



How do i find out the laws of car insurance policies in the state of RI?

If my insurance company in ri has totaled my car can my sales tax be refunded



If I'm on someone else car insurance am I liable?

My old boy friend put me on his car insurance so I could drive his car. We are no longer together. If he gets in an accident could I get sued? He has nothing, but I do.



How can I get cheaper insurance?

I'm 18 years old about to be 19. I paid 200 monthly for insurance but found out there raising my fee to over 500 bucks. I used progressive to find a quote and I got 400 from it. I got in one car crash last year. What are my options?



Is car insurance cheaper for a 2 seat car?

I heard a 2 seater car has cheaper insurance. Does anyone know how true this is?



Cheap Driving Insurance - Can anyone get me a better deal??

ok my mother (48 been driving for around 23 years 8 years no claims) is the owner/driver i am a named driver (21 with 6 points) been driving under 1 year because i got license revoked and had to resit my tests The Car is a fiat brava 1.4 red 5 door 5 seats worth about 1000GBP cheapest quote i can get is with the AA 600 comprehensive is there anyone who can get it any cheaper???



Speeding ticket, have State Farm, will my premium increase or not?

The reason I am questioning the premium increase is because a friend of mine, who also has State Farm, never saw an increase in premium two years ago when he received a speeding ticket. what's the deal? anybody know?



Car insurance in new york?

hey guys, I'd like to know what would be the ballpark for insurance. I'm 24 years old and have had my driver's license since 2003 and never have had parking violations, points taken off my license or any type of moving tickets. I'm looking to buy a 96-00 civic and would like to know around how much I would be quoted



Does full coverage auto insurance usually cover a large tree branch denting your car?

My husband just called from work to tell me our car has a huge dent in the passenger side. Sure enough, there is a large branch of tree in our drive way. Before I call the insurance I wondering if you know this answer to this so I can know what to expect. I am with State Farm and have full coverage.



What is the cheapest health insurance for low income people?

my kids father had a stroke two days ago and i am trying to help him find health insurance. he is having a hard time getting any insurance because he is unemployed and receives unemployment payments but they won't see him at the clinic because he has too many assets. He owns a trailer and has two cars. If any one can help i really would appreciate it. He also has high blood pressure, high colesterol, and diabetes. He had a stroke because he couldn't afford to buy his medications for his high blood pressure and colesterol.please help . i dont want anything bad to happen to him.



Cheap car insurance in Texas?

Hii i don't have a job right now, the car insurance bills are very high, can somebody suggest me cheaper insurance , currently i am with geico and am in Texas. Thanks in advance



Where can I find good deals on auto insurance?

instant, online quotes for auto insurance



My grandpas doctor wont sign an insurance for him to drive?

Im 17 and i live with my grandpa but i drive with his insurance. I changed the companies because of a rate increase and now they gave me a medical form for my grandpas doctor to sign that says hes ok to drive. I told the doctor i need him to sign it for me because i drive the car not my grandpa but he wont sign it what do i do i really need it. The doctor said my grandpa cant drive because hes 80 and he gets dizzy spells but i need it to drive asap



How much money will you be saving by going to driver's ed?

I'm 16 and have my learner's permit in CT and I've heard that by going to driver's you save a bunch of money on your car insurance...I know that its ture but how much money can you really save?



What is the cost of car insurance with out drivers ed.?

I am an 18 year old girl, looking to get a small used car something like a older civic. What would the average monthly payment be. I live in NH and I have good grades, never been in more



Car insurance and change of address?

I rent a room in a flat near my university, which is only 10 minutes away, but my car licence is registered on my old address. I've been living in this address for over a year, but coming back on holidays to my parents home (25 miles away). I have no proof of this address as everything is still registered on my parents home. I am trying to get insurance and i want to put the address of the place i live in now (comes cheaper), but like i said, my car licence is registered elsewhere. Should i inform DVLA of address change? i've been reading on google for the past hour that it is illegal to be registered on a different adddress than it says on insurance/car licence. As in, both have to be the same, but if police stops me, would they fine me or something? Thanks in advance and sorry about my English, not a first language.



Car insurance and full time employment?

After playing about on comparison websites I've noticed that with the same companies it's about 100 less if I am in full time employment compared to being a mature student with a part time job...why is this?



Car insurance help!!?

i am just about to re new my car insurance, the cost without protecting my 4 year claim bonus is 550 and protected would cost me 800.. is paying the difference of 250 worth it? thanks



How much would insurance be for a seventeen year old female driving 1999 Chevrolet?

I am sixteen i turn seventeen soon. My grandma will not keep me on her insurance About how much will insurance be for me as a 17 year old female driving a 1999 Chevrolet



How much do you pay for:car insurance? Home insurance? Furnishing your first apartment?

How much do you pay for:car insurance? Home insurance? Furnishing your first apartment?


Is it legal for corporations to take out life insurance policies on customers?

An oil company customer gets a statement of the current value of their life insurance policy--a policy the customer NEVER purchased!


Insurance Cost On two different cars?

Would the insurance on an 2008 Ford Fusion be more than a 2006 Cadillac CTS? I live in Maine.



Can insurance companies automatically add new drivers to an existing policy?

I had my g1 (permit) and got my g2 (license). I called the insurance company to get a quote of how much more it is going to cost my dad (which is what I'm going to have to pay) and they are telling me that I have to notify them that my license is now a g2 class. They can't quote me until he calls them (he's at work) when my dad calls to confirm then they will change it automatically and add me. But I don't have a choice if I want to add or not (If I don't like the rate) can they forcibly add me to a policy even if I don't agree with the rate? kinda tricky to explain but I hope you understand what I'm saying and if not then I will add additional details as necessary.



Will my insurance payment go up a lot?

I was recently in a car accident, unfortunately I was the one who was at fault. It had just rained the night before and the road was wet and so my brakes did not respond and i ended up hitting another car. Anyway, my question is, how much will I have to pay for my insurance now. Will it double, triple? I know that payments tend to skyrocket after your involved in an accident and your the one at fault.



How much would taxi insurance cost?

How much would it cost to insure a car essentially as a taxi? Also how much would it cost for a person to be insured in a customers car (any car they drive)?



Does state farm have good life insurance?

Does state farm have good life insurance?



OK so i previously asked how much is car insurance uk,17yearold/girl, bmw compact sport 318.3door?

I ALREADY HAVE THE CAR...I just need to know roughly how much insurance will be next year



Car insurance rate question?

If I use my dads insurance on my car and get into an accident what will happen? Who would get in trouble me or me father?



Anyone know any sites I can go to to get life insurance and car insurance quotes? I don't want to give my?

phone number to any company because they hound you forever, I just don't need all the phone calls and presser.



How much would it cost for a 17 year old to insure a.....?

How much would it cost for a 17 year old to insure a 2007 VAUXHALL CORSA VXR TURBO 1,598 cc



Insurance for Photographers?

Where can I buy insurance for my Photography company?



I need help understanding Health Insurance Deductibles?

Ok, so I'm going to get health insurance and I'm Having a challenge trying to understand the deductible situation. The Health Insurance I'm looking into is Blue Shield of California and they have many plans, and it seems that the prices get a bit higher when the deductible gets lower. What does the annual deductible mean? Is that the amount that I have to pay off first before my insurance can cover me?



Does any one knows if a time requirement exist that you have to notify your car insurance co. if you're hit?

My car was hit in a parking lot. the other driver told me to get an estimate for the damages and he will write a check. if the cost is too high, his insurance co will pay. do I have to tell mey insureance co. about this? is there a minimum time that I have to tell my insureance co? thank you.



How much will my second speeding ticket make my insurance rates go up?

I received a speeding ticket in January for 90 in a 70 (I-5 on my way down to San Diego), and today I received another ticket for 86 in a 65 on Freeway 85 in Cupertino. The first ticket is being taken care of with traffic school right now, and since I can't go to traffic school again so soon I'm assuming the 2nd ticket will increase my insurance rates. Does anyone know how much they will increase? I'm 21 and am on my parents' insurance (USAA) because I'm in college, but I will be paying whatever the difference in premium is so I'm trying to get an idea of what the damage is here. Also, I know I messed up, so no need to tell me in the answers. I thought I'd learned my lesson after the first ticket but apparently I still haven't, so at this point I'm just afraid to get into a car.



Average docter visit cost in oradell nj w/o insurance?

does anyone know average docter visit cost in oradell nj w/o insurance?



E&O insurance?

Any suggestions on where or from what company I can buy affordable E&O insurance? I'm in GA with a soon-to-be life and health license.



How much would car insurance cost ?

I was just wondering how much it would cost for car insurance for a 17 year old Male in England Also in no that there are different types of insurance what do they all do These are the cars I'm thinking of buying Ford ka sport Fiat punto Vauxhall corsa Citroen Saxo Roughly how much would they cost and whats the best insurance option to take ? :)



Bike insurance idea, would it work?

As you know insurance for a 600cc sports bike for a 17yr old (male) is extremely high (I was quoted 9000+), however you may of heard of fronting, (putting someone with lots more experience and age as the main driver and putting me (17yr old) as a second driver) this apparently greatly reduces the insurance cost, however is a form of insurance fraud and is illegal. But I thought of a plan... You see I have my heart set on a honda cbr600rr, it is much cheaper than a 125cc bike that I would buy new only to buy another bike a few years later thus deeming the 125 useless, but what if I got the 600 and did make my dad (who is much older and more experienced) the main driver and me the 2nd, but to avoid it being fronting, he could use it when i'm not and I could force him to ride somewhere so ultimately he would have used it more so it wouldn't be illegal right? By the way he mostly goes out at night so it would not interfere with my needs.



Would insurance on a 1992 lexus sc 300 be expensive? im 18 year old in riverside california?

yes i recently just got my license and im only 18 in riverside california



17 year old male car insurance?

Hi, I'm 17 year old male looking for car insurance - I know that the insurance is going to be expensive, but the cheapest I can find is just over 6000! It's for a 1 litre citroen C1, I don't live in a rough area or anything. What am I doing wrong? My friends are driving cars, and they're paying around 2000. I tried everything; pass plus, third party only, low annual mileage, high voluntary excess - what am I meant to do? I've tried all the price comparison websites.. Thanks for your help!



How old must i be to get car insurance quotes online?

how old must i be to get car insurance quotes online



Auto Insurance Rates Increased for NO Reason?

I was in an accident where the other driver was negligent. However, we both have the same insurance company. It's been nearly a year and since I've been receiving the run around from them, I decided to get a lawyer. Once my lawyer contacted them, 2 weeks later my bimonthly bill went up about $15 (over $30/month). Keep in mind, that for nearly a year my rates remained the same but less than 3 weeks after my lawyer contacted them, up the rates went. Is this normal? Is this illegal? Should I inform my lawyer of this shady action?



Car crash damage my insurance rights?

my 2009 vauxhall insignia was hit from behind sitting at a car park space in a supermarket,there is substantial amount of damage to the right hand arch right above the back wheel,the back bumper is also broken,it was hit that hard it was pushed onto the car park space in front of it,i believe what saved it from any further damage was the driver of the other car hit the wheel of my car which i guess cushioned the blow.i have went today and got estimates for the repair which is in the region of 2500 pounds though could be more as they have to put it on some sort of machine to see if the wheel alignment is of,the repair shops say what they will do is cut the arch out and put a new arch in and spray it but no matter what its never going to be the same.the reason they do it like this is because the whole back of my car runs to the front without any splits. Im not happy about this being done like this as this car today is worth around 10,000 pounds which i pay for and dont want it patched up,i would prefer if the other guys insurance wrote it off so that i can get an original car which i first had,is there anyway i can get this to be wrote of and claim it of the guys insurance,i have heard of depreciation money if my car has been hit but this is still not going to compensate me for my car being patched up. thanks



Am I required to add my 16 year old student driver to my auto insurance policy, we live in Illinois.?

As the student drivers parent, is my current auto insurance coverage in effect and still valid (for me and my 16 yr old) when my 16 year old student driver is driving my vehicle (supervised drivingpractice), even though I have not added them as a driver on my auto insurance policy. We live in Illinois. After the student driver receives their official drivers license am I required to add them as a driver to my auto ins policy, or am I and this new driver still covered by my policy because I have given them permission to operate my vehicle?



How much should I expect my car insurance to increase?

I got a 34 in a 25 in Virginia. I'm 19, and this was my first offense. Currently, I'm on as an occasional driver because I'm usually at college. Thanks.



I have progressive and how much do you think the insurance would cost to get my son a 2013 Camaro v6?

He has no tickets and has As and Bs in college. Its a boy.


Is it legal for corporations to take out life insurance policies on customers?

An oil company customer gets a statement of the current value of their life insurance policy--a policy the customer NEVER purchased!


What is the cheapest auto insurance for michigan?

for the most basic insurance



What are the best and worst auto insurance companies ?

What are the best and worst auto insurance companies ?



Car accident insurance?

I was in a car accident where I accidentally hit a car, i called the police but he didn't give me a ticket. The car insurance is under my moms name. The insurance expired on the same day at 12:01am and the accident happen around 11:00am. I guess the cop missed the expired day. The other car door was seriously dented. Will the insurance still pay for the other car since I didn't get no ticket. My mom did renew the insurance the next day.




I can't understand this issue. I have been living in the uk since 2008. I used to pay 900 for the insurance, then it raised to 1200 and now they ask me for 2300 for the third year renewal. I never made a claim and I have a full UK license and an international license for 11 years. I am 29 years old and I am an educated with MSc in medical sciences and I never drink or smoke. Is it because I am a foreigner. My friend is a British and he only pay 490 and he just obtained his license and we live at the same building. I can't find an answer for this problem only that car insurance companies are racist toward foreigners.



Driving without insurance in Indiana?

What happens in the state of Indiana if you are caught driving without insurance? I thought it was a 90 day suspension of your license but I have been told otherwise... Also what happens if you are in a wreck without insurance but the passenger DOES have insurance? Does the passenger's insurance have to cover everything?



Auto Insurance help......50/100/15?

i have a 50/100/15 auto coverage.I hit a parked car and damaged the store along the front. the damage to the parked car was 5,400 and damage to the store was 12,650. What amount will the insurance company pay for and what amount will I have to pay for? How can I figure this out?



How much is car insurance?

im 16 and live in ny and i want to get a mom said she would get me a car but car insurance would be too high.what would the cheapest company to use be for a teen driver?what would the price be?shes saying 3k a month for insurance.



Question about teen car insurance?

Question about teen car insurance? I have a couple questions about insurance for teens: 1. If it is a 4 cyl, is insurance lower? 2. Is it cheaper if you have good grades? 3. Does the style/number of doors make a differance? TIA



Question about State Health Insurance and marriage in Connecticut?

I am 20 years old and 10 weeks pregnant with my fiance's child. The only reason we didn't get married a while ago is because of health insurance. He's covered on his father's plan until he's 26 IF he doesn't marry. Well, now that I'm pregnant, I was told if we aren't married, the state will come after him for child support- not to mention that I want to marry him, anyway. We've been engaged for a year and a half. I have state insurance, and everything with the pregnancy is covered, but what happens if we get married? He'll lose his insurance. Is there a state insurance plan for the entire family in CT? A plan that he can be covered on once we are married?



18 male ontario car insurance rates?

im an 18 yo male living in windsor ontario. I have a clean driving record, have passes drivers ed and recently got my g license. I just bought a 2001 ford taurus and was wondering the approximate rate of insurance. Other possibly necessary information could be, im a student, and the main purpose of the vehicle is to and from work/school which is only about 16km away. Let me know if you need any more information



How to these rich boy racers who are like 18-19 afford the insurance on aventadors and audi r8's?

How do they get quoted at such a young age on supercars,I understand money's not a problem for them so it doesn't matter what the price is but if I wanted 2litre audi at my age (17) a insurance company wouldn't even quote me



Is there drivers insurance for infrequent drivers?

I'm currently in LA, and my family is here too. So, I've been an insured driver since I was 15, for the last 13 years... In August I will begin grad school in Boston, and will be without a car. But, perhaps during winter break, Thanksgivings, summer, I may return to LA to visit family and friends. I can easily borrow one of my parents' cars while I'm visiting, but I don't want to have to maintain car insurance year round for several hundred dollars just to drive a few times a year. Are there any reasonably priced options for someone in my situation? As far as I know, most car insurance terms are 6 months. Thank you!



Motorcycle Insurance costs amd monthly payments on a motorcycle for a 17 year old male?

Ok, I know you're just going to tell me that I need to have a car first or that I'm too young to have a motorcycle and I need experience and all that ****. But I'm 17 and I want a Honda Shadow Spirit 750 (which I've been told is a great starter bike) I am a safe and cautious driver, if I get one I'll have a helmet, gloves, pants, jacket, boots, etc. I'll take a class for it (which is required in the state of Fl), I've also already had driver's ed last year and I may take another one. I'm th exact opposite of the douche bag teenager on a crotch rocket with no gear weaving in and out through taffic going 90mph in a 45mph zone. In the state of Fl legally you don't need insurance for a motorcycle but I'll have it anyways. I was thinking of maybe putting down $2-3000 and getting a loan for the rest. My mom said that with a load I have to have full comprehensive coverage because I don't own the bike yet. Can you give me an estimate of how much the insurance would cost for a 17 year old male with driving classes and gear and a 3.8GPA, and I'm only going to school to home or to school to work then home (I don't get out much because I don't have many friends) and I have State-Farm. Also how much do you think the monthly payments will be? I'm working on getting 2 jobs. Please and thank you. And please don't be a douche or try and shoot me down or whatever to make yourself feel better about yourself, just please answer my question to the fullest :)



What car insurance company in the UK will insure an american licence? I cant find one to insure me on my FL?

Just moved to the UK for one year and need car insurance, cant find a company to insure me, tried all the big ones but I know there is some out there!!



Car insurance question?

I'm 17 and still living with my parents. I just got a car and now I need to find insurance. My dad doesn't want me on his because then, if I got in an accident, his rates would go up. My question is, if I were to cause his rates to go up and then got kicked off his plan, would his rates go back down? I'm curious because I really would rather not get my own insurance, being on my dad's would be much much much more affordable.



I'm 27 years old and I wanna get life insurance ? Any thoughts on which type i should get . ?

simplify your answer please .



Car insurance!!!! HELP?

Hi i have just rung up Diamond car insurance to find out the cost of getting some car insurance and paying monthly! they said i need to pay a deposite of 200 quid and then my monthly payments are 200 quid. In my first month do i pay both the deposite and the monthly payment or just the deposite!??????? xxxx



How much does insurance cost each month for a trolley/bus?

I was thinking of purchasing a trolley like this



What is the best car to buy with cheap insurance for a 17yo? ?

as above, UK only thanks in advance



Will motorcycle insurance be expensive for me I'm 19?

I'm nineteen year old and had my license since April 2011, I have a 93 Nissan 300ZX and it gets 18mpg city so I want a small motorcycle used. I was wondering around how much insurance will be for me if I get one? I have no points on my license I'm clean



Car Insurance and DVLA?

If I was to put my car in my wifes name with the DVLA would I still be able to insure it in my name and have her as the secound driver or would she have to be the insured and me be the secound driver.



Where can i find the cheapest car insurance for a new young driver?

I'm looking to insure a car most likely small, i've been trawling the web for hours now and just wondering if anyone could recomend a cheap insurer for a young (17) driver. Many thanks.



Does your person or the actual car need insurance so you can drive?

I live in California. i dont have insurance but my friend does. Am i allowed to drive his car or do i need my own insurance?



Car insurance?

i hold a foreign ( non EU ) drive license , and all insurance companies ask for ( claim bonus certificate ) and i explained for them that insurance is completly different in our country than the irish system, but no one listen, and i dont know what should i do if i need to drive a car in Ireland ...can any one help ?



What's do you pay for car insurance in your country?

My car insurance in N.Ireland is just over 200 or 346.97USD or 291.19 Euro or 15,351.16INR etc. Thats for an average 4 door saloon. I would like to compare that with other countries, if possible.


Is it legal for corporations to take out life insurance policies on customers?

An oil company customer gets a statement of the current value of their life insurance policy--a policy the customer NEVER purchased!

East Enterprise Indiana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 47019

East Enterprise Indiana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 47019

East Enterprise Indiana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 47019


BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare





What grades do insurance companies go off of (in CA)?

For the discount on insurance, do insurance companies look from the current term's gpa, the last term gpa, or the gpa overall (in the year so far)? (in the state of california)



Insurance for a 3 series BMW Convertable?

Does anybody know a good/cheap insurance company for a BMW 3 Series Convertable. I don't have any no claims as i have always driven a company car! Please please help!!!!



Is medicaid a very low cost insurance? does medicaid pretty much stink !?

im just wondering becouse a couple of therapist have turned me down becouse of my medicaid insurance.



How does car insurance work?

I dont know much about car insurance. Do get it when we have a car only or if i sell the car i still have that insurance with me for a possible next car in future?



How much does Insurance cost for g37s 08?

How much does Insurance cost for g37s 08?



Shopping for health insurance... un-insurable? ?

OK gang, here's a doozie. We've been shopping for health insurance and are continually declined because we consume more than 12 alcohol drinks per week.(I know! Are you kidding me??) We're perfectly healthy people who have a few beers after work each day, and a few more on the weekends. Can anyone assist me in finding the right company?



Do I need life insurance?

Hey, I'm in 7th grade and my advanced academics class is doing a project on what our goals and daily life will be after we graduate high school. The final part of the project deals with the management of taxes and insurance and stuff like that. I'm pretty sure I've covered everything I need to, except for one aspect: life insurance. I'm not exactly sure if I need it, because I don't really know if I'm actually going to have people dependent on my paycheck. Here's my lifestyle: I'm going to live in Santa Monica, California as an occupational therapist in an apartment with a roommate. My mom's family and my dad's family will most likely keep residing all the way across the country on the east coast, with my brother in college and my younger brother in middle school. I'm pretty sure both my parents are going to be retired at that age, but I don't know if they would really depend on my paycheck. Opinions?



Car Insurance help, UK?

i have been driving for 1 year in New Zealand, i dont have a full NZ license, but a restricted. i am now in the UK and want to know how much i will be paying for insurance roughly. i have just passed my uk driving test, so im basicly a new driver. Please Help



Car insurance for a 15 soon to be 16 year old?

so i am looking at getting my first car and so i need to be thinking about car insurance and my grade point average is like 2 something. i have american family. any ideas what their rates would be.??



How much will insurance cost?

I'm a 18 year old got g2 and about to buy a 1999 Hyundai Tiburon Living in Toronto About to be a college student The car is a Automatic, Kilometers 196000, Coupe (2 door), Front-wheel drive, no mods on the car and it is red. How much will the insurance cost thank and if you can tell me the best insurance company thanks Can you tell me by monthly thanks



Car Insurance For a 19 almost 20 year old?

Im gonna buy a used car, a 2003 sedan (not sure what car yet). This is going to be my first car and I need to know how much car insurance would cost. Thank you:)



Is progressive car insurance cheap?

I had State Farm but they terminated my insurace because of to many tickets, i herd Progressive was cheap, what do you think? I am 19 by the way



Question about multiple car insurance policies?

I'm 17 and currently have my learner's permit. My parents have separate insurance policies (My Dad has Geico for his 2007 Honda Accord, my Mom has Metlife for her 2003 Dodge Grand Caravan). My Dad recently added me to his Geico policy as having a learner's permit. But my question is this - I know that I will be able to drive my Dad's car since I'm on his policy, but realistically, I would want to be able to drive both cars (and I would likely be using the Caravan more often anyway). Once I get my license, do I have to be listed on both insurance policies to drive both cars? If I wasn't and got in an accident with the Dodge, would I be covered?



Cheapest Car insurance in New Jersey?

Looking for cheap car insurance companies in New Jersey.



How do you get long-term heath care insurance in Georgia? And how you pick the best one for you?

My grandma might need to go into an assisted living home soon? My family are thinking about a Sunrise Community and they take long term health care insurance? How do you obtain and pick the right type and does Medicare cover it? thanks



I only have a learners permit, can I get auto insurance with just a learner's permit?

I only have a learners permit, can I get auto insurance with just a learner's permit?



Does anyone know how much the government's health insurance will cost per month for families?

Does anyone know how much the government's health insurance will cost per month for families? Everyone for the bill is so happy because they finally get affordable insurance, but I have yet to hear how much they will really be saving compared to private insurers? Thanks!



How much would my property insurance go up after a large claim and non-renewal?

I own a 5 unit apartment buidling and after 20 years of no claims, I filed one large $80,000 claim last year for a burst pipe and water damage. The insurance company won't renew my property insurance this year. How much do I expect my insurance cost to go up if I find another insurance company that will insure me? I was paying $3,000 per year. Would I expect the premium to double or more?



How much is does it cost for insurance of a driving instructor (roughly)?

It is for my A-Level business coursework where I am producing a business plan to set up a driving school. It doesn't have to be exact. Regards



Does car insurance cover this..?

my freind borrowed my car and he and his father went to the mall,his father got into a car accident which was his the car is totaled.i only have basic insurance does that cover my car or am i out of a car?



Why did Geico raise my insurance just because I changed my ADDRESS!?

What in the hell was this all about?! I simply moved 30 mins away from my previous residence and ALL I NEEDED to do was just change my mailing I went online, gave them my new info.....and they said my premium was increased by over $60.00! Why is this? Has this happened to anyone else?



What is cheaper, car insurance or motorcycle insurance?

What is cheaper, car insurance or motorcycle insurance?



How much would insurance cost me on a v6 camaro?

it is a 1988 camaro and i would just have the cheapest coverage and i am 16 any ideas on how much it would cost me?



Requirements for california drivers license?

how many behind the wheel professional training hours are required in the state of california in order to get a license?



Can I own my car and insure it on my dad's insurance? Please help!!!?

My dad currently own my car. I'm older now, and have been borrowing his car for college and work. I am planning on switching the car into my name. He wants this also. But I believe it would be cheaper for me to stay on his insurance and pay him for my portion. I did this for the past 6 months but he still owned the car. Is this legal in California? My boyfriend does it with his mom, owns his car and goes through his mom's insurance, but my dad doesn't believe me that it's legal and fine. I need some proof to convince him that this is the best way to do it and that it's legal. Please, someone help me!!! Thanks!


East Enterprise Indiana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 47019

East Enterprise Indiana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 47019


How to tax car without insurance?!?

I bought a car recently on ebay. The gentleman said that he already cancelled his insurance as he stopped using the car in the las 6 months. I wanted to ask him to pay the tax on it but he can't. What should I do because when I buy a new car I contact the insurance company straight away but there's not tax on it so can't take it...Any advice?



Comprehensive car insurance ?

My comprehensive car insurance will be expirering next month. At the moment I'm with youi and they are asking $876 to renew it for my 2003 Mitsubishi pejaro. Pls help me to find best and cheapest insurance in Victoria Aus. Tks



What are the cheapest car insurances in CO?

For a 21 year old?



How do insurance companies categorize cars?

How do they determine which cars is going to cost more than others... Which factor of a car means you're going to have to pay 1000 more than another... And why so expensive? After a while surely you've paid more than the cars worth?



How does life insurance pay off or cover most of a funeral?

-I want to become a Lic. Funeral Director & Embalmer I work part-time in a family-owned independent funeral home (i don't like those chains) and by family-owned i mean it is independent and is owned by the original owners (not SCI, Dignity Memorial



How do insurance companies verify the adress you use for your car insurance is your actual adress?

I want to get my car insurance in a different state see how do car insurance companies know that the address and provide is where I live. And if I get caught what is the penalty



Im looking for the Best Cheap Insurance for a young driver?

im looking to buy a 1973 chevy nova. and wondering whats a good insurance company that is cheap.



Insurance policy?...?

My mum n dad are insured on a car and are going away next week for 2 weeks and said I can get insured on their car. But their insurance will not insure anyone under 25. I don't think you can have 2 insurance policies on one vehicle but not sure, so can you? How can I get round this? If I got a temp insurance the police would only give me a warning, yeah? Personal Information: 19 year old male with a 2 year driving license and 1 year NCB Pass Plus obtained



What are the benefits of getting insurance through your employer?

I know this is a broad question, since there are so many different types of insurance policies as well as the incentives that a company may have for their employees. I was just looking at insurance that you can buy online (not through your employer) and was wondering the main advantages/benefits that come with paying for insurance through your employer.



Do you know a temporary car insurance company for a 19 yrs old man?

Actually i have found one which says they do for 19-75 but when i tried to get a quote they said they cant do. I would like to insure an old Ford Transit, smiley face, 2.5 di non turbo for exporting.



How much would car insurance be for a used 2006 subaru impreza 2.5i wagon or a used 2003-2004 honda civic ex

im turning 18 and im thinkin about buyin either a 2006 subaru impreza 2.5 wagon or a 2003-2004 honda civic i wanted to check how much they would cost for insurance for either one im 18 i live in california first time insured thanks very much



How can i get insurance for my bike ?

I am planning to purchase mahindra bike hopefully. how to get insurance for that ?



Car insurance question?

I have been driving my boyfriend car to get to work and school and what not. His car is insured, but my name is not on the insurance. What would happen if i got pulled over and the cop saw my name was not on the insurance?



Is it possible to get an SR22 Insurance on a scooter ?

I received a DUI in California - now I'm required to get a SR22 in order to get my drivers license back. Why not get a scooter and get that insured for cheap? Is my idea.... is it possible??????? Thanks



I am planning to leave the country for two years and have a car insurance question.?

I will be out of the country for two years doing a peace corps type volunteer program, I am currently on my father's car insurance and don't own my own car. I pay about $400 a year to have the right to drive one of his cars. Is it worth cancelling my insurance for two years or will the uninsured penalty be worse. I am currently 22 and a recent college grad. Thanks for any help.



Cheap Auto Insurance for someone under 21?

The lowest auto insurance rates I can find wants me to pay like 340 a month I want to know if someone knows of a auto insurance that has a monthly fee of 200 at the most high or low deductibles do not matter buut there has to be a deductible anyone know a auto insurance that can offer me this Thanks



Best car insurance for my children while they're at university?

My two children (aged 20 and 18) have gone to university this year. They've left their car (VW Polo) at home. What is the best way to insure this car now? It's only getting used when they pop home, and a bit more over Christmas and Easter, probably summer too. However I can't find any insurance that will take this into account. I've got my own car, so theirs is just sitting there for 8 or 9 months out of the year. Does anybody know of any insurance providers that will insure a car while taking this into account?



How can I get affordable health insurance for my family while i'm off work..?

I applied for medacaid but they said I make to much money. even thou i'm off from work with no insurance and very little sick leave pay.



How much money difference between full coverage and liability?

I'm 24. I have full coverage on my car now, and I pay $106 a month. I am getting rid of my car, and getting a new one that I will not have a loan on. So I plan on getting liability insurance. Around what price difference can I expect after switching from full coverage to liability? Thanks.



Where can i find cheap auto insurance?

i'm paying 150 a month for a 94 ford thunderbird, but i'm looking for something cheaper that i can afford. i'm just wondering how much other people pay for cars like mine...



Health Insurance for diabetics?

If i were to get health insurance and then marry my girlfrind (who at the moment is pregnant) do you think that she would be able to get on my insurance even though she has a pre-existing condition of type 1 diabetes? She can not get her own insurance because of it, only if her work provides and her work does not and the job market is still rocky. So what would we have to do to get her insured?



Will 4 year old dui affect my car insurance with geico?

Will 4 year old dui affect my car insurance with geico?



How much is it for drop charge of rent-a-car? and if I have my own insurance, is it covered a rental car?

Hi~... I'm in the U.S. I'm gonna be on a vacation in some other states, so I guess I need to rent a car... I would like to take my trip by car in some states.... Here is the question. Actually, I heard from someone I know that I can drop a rental car in any other place...For instance, if I rent a car in Sanfrancisco and go to L.A, I can drop it in L.A Is that true? or I got wrong information...... If so, how much does it cost? And, if I have my own automobile insurance, does it work for a rental car? Please answer me, I'd really appreciate it.....



What kind of insurance will cover rhinoplasty pertaining to broken nose?

My nose broke and now I have what the doctor told is called Saddle Nose. He said there is no rush, but I have some difficulty breathing and it is somewhat deformed. I have University of California health insurance, will this help? How should I get this procedure done for the most inexpensive cost? Any insurance experts?



What Health insurance would anyone reccommend?..?

my husband and I are trying to buy health insurance. we want something affordable. What good health insurance would anyone recommend.


East Enterprise Indiana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 47019

East Enterprise Indiana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 47019


Do all motorcycles have to have insurance? Can it have a legit title/registed but no insurance?

Also, How much do u think it would cost for a 18 year old, with Riders safer course certificate, 600cc sportsbike(kawasaki zzr600), in new york state? would it be cheaper to just get a car?



Insurance rates 18 years old?

I am an 18 year old male who has been driving for about 2 and a half years. About how much more would a coupe cost for me than a sedan? vs.



Car insurance.......?

hey guys, i was just wondering how much car insurance would be for me. i am 20 years old and just recently starting driving and when i say recently i mean like today haha!. but anyones i DO know that to get a real SET price i would have to call and get a quote but i was hoping to here from some of yall about how much YOU pay each month, how old you are and what kind of car you drive, just to get an ideal of how much its going to be for me ya know? thanks for the help



Is GEICO auto insurance tougher (more expensive) than Progressive if you have an at fault accident?

I have one at fault accident on my record. It was a rear-end collision and it is a 2 pt. accident in California. I was shopping for new insurance. I made this statement about the at fault accident when filling out the forms for a quote online. At first GEICO the GEICO rates were looking way better than Progressive or other insurance companies so I thought I'd go with them. But when I went to go pay online, they did one last DMV record check, and came back with a higher rate. Even though I had stated the accident in the form previously. They waited to verify this at the very end and not earlier which I found annoying--they had my driver's licence earlier in the application process, so why wait till the very end! When filling out the Progressive quote forms, I also stated the info about my accident where asked. At the end, the form still considered me a Good Driver and the quote was much cheaper than Progressive. I went to pay and it did not recalculate my quote after a DMV check like GEICO did. I paid and am wondering if I am going to hear back from them saying I need to pay more. But I gave them all the info and I do now have a policy. So it appears that GEICO is tougher when it comes to having an accident, and Progressive doesn't let one at fault accident ruin a good driver discount? Does anyone have experience with this?



How much will my dad's car insurance rate go up when he adds my name?

how much will my dad's car insurance rate go up when he adds my name? he has great credit and he has only gotten like 3 tickets in his entire life. my driver's ed teacher told me that my dad's rate won't be so high cuz i get A's in school. + i got a 96 on my permit test with an A for the class aswell. so is that true? how will the insurance company know my grades tho?



09' Honda Civic Insurance?

I'm searching for quotes for my 09' Honda Civic--- I have full coverage right now and would like to keep it that way with a new insurance. I have Allstate & I believe I'm paying too much for it (240.00 USD). What car insurance companies can give free estimates/quotes? (I'm 24-college student,unmarried, if that helps). Thanks!



What are some cheap car insurance companys?

What car insurance companys are cheap... and do they have a web site/phone number so I can get a quote thanks!



Which is the best health care insurance plan & which is the best Indian company to get it?

I'm very particular about Hospital cash insurance.



So I'm looking into buying a Honda Element but I want to know how much insurance n gas n all that would be?

Help please lol and if overall if its worth it



How much does a million dollar insurance policy cost?

I was intersted in buying a million dollar insurance policy. How much would that cost me? I make about 65 thounsand a yr. Any ideas/



Can my car insurance company take action on a DUI without a conviction?

I was stopped for a DUI, but have not yet been convicted since the court process takes forever... Well I would like to buy a new car, and it looks like my insurance company will check my record at that time. I have just checked out my record myself, and it shows that I have had my license suspended for 6 month for DUI, but it does not say that I have been convicted of the DUI. I have reason to believe that the charges will be dropped. Can they raise my rates or drop me at this point? Without a conviction?



What is the cheapest insurance company for a 17 year old male, fully comp on a 1-1.2L vehicle?

Looking around for cars and I want to know where is the cheapest, so far it is 3800 cheapest anywhere. If you have insured a car at that age can you let me know what you paid and who with? Tips on getting it lower?



Seriously what are the cheapest cars to insure in the UK?

alright so iv had enough, so im 17 and passed my driving test so im looking for a car, the cheapest cars iv found to insure as of december last year were a classic vw beetle or a 03 ford fiesta. i checked again and the fiesta has shot up in price for insurance now but the beetle has stayed the same but still not cheap. iv tried everything from little corsa's, clio's, punto's, peugeot's, everything, they are all really expensive, the vw beetle would cost 3000 third party fire & theft, every other car is 4000+ i mean a 2000 rover 25 would cost me 5300 to insure. seriously what is the cheapest cars to insure? i don't want names of companys that do cheap insurance i just want cars that are cheap to insure.



Estimate: How much is insurance for a 15 year old?

My son is turning 15 and we want to get him a car...we really like the 2011 Jeep Grand Cherokee. He's a Straight A student...I heard that honor students get a discount it that true? How much is insurance a month on a Jeep Grand Cherokee for a 15 year old Honor Student. I know no one will no for sure but please take a good estimate.



Next to oil and gas prices are car insurance prices too high anyone agree?

Whats the deal the government wants everyone to participate in paying for auto insurance yet the prices are rediculous what happened to buying a car and registering it thats it? Does the government think about Americans servival aside from gas, food, children, mortgage blah blah blah............. or do people vote for laws blind folded????



How much would the insurance be for a 16 year old with a v6 2010 camaro?

My mom is either giving me her car which is a 2006 Lexus gx 470 which she bought for $50,000 or she will buy me a 2010 v6 camaro. Would insurance be lower if I recieved the lexus or camaro?



Do you have health insurance?

if so, How much is it per month? How old are you? What kind of deductable do you have? Feel free to answer also if you do not have insurance, also, do you support obamacare?



Dealt with car accident outside of insurance company, how can I chase up the receipt?

On Christmas Day I went out in the car to pick up some drinks from the petrol station and on the way out of the station I bumped someones car. I stopped and got out to give them my details (name, address and phone number) and then went home. In the panic of the moment I think I just wanted to get home as it was Christmas Day and I didn't hang around to take photos, ask for witnesses or discuss options with the other driver, which in hindsight I regret and realise was stupid. When I got home, the guy called me up and, again with the stupid mistakes, I said that I would rather settle outside of insurance; the driver wasn't keen on the idea at first and wanted to settle through the insurance company but I couldn't call them until the next week as they were closed for Christmas. He texted me the next day saying that he was going to get a quote from a garage and got back to me later with a quote for 400 through a 'friend of a friend's garage'. At this point I was a bit suspicious and the amount seemed very high for what I thought was not a lot of damage but at the same time he said that he either wanted to do it like that or through the insurance and I really didn't want to loose my no-claims discount as insurance for young male drivers is very high without the no-claims. In the end I decided to pay him, not without a certain bitterness owing to the fact that he was pressuring me for an immediate decision, which also made me suspicious. Having sent the cheque for 400, he kept up communications initially and let me know that he'd received it. He said that he would send me a copy of the receipt from the garage for my records but once he received the cheque I never heard back and now cannot get a reply. Bit long-winded for a question but that's the background story, my question is two-fold: 1. Can I do anything about it? It's more the principle than the money that bothers me, I know that I caused damage to his car but I now suspect it wasn't as much as he claimed. 2. Does 400 sound like too much or should I stop worrying about it? I hit the back corner of his car with the back corner of mine, and he later told me that I had cracked the rear bumper, which needed replacing. I'm not sure of the make of the car but I think it may have been a Ford Fiesta or something similar. I would really appreciate any help as it's weighing on my mind... I don't like people walking over me. At least if the amount he claimed sounds reasonable I can put it down to him being a wanker but the amount claimed being fair and forget about the whole thing.



Tell me how it is right that insurance companies charge young adult males more than female for car insurance?

The answer I seem to get is it can be statistically proven that males are more aggressive,speed and get into more accidents. That may be the case, but I am sure you can prove that a particular ethnicitiy gets into more accidents too, or that people with a particular eye color get into more accidents or that people with an IQ below 100 get into more accidents. So why don't they charge them more for car insurance too? You can say insurance companies have the right to charge more if an event is more likely to happen, like Earthquake insurance is more expensive in California than it is in Michigan. The difference there is that when you charge Californians more there, you are basing it on an uncontrollable act of nature that is almost certain to happen, but when you charge that male more for car insurance you are making judgements about a person's character, making assumptions about his future behavior and financially punishing him for it before he has even done anything. Tell me where I am wrong



How long should I get a term life insurance policy for?

I'm researching term policies to cover the shortfall for life insurance from my work. How long is reasonable to get a term policy for? Term to 60, 75 or 100 years?



1999 toyota camry insurance cost?

1999 toyota camry insurance cost?



How much will my insurance go up?

about 3 months ago i got a ticket for going 23 over and went to court. the judge gave me a $40 fine and said if i didn't get another ticket for 6 months that the first ticket wouldn't be on my record. this morning i got a ticket for going 10 over. it was really stupid because i was going the speed limit and had cruise locked on but it was a downhill and i got going. the ticket is $20 and i dont have to appear in court. Will my insurance go up? if so how much should i expect. the judge told me last time that if the insurance company doesn't look at my driving that they dont send them notification.



What is the minimum pricing for teenage car insurance?

ok, my car is a 1978 Ford Fairmont. I am 17, the car's previous coverage was basic liability. the limits i want for the car is just pretty much basic liability. i just want to be legal on the road. no fancy extras added to the policy, just basic coverage. the car so far hasn't gotten into any car wrecks. it's practically in perfect condition. this is my first car and i just got my license. I'm not aware of my credit score for i've just started working part-time. Also, i'm a very good student. My current GPA is 3.57and i'm still in high school, 12th grade. and yes, i've finished drivers education coarse. Please, if anyone can help me in finding a good car insurance company for my beautiful Miss Daisy, and the possibly price of how much it will cost for basic liability i would greatly appreciate it.



How much can i spend on a car with the money i make?

im 17 years old and i have a job that pays $8.30 an hour and i work about 16 hrs per week, and i also tutor afterschool, for $20 dollars an hour, for 6 hours, so i make about $240 a week, and im planning to get a car, but i dont know what car i could afford. how much money can i spend in a car if i have monthly car payments?, oh yea plus insurance. thanks



On average, how much is car insurance each year?

On average, how much is car insurance each year?


East Enterprise Indiana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 47019

East Enterprise Indiana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 47019


What is the minimum automobile insurance required in the state of california?

What kind o risk is being managed when someone takes out a life insurance?



Will Hillary Clinton universal health care program force all Americans to pay for health insurance?

How will those who are unemployed pay for health insurance under her plan?



My car got stolen and i have full cover insurance on it will they give me money for it?

My car got stolen and they find the car and all that was left was the shell of the car. I also have GAP insurance I want to know will the pay off my car and give me money to buy another car.



What is the cheapest insurance for a teenager? --or ways to make incurance cheaper?

I live in Southern California, and I will be turning 18 next month, 2 days before I need to buy my next insurance policy. I have had my license since the day I turned 16 (I took drivers ed then got my permit for 6 months then my license). I have had no accidents or tickets or have even been pulled over. I am driving a '04 F-150 and making payments on it. I do get the good student discount. What are some cheap insurance companies? Or ways to make your rate cheaper?



Backdates homeowners insurance?r=1268786067?

Can an insurance company back date homeowners insurance?



Car Insurance: I currently have a 2001 Red Mustang V6, but will be purchasing a 2003 Blue Jeep Liberty V6..?

.. should I expect a major increase/decrease in my car insurance payment? I'm 18, but under my parents plan. I'm selling the Mustang if anyone is interested and lives in middle Tennessee.



Pontiac Grand Am GT Insurance?

I am 20 years old. Looking at a 2 door coupe Pontiac GT. Never been in an accident, never had a ticket. Was wondering what the insurance is roughly going to cost me a month? I have All State. My dad doesn't want to call them because we just called them yesterday about another car, and we don't have the vin number. Thanks! Oh! It has power locks, a spoiler, and a sunroof too! As well as a single disc CD player.



Good websites to compare car insurance?

What are some good websites to compare car insurance? (For a car which I want to get btw)



My mother needs health insurance but...?

Ok, so my mom is extremely sick. Her stomach/genital areas are usually in very big pain, which makes her have trouble walking to the bathroom, and even then she said using the bathroom is even more painful. She sometimes has trouble breathing so she drags her feet (because she can't walk too well now) and go outside. The pain goes away after she takes some pain stopping pills, but they do come back. Now, she does not have health insurance, and neither do I actually. I don't think any health insurance company would actually take her cuz her health is so poor. What are my options here? We're not rich, so I don't think a direct scan of her body and (possible) surgery is a good idea (so expensive :( ). PS. I live in Southern California.



Health Insurance for 25 Year Old Disabled Male?

I'm 23 years old and I live in California. I work full time but only make $8 an hour. My husband is 25 and has been disabled since age 12. He has a serious back injury and may be paralyzed one day and he cannot work. If this ever happens, I really don't want to be $1 million dollars in debt because we are uninsured. I have never bought health insurance before and I have NO IDEA what I am doing. I'm looking for insurance that will cover him if he needs to go to the emergency rooom, needs an operation or will cover him if he does indeed become paralyzed. Where do I start? What are our options? Will he be denied because of a pre existing condition? I don't care what I have to pay, I just want him to be insured. We don't want to go throught the process of getting him SSI because we don't want to be poor forever and if I make over a certain amount he will lose everything. Thanks for your help, I REALLY appreciate it.



I want to buy this car, but have no licence or insurance?

I found this AMAZING deal on a car, It's a 2000 Dodge Neon, 136k miles, with no crash history, exterior or interior damage and apparently no issues with it (a/c works, heat, radio, etc). She wants $800 for a quick sale to get baby supplies. I want to grab it before it sells because it's affordable and doesn't look too bad off, but I don't have a licence or insurance... I was going to buy it and let it sit in the drive way until I went and got my licence/insurance and stuff, so how do I go about doing this? Is it legal to even buy a car without either? Should I have a friend with a licence drive it to my house? Etc?



Affordable health insurance?

i know this isn't a pregnancy question but i believe moms would know about their health insurance and this is the only category where i get an answers so thanks in advance moms! i dont have hundreds of dollars to pay for insurance. if i did i could go to the doctor without it. i need some health insurance that i can afford. anyoe have any ideas?



How much would my motorcycle insurance cost?

i might be purchasing a 1999 honda cbr 600s4. i have no riding experience. i live in NJ. i am 22 years old. i have 4 points on my license (from careless driving tickets), besides that, a clean driving record. any sort of educated guess would be much appreciated.



How do you find out if a driver has insurance or not?

My car got hit and the driver took off. I have their name, address, and vin number but they did not provide an insurance company name either because they don't have it or there's a possibility that it was not provided at the time. Who can find this out for me, the police said they can't and my insurance company said they don't think they can either....



Whom has the cheapest car insurance?

asking for my sister's boyfriend as his just went up very high in price and he is not too happy about it and looking for another ..thanks..



How can I put my girlfriend (8 1/2 years and still going strong) on my health/dental insurance?

Hi guys, so I have asked my job and it seems the only way I can add her to my health/dental insurance is if 1) we are married or 2) if i provide proof of living with her for a certain amount of years. There has to be some loophole because I really think it is ridiculous that we have been to together since we were 16 and I cant add her or help her in such a way. There is no possible way, in timeline, for us to qualify for such rules. 16-18 years old (in high school and lived with parents), 18-23 years old (Attended separate universities and lived in different cities), 23- 24 1/2 years old, (both living with parents back home, we alternate and stay at each others place, so have no set home or bills in our name, such as direct tv, electricity, internet, you name it. we are blessed with awesome parents) and yes we have though about just getting married, but no way... we are waiting until we are established and can fend for ourselves to make a decision like that, but yes we do want to get married some day, but not over screwing the government or other reasons. Also we live in california if that helps, since i know every state varies, thank s guys!! ^_^



Health insurance for college student?

I am under my family's Blue Cross insurance in California, but I'm going to attend school in Massachusetts. Will the insurance cover me in Massachusetts?



Will my insurance rate go down when I get my license? I have my learners permit?

I have my learners permit and i was paying about 120 a month in insurace, If I go get my license, will my insurance go down?



Whole life insurance and medicaid eligibility?

My father in Dallas Texas has a life insurnace face value of 10,000 and cash value, about 3500. Per medicaid rule he can't have the life insurance with those cash value. He is not on medicaid yet but with his condition of alzheimer, he soon needs to apply for medicaid. Any idea what needs to be done for the life insurance?...I am not sure if he can simply cancel the insurance to meet the medicaid requirement. He has no other asset and has less than 2000 in his bank account. Of course he does not work. ( he can't with his condition and he's over 70).



Does registration of a car affect insurance rates?

My fiancs father gave us this old(99) car and signed it over to her. Last year we used that as a trade in for a new(08) car. We just transferred over the plates and registration because it was easier, she absolutely hated being there for as long as we were. Now she only has her permit but is under the insurance policy. If the car was registered to me, a licensed driver, would it affect our insurance policy/rates?



How much is car insurance for a 19 year old?

im 18 and have had/drove cars be4 but without a license, but i jst went for my g1 a few days ago nd i passed, so im jst startin to save up for a car tht i can put 100% on the Road when i gget my g2.. im not gon to drivin school cuz i dnt have the money so i have to wait a yr nd not 8months till i can get my g2, but i am jst wonderin how much will insurance be?? (i live in Belleville ontario Canada) im hoppin ill have enough save to pay 4 the 1st month then try nd fine a job asap. im wantin a 2door car from 96 nd up, a z24 cavalier, mazda mx6/mx3, sunfire, or a honda civic.. (i have had a mx6 nd cavalier already but they were not on da road)



How do I get health insurance for my unborn child?

I'm 17 and I'm due the 13 of September. I have insurance through my dad but my baby won't be covered. My parents make too much for any type of government assistance. I need my baby to have health insurance before we go to the hospital but I don't know how to achieve that.



Insurance for a (2001/Y) Peugeot 206 first time buyer (17+)?

Im soon to buy a new car, and the most recent car i have been looking at has been (2001/Y) Peugeot 206, im just interested on how much the insurance will be - noting that i am a first time car buyer aged at 17, im guerssing this will dramatically raise the price ( i am nearly 18 if that changes things) any ideas on the cost of the insurance ? :)



Bike insurance idea, would it work?

As you know insurance for a 600cc sports bike for a 17yr old (male) is extremely high (I was quoted 9000+), however you may of heard of fronting, (putting someone with lots more experience and age as the main driver and putting me (17yr old) as a second driver) this apparently greatly reduces the insurance cost, however is a form of insurance fraud and is illegal. But I thought of a plan... You see I have my heart set on a honda cbr600rr, it is much cheaper than a 125cc bike that I would buy new only to buy another bike a few years later thus deeming the 125 useless, but what if I got the 600 and did make my dad (who is much older and more experienced) the main driver and me the 2nd, but to avoid it being fronting, he could use it when i'm not and I could force him to ride somewhere so ultimately he would have used it more so it wouldn't be illegal right? By the way he mostly goes out at night so it would not interfere with my needs.



Can I get a life insurance license with a misdemeanor on my record in California?

Misdemeanor is four years old for petty theft.


East Enterprise Indiana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 47019

East Enterprise Indiana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 47019

What vision insurance is the best?

What vision insurance is the best?

I am self employed.


BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare





Where can I get affordable healthcare?

I am a Iraqi war veteran with a serviced connected disability of 50%. I would like to find good health care for my wife a full time student that is affordable. I have done searches in places like and the insurance is either really expensive or it doesn't cover much which could make things expensive. Any suggestions would be great.



Will my gf's car be taken away if I don't have any car insurance but I have my driver's lisence?

I am a young adult and I recently obtained my Driver's License last year on the day before Thanksgiving. After that, I have been driving my gf's car and was wondering what more



How long does it take to get added to your parents auto insurance?

we have statefarm




im turning 17 and love old cars i was just wondering were i could get classic car insurance



What would be a good starter/first car? Cheap to Run & Insure?

I try to avoid Vauxhall & Ford, So I'm looking to spend 800 on a used car, that is cheap to run, and most importantly cheap to insure. I'm 22.



Question about buying a car without insurance?

Hey everyone, I need answers without criticism as Im new to this and know as much as you did when you bought your first car. I live in Texas and I have my learners permit but will get my license in around a month or so. We found a great deal on a car I love, and my parents want to buy it. However, as I said, I dont have my license yet, therfore, I dont have insurance. I was wondering, if my parents want to buy the car and keep it at home in the garage until i get my license and can get insurance, how would it work from the moment I buy the car until I drive it home. My parents have full-cover insurance with State Farm in both their cars, each pays their own insurance, would their insurance cover a second (technically third) car? What would be the step to take? How can I drive the car in peace without being nervous about getting pulled over or something? Please no rude answers, im trying to do things right, thus im here asking, Thanks



Is Progressive Auto Insurance a good company?

I have several insurance quotes from State Farm and Allstate, and Progressive beats the price by almost half. But, when something looks to good to be true, it probably is. Is this good insurance? Are they good with claims?



Who's a good health insurance provider?

I was looking to get some health insurance soon outside of my job. What insurance company has something affordable for someone like me? 24 year old male no health problems non smoker.



Will my insurance rates go up because of my dad's ticket?

My dad got a speeding ticket tonight. I am under my parents car insurance, but I still pay myself and they bill me directly, but because there are three cars under the policy it cost less for me and that is why I choose to be on their policy. I own my car. But will my premium go up now because of his speeding ticket?



Pregnant, no insurance and make too much money for medicaid. Advice?

I am an independent contractor and have no insurance. I am now pregnant before having a chance to get health insurance. Health insurance once pregnant is way too expensive. I make too much money for government assistance, but not enough to afford private insurance. I'm in a tough spot, and I wonder if anyone has any advice to help me finance my pregnancy.



What would happen to health insurance companies if government take over the health insurance system?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I heard that Obama is trying to push a public health system that will allow everybody to have health insurance no matter what pre existing conditions he or she may have. If this is reached, what would happen to insurance carriers like Blue Cross, Blue Shield? Will we need these companies and health insurance agents?



Is insurance expensive for a 17 year old Riding a 125 ped?

i live in bromley south east london/ kent i have recently bought a Gilera Runner VXR 180 Reg as 125, im using it for college and seeing family, i have completed my C.B.T Bike is road ready MOT&Tax could anyone give me a guestimate on how much it would be on your previous experience and any good companies that insure young drivers ? thanks alot (P.S if you would like too right a smart ar*e comment please dont do it on my post, im asking for advice not a lecture)



Insurance Rates?

Does anybody know approximately how different insurance rates would be between a sports car like a mustang as compared to a convertible like a sebring? Im a 19 year old in a highly populated area(long island)...Im not sure if it matters but i have been driving two years and have never been in an accident.



How much would it be for a 20 year old male car insurance?

I am 20 , male in California driving a 2000 Honda civic how much will my insurance be ?? First time being under insurance . And please don't send me links trying to bribe me with your insurance . Please help



Could $5,000 cover the healthcare insurance premium for a family?

If McCain's credit becomes reality, doesn't it seem logical that a major healthcare provider would put together an affordable health insurance package for the credit amount and more



How Much is Insurance For a 16 Year Old Girl?

16 year old girl Good school attendance record.Grades could be better. Dallas,Texas. Hispanic(If that matters) Mom and Stepdad have Allstate insurance What is the general price range? And for these cars,can you estimate(I'm NOT getting these cars just curious)I am getting a used Dodge avenger though!(: 2008 Dodge Charger 2010 Chevy Camaro 2008/2009 Dodge Avenger I already asked this in the insurance section but I want more opinions/answers



Car insurance......?

if you have full coverage car insurance and you get into an accident but its the other persons fault and you get your car fixed by your insurance do your rates go up? what if the other persons insurance pays for the damage to your car do your rates go up?



Around how much does car insurance cost for a 19 year old?

Buying a 2008 Camry. Are they alot to insure? and is it true if i get a red car its more money?



How much would insurance be for a Nissan 350z?

I'm 17 and about to turn 18. My driving record is clean, no speeding tickets, no crashes or anything. I want to get a used Nissan 350z but i am just wondering how much would insurance be for it? DONT TELL ME TO ASK MY INSURANCE COMPANY OR GET A QUOTE ONLINE! I just want to know how much it would be. thanks



I wanna buy a car but don't have insurance?

I'm about to turn 16 so I don't even have my permit. But I saw a car today for close to what I have. I'm gonna borrow the extra from my dad but how soon do I need to buy insurance? It's probably jut gonna sit in my driveway til I can drive. I just wanna get it before someone else does because its a good deal. But do I need insurance for a car that no one is driving? I brought it up to my mom and **** I got bitched out. I have to pay my own expenses by the way. I just wanna know if anyone has something different to say. Thanks



Is there a law in California stating that the newest driver(under18) has to get insured under the newest car?

Is there a law in California stating that the newest driver(under18) has to get insured under the newest car?



How much does gender affect car insurance price?

I'm writing an essay on seemingly biased car insurance charges. Does anyone have any facts or statistics involving car insurance? Thanks!



How much will my insurance pay out ?

My beloved BMW 318i 1992, went up in smoke over the weekend and am just wondering how much the insurance company would pay out, so I can plan ahead what car I could afford to pay. Also how long does a claim take to come through ????



Affordable car insurance?

Hi; I recently bought a 2002 Pontiac Grand Am from a used car dealership and need to find some insurance on the cheap side for it. What I'm really looking for is something that simply makes the car legal, as I can't really afford anything over $40. I'm 23 and living in Harrisburg Pennsylvania so any insurance you guys know of that fall into my parameters would be great; really need this car for work.



Will paying off my car loan lower my premiums on my car insurance?

After some research on the pros and cons of paying off my car loan early, I've decided to go ahead and pay it off while I can. Despite all the research, I still don't know if doing so will help lower my insurance rates. I have to carry full coverage on my 7-yr-old car (I purchased it used) as long as the bank holds the lein. Thanks!


What vision insurance is the best?

I am self employed.


What is the MAX for pain and suffering, coverd by insurance companies in CA?

What I'm trying find out is what is the max, and what is fair, and what is likely, to get from a car accident? IF you know someone that knows forward this to them please!! I have over $10K in Medical and another 10K for missed work, plus I'm still not back to 80% moreover, am still in pain 90% of the day and night, 18 months later. So that is that worth?? If you asked me its millions, but I was told $35,000 was the max the insurance company will cover. Which is all the lawyer will really go after, right?? The insurance is offering to pay out 35K now, what do I do!! I could hire a lawyer, but would I get any more! I think not!! Moreover I would net less; after the lawyer takes their 30% and expenses, right?? What should I do and how to do it?



What is the cheapest car to insure, and what makes insurance go up and down?

Well, i'm 17 and i want a car. I've been going on all the price comparison websites and lately prices have been going up, alot. Not too long ago you could get a 1.6 Focus, 02 reg - for around 2.5k. Now it seems that a 1L corsa is in excess of 4,000? I've just been looking now, and i can get a 1.4L Nova Saloon '92 reg, for less that the price of a 1L Corsa, '99 reg. What's going on here, both cars are completely standard. Also, what makes insurance go up and down? And please, don't just post about group 1 insurance vehicles, because i cant afford a new/nearly new car.



How much is the insurance on 50cc scooter for a 16 year old?

Please could you tell me the amount for full comp, cheers



Neighbors tree fell on my house and 3 of my cars whos insurance has 2 pay?

during a bad storm my neigbors tree fell over and landed on 3 of my cars and my house i was wonderin whos insurance has 2 pay? mine or the neighbors?



Cheap health insurance?

What is a good company for CHEAP health insurance?? For 19 Male (single)



Hey much will auto insurance cost me?

hey i will be 16 yrs old soon enough but i need an auto insurance i live in orlando, does anyone know how much it will cost me?whats the cheapest?



Can I add my grandmother to my car insurance?

We live in different cities. Same state. I just live 2 hours away. I am a 20 year old college student. Female. Single. I just bought a newer car. Financed. BEFORE I bought the car I did a estimate on it with my car insurance to see how it would be affected. I can afford the payments but my main concern was my insurance going way up. And of course after buying the car the quoted price online is nothing near what I am being required to pay. So far I have been living on my own for a year. And I have been paying my current policy in my own name out of my own pocket. The car I have now is paid for. I CAN afford the increase in the insurance (its $90 increase) and I do have the option of switching to a different company at the end of my policy in 2 months for one that is only 1/2 the price but of significantly lesser quality. BUT I would rather save the money and use it to get this new car paid off in 6 months rather than the 48 month lease contract. My grandma already has insurance (with a different company). We do not live together but we live in the same state. I am willing to pay for both policies. mine and hers. My question is------>>>> Is there any way I can add her to my policy or jump on her policy to lower my insurance? Just for the 6 month premium so I can get get this car paid off? If so, how? Please no lectures. I work and go to school. I can afford the increase or switch to a different company but I want to avoid all that. I'm Just curious thats all.



Do car insurance pay for flood damage?

my daughter got caught in floods yesterday and her car is knakered do car insurance companys pay for flood damage ,when she rang them they told her it sounded mechanical but RAC said more



Car insurance and finance question?

I bought my car on finance a month ago and had to have Fully Comprehensive insurance for it. It is very expensive - if I were to drop to third party F&F, would they find out? If they did what would happen?



Health Insurance Costs?

Our health insurance premium is nearing $14000./year. My husband is a retired school teacher, and paints houses to make this premium. Pretty soon the cost is going to exceed the amount he is able to collect in Social Security - How about getting these companies to lower these premium. Seems like those on welfare have better insurance than those on private pay



How much of a price diference is their between a libaility and full coverage on average?

I have some acidents on my record any my insurance is through the roof.



How do you go about getting insurance for a teenge driver (17)...that will be cheap..were only looking 4 liabi

Only looking for liability insurance but less thatn 200 a month



Where to buy individual health insurance?

I am looking to buy an individual health plan. I have just quited my job and have opened a small automobile repair shop. What are the options?



How long does it typically take to get an insurance quote?

I've been shopping around because my homeowner's insurance premium increased over $200 from last year. The two other insurance agencies I asked for a quote over a week ago still haven't responded. I don't want to call them and seem over-anxious. What should I do?



I'm 18, just got my first car and looking for affordable car insurance?

- I live in New York - I can't go under on neither of my parents policy.



Getting car insurance if your parents do not drive?

I'm 16 and I just received my license. My older brother gave me his car when he moved to L.A (he'll be driving a company car). The only problem is getting insurance. My mother has never been a driver and therefore does not have a policy of her own. Most insurance companies that we've contacted say that unless you're 18, the insurance has to go in your parents name. Does anyone know how a teenager can have a car insurance policy put in their name?



Motor cycle insurance for an 18 year old using usaa?

How much would insurance be for an 18 year old using USAA? I am going to get a Honda CBR250R for the gas mileage. I live in Southern California in Riverside county. the bike would be my primary transportation and i have a perfect driving record. along with straight A's. please help?



How much would insurance on a 1990 dodge neon ?

I think it might be my first car , && I have to pay for insurance .



Want to buy a used 2003 G35 but would like to know the Maintenance fee and a estimate insurance price in nyc?

ok I'm a 19 year(soon to be 20) old black college student who lives in Brooklyn, NY and would like to know how much it would cost me to maintain an insure a 2003 used G35 with about 40k- 80k miles? I've been driving for lets say a year now and live in a urban area, which i will be commuting back and forth to work, school and home.



Do you think I need insurance?

I have to have insurance on my car for 3 years because I got a ticket for no insurance and suspended license. I just recently go rid of my I still need the insurance. People have told me to at least keep liability non-owners insurance, but that's $266 a month for me...!!! Can I just forget the insurance and ride the bus?



Once you get your license, do you have to have car insurance even if you don't own a car?

Say you're over 18, you go for your license test and get your license. Six months later, you buy a car. During the six months before you buy the car, do you have to have car insurance, even if you're not driving during those six months at all?



How can you negotiate with car insurance agency after a wreck if you have no insurance to cover other driver?

How can you negotiate with car insurance agency after a wreck that was caused by you if you have no insurance to cover the other driver? Are there any legal ramifications?



Health insurance question?

As of right now I am on Medicaid Family planning Insurance, but my husband's employer is going to give us health insurance pretty soon but we don't have it yet. Here is my question will I still be eligible for family planning medicaid when we do get health insurance? Next does health insurance cover tubal ligation if I am not covered by medicaid? If not how can I get my tubes tied?



Motorcycle insurance?

can someone recommend me to a good motorcycle insurance. Thanks



Cheap Auto Insurance for teen?

I live in Houston, TX I've had my license for about 9 months and had no ticket, no accident, nothing! I have GPA over 3.5 finished drivers' ed. where can I get the lowest for manual sedans?


What vision insurance is the best?

I am self employed.


Do I really need home owners insurance?

if a hurricane were to come into my area and cause a flood, wouldn't the flood insurance take care of it. What are some good home insurance companies in FL with minimal requirements. I made several calls but no one wants to insure me because I don't have heating or cooling.



How would limiting expenses in the health care sector assist with making health care affordable?

and increase accessibility to care, while reducing the need for insurance?



Who Is The Best Car Insurance Company For A 17year old?

Who Is The Best Car Insurance Company For A 17year old?



Will a police officer get lower insurance rates?

Im in training to be a cop, and i want to finance a 2010 Chevy Camaro, will being a cop help with car insurance rates?



Is mental health treatment covered by insurance?

Is counseling and drug therapy typically covered by insurance in the United States? Thanks!



Best insurance company for a jewelry store?

I need and insurance company to insure my jewelry store. So far I found jewelers mutual but they're expensive.



I'm getting a Suzuki DR200SE and I want to know how much insurance would cost...?

I'm 14 and I'm going to get this bike. It's legal for me to drive off road (trails) but if I wanted to drive on road I would have to get my license (16 months time). The reason I want this bike is because when I am 16 it's 50 miles a gallon, and for a small bike it goes highway speed. I understand that because I'm under 25 that it's going to be a lot and I don't own a credit card so I don't have bad credit. I would just like to know how much per year that it would cost. Because if it's a lot I'm going to buy an old junker that's been sitting in my step dad's driveway for a few years.



What kind of liability insurance do gyms have?

I was playing some basketball on a guest pass at the gym yesterday. I rolled my ankle and just left thinkin it wasnt that bad, decided to sleep on it. turns out, it's a lot worse than I thought and I can't even walk on it today. I dont have any health insurance, or any means to pay these medical bills right now. Do gyms usually have insurance for things like this or are you on your own?



Why can't health insurance companies in one state cover individuals from other states?

United States



Insurance price for a 16 year old?

I'm 16 live in Minnesota and i want to get a car maybe around $5000 just wanted to know how much a month it would cost for insurance with and without my parents



Whats the average price of insurance for a moped ...vespa...49 ccs in Los Angeles?

I'm 17 yrs old and am planning on buying one when im 18... so i want to know the average price of the insurance for someone barely obtaining their license... i'm guessing its way more convenient then paying a ton of money for car insurance...



Whats the best car insurance for teen boys (specific details)?

I am an 18 year old male, african american (if that matters), and i live in a 5 person home. My parents both have cars, my mom a 2000 cadillac deville, and my dad a dodge caravan van. i have straight a's in school and i heard some insurers reward that, so i was wondering what would be the best car insurance for a teen in my position? Thank you for your help :)



Insurance on a 2005 premium mustang v6?

hello, my daughter is 17 years old and i am thinking about getting her a 2005 premium mustang v6. she is on the honor roll, hasn't had any problems or accidents as far as driving goes, and really doesn't drive much. we live in a rural area. how much would insurance cost? our insurance company offers some plan where if you're getting good grades, you get a discount. how much would it all be? i have her driving a 2012 volkswagen jetta now and it's very pricey.



How can a non insured pregnant lady get a health insurance in california that covers maternity and delivery ?

California Health Insurance for a pregnant lady



How much would insurance be for a teenager with a 2005 mustang?

I am too young to apply online for a car insurance quote and don't really feel like asking my parents because they keep saying it's way to expensive. I would just like to know around what price would car insurance be for a mustang for a teenage girl. It would be helpful if I had $ amounts instead of way to expensive answers. Thank you :)



Motorcycle Insurance Change?

Hi, I am currently 16 years old, and am riding a 50cc motorcycle at the moment, but I'm hoping to upgrade to a 400cc, but may not be able to afford all the things necessary straight after my birthday in August. So could I re-insure my 50cc for another year and then when I can afford to change, phone up my insurance company and change half way through, and if they don't give me a reasonable quote change to another insurance company? Many Regards, Rhys x



Which color and style cars are the most expensive in insurance??

I looking at getting myself a chevy cobalt, I want a black, white or red coupe style but I know that they can be a little more in insurance and I just want to know what colors and styles are the most.. By the way I'm a 22 year old female in Chicago, I know that might make a difference in the cost as well.. Any info would be helpful..



Can i get my car insurance reinstated?

Hi, my insurance was paid in full for 10 months. i had a crash end september went down i was at fault. I still had till end march on policy and obvs its been cancelled as car was right off. I am sure the woman said i can reinstate policy as i paid in full?? Any help would be good thanks



How much is home insurance for a log cabin in North Georgia?

I'm interested in purchashing a log cabin in the North Georgia mountains. How much would home insurance cost if the home is approximately $160,000?



Reason for sudden increase in price on car insurance?

When I bought my car I started paying 1,400 a year on insurance, and the other day I got a letter through the post from my insurance company saying that I need to renew my car insurance since it was close expiring. They said that if I want to continue with the same company I need to now pay 2,000 a year for the same car. I can't seem to understand why there's such a vast increase from my last quote. I haven't had to make a claim and I can't think of anything that may have happened that could result in the price increase. Do insurance companies do this or could there have been something I may have done which has put the price up? Thanks in advance.



Can taking drivers ed save my parents money on car insurance?

i need to know how much, if any, people save on average



Cheap health insurance in Mass?

I have a decent health insurance plan at work that covers me but my wife does not have health insurance at her part time job and my family plan is way too expensive. I guess I'm looking for the cheapest health insurance to just cover her; particularly her expensive prescriptions. Any help would be much appreciated. -Thnx



Can somebody find me a really cheap insurance company that would cover for like everything?

I need to find an insurance company offers really low price plans that cover as many things as possible, becos we can't spend too much money but I need to find my mom an affordable insurance, i dun know where to find it.



Do red light camera tickets increase your insurance rates?

Do they go on your driving record and increase your insurance rates or do you just have to pay the fine and that's all there is to it? I live in Washington State.



What cars would you recommend as a first car? Insurance wise? UK only?

What cars would you recommend as a first car? Insurance wise must be cheap? What are good insurance companies? UK only


What vision insurance is the best?

I am self employed.


How much will insurance cost per year for a scooter/moped?

I am 17 and would like to know roughly how much insurance would be for a basic 125cc moped/scooter



Is insurance cheaper with driving school or learning at home?

i want to learn at home.



I'm 15, pregnant, and have NO insurance?

I don't qualify for medicare. My parents make to much, can anyone give me any ideas of what I can do for insurance? Please, No hateful comments. I'm really being serious here.



Motorcycle insurance question?

I've never been involved in an accident before and I dropped my bike in a parking lot learning 12 o clock wheelies and did a bunch of damage to my bike, maybe even totaling it. What do I tell my insurance company happened? Because they obviously won't cover my bike if they knew I was doing wheelies. Do I just tell them I slipped on some loose gravel and the bike fell or what?



If I get a 2012 car would my insurance be high 18 years old?

I plan on getting a car. I found this 2012 Toyota Yaris for 14 grand. I plan on asking for 13 grand. My dad will split the monthly payments and my mom pays the insurance. I think we have Statefarm.. Its a used car still but I like it a lot..



Health Insurance?

Does anyone know of a good resource for obtaining cheap health insurance and information?



Which is the best child insurance plan for my 2 months old child ?

I need help in knowing the best LIC's insurance plan for my 2 months old child. Please help me out! I need so that after 15-20 years of age, I have enough money for his studies.. and in case something happen to me he is secured.



Auto Insurance - Spouse coverage mandatory in Ontario?

I've been told from my insurance company that since my wife holds Ontario Driver's licence, she will have to be covered under my insurance and pay a higher premium eventhough she does not drive at all. I also saw on-line that you can sign an 'excluded driver form' (OPCF 28A) in which you declare that she will not drive my car and you can exclude her from your insurance and maintain your premium rate. The insurance company basically denied this and told me that as long as her and I live under the same roof, I will have to pay the higher premium. Can someone please advise?



Jeep Tracker - About how much will insurance cost?

I'm 16 years old and I will be getting the Jeep tracker after I take drivers training. I live in Alberta and I am buying the car for about $1500. Any help would be great!



How much does car insurance cost in a month?

How much does car insurance cost for inexperienced driver? I'll be a newcomer in Winnipeg. I'd like to buy used car to drive to college. Can I buy a car and get a drivers license with a student visa? Thank you.



Insurance Status of a car buyer?

I am selling my car. Somebody comes to view and test drive my car. He doesn't have any car before so no insurance of his own. If he test drive my car and have an accident. What would be the insurance status? (I am on admiral by the way) UK People only Please. Thank you.



Rental Car - minimum liability insurance in California?

Does a car rental company in California have to provide minimum liability insurance required by state law without extra costs?



Where can i find cheap moped insurance?

i have just applied for my license and i am going to get a 50cc moped (WK Wasp 50). i was looking around for the price of full comprehensive insurance and the cheapest is around 650... is this cheap? please advise me on any cheap firms thanks!



Whats the best car to get to make your insurance cheap as possible?

I turn 17 next month and start my job this month, so i'll have money spare, so i'm thinking of getting a car, but i know insurance can be really expensive, so i was wondering what car is best to keep the cost of insurance down? Thanks for answers :)



No car insurance and got into an accident.?

I recently got in a car accident with no insurance. I rear ended someone and totalled his old car. The police came and made a police report and did not question me on wether I had insurace or not. If I bought Insurance right after that, can i use it to file a claim for what happened? If the other guy would cooperate and say we crashed at a later time would that work?



How to get low mileage discount from Progressive auto insurance?

I know that many companies will give a huge discount on your automotive insurance premiums if you supply them with proof that you drive far fewer miles than average. I understand that the best way to do this would be to mail a copy of recent vehicle inspections so that they can officially see the low mileage driven over time. However, Progressive does not mention anything, anywhere about low mileage discounts. I have been told you have to ask for this, or else you would never know it is possible. Does anyone have any knowledge, advice, tips, etc regarding this? Furthermore, does anyone know how you would go about this specifically with Progressive?



Why is health insurance cost rising?

Why is health insurance cost rising?



2002 corvette insurance?

Ok i'm thinking about buying an '02 corvette and was wondering how much the insurance on the car would be. Anybody have one or know anything about what the insurance on the car would be? Thanks.



What are insurance rates on a 1992 camaro?

i want to buy a camaro but need to know if insurance will cost too much on a 1992 convertible camaro?



Is there cheap car insurance in sharon pennsylvaniaa?

Hello im getting a car in a week and need insurance but i keep getting told its going to be around 80 dollars a month and i was paying 50 dollars in New York, I only make 400 dollars a month. Does anyone know of a cheap place for auto insurance in or around Sharon PA? thank you



Will insurance cover girlfriend who lives with you?

My boyfriend and I live together and are going to get married within the next year or two (i am in nursing school and want to finish before getting married so we can afford a really nice wedding). He has United Health Care insurance and I've tried to find info online but cannot find the info i'm needing. He has this insurance through his employer. Can I be covered on his insurance without us being married? I see online you can do a family plan, but that's all i see. doesn't say if non-married couples can be covered.



Health Insurance?

I have Blue Cross and Blue Shield from my job. It is very expensive for me and my wife. Is there any other option of affordable insurance that is worth a damn when I actually need it? Not some cheap.. Bob's Insurance or something like that...



How much home insurance & tax for a cheap studio?

I know 0 about this: are home insurance rates annual or monthly? Could someone give me just a very rough idea about how much a cheap studio's home insurance & tax would cost? (in upstate ny)







Will my insurance cover my newborn?

Ok right now i have Gateway, (I know, not the best insurance) my fiancee does not have insurance threw his job, but will my insurance cover my babys when she is born in September? Or how do i go about getting it?


What vision insurance is the best?

I am self employed.

About how much would insurance cost for a 2012 chevy volt for one year?

About how much would insurance cost for a 2012 chevy volt for one year?

I need to know about how much it would cost for one year of insurance for a 2012 Chevy volt. This is for my drivers ed class, and if you could tell me what insurance company you are getting your answer from.


BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare





Most Comprehensive Health Insurance for a College Student?

I'll be going to college in a few years, and I'm fully aware of the healthcare crisis. Although money is an issue, my health is more important. Assuming that money is not more



Insurance on 1965 Ford Mustang?

What would it cost annually in Texas for a 16 year old? Any info on other years (66-68)?



What are your utilities like in Georgia. How much do you pay ? What do you pay for car insurance on a yearly?

What are your utilities like in Georgia. How much do you pay ? What do you pay for car insurance on a yearly?



Cheap subaru impreza insurance?

has anyone got a scooby? any recommended insurance companies? just brought my first one. a 1993 WRX import. im 29 with 11 years no claims. best i can find is with the AA for 664 with 450 excess. are there any places that specialize in imports that could beat that? cheers!!



Where to find a dental insurance/plan that provides full coverage(if not 100% something close)?

I am sick and tired of being robbed over and over by those dental offices...whatever my dental plan says it saves on me they always come up with something to make me pay as I am not insured at all! I am willing to pay more for and expensive dental plan/insurance that covers me 100% or very close from that(=> 80%) I just don't want to go through the price of each service I get from the dental office because its useless! ... and please don't post me links to those websites that collects my private information just to give me quotes! Only if you tried the insurance or know somebody tried it...I am looking for life experience not google search results! thank you very much :)



17 year old male car insurance? UK?

What is the cheapest anyone my age (17) has got their car insurance, what car and how did you get it cheap? The best quote I have got is 1200 for a 1.0 litre saxo, and 1700 for 1.0 litre polo's, corsa's and fiesta's



Do car insurance policies follow the car or the driver?

I have a car insurance policy for my honda civic with both liability and collision. I am going to buy a motorcycle soon, and want to know if I need to get extra insurance. The value of the motorcycle won't be a lot, so I'm not crazy about getting collision on the bike. But will my liability insurance from my car policy follow me when I drive the motorcycle (or anyone else's car for that matter)? I guess the real question is: do I need to inform my insurance company that I'm getting a motorcycle?



Can still drive with my parents in the car even if I don't have car insurance and they do?

I'm 16 and I don't have insurance listed under my name yet. I have my license already. Me and my parents were wondering if I could still drive without insurance if they're in the car with me. We live in Arizona btw, if that helps. Thanks!



How much will my insurance be?

I found a 1999 Mitsubishi Eclipse and im concerned about the insurance since im 16. sport cars= more expensive. Lets say if a Crown Vic was $130 a month, how much would a sports car be? I will also be on my parents insurance witch there is three cars already on there insurance so the cost will go down some i believe. If i maintain a B- or higher grade for school my insurance will go down an additional 10%.



Changing Insurance Carriers (auto)??

Hi! I've been insured with a well known company for 8-9 years. I have a clean driving record, and need to cut some costs. The gecko got to me! I recently got some new quotes, which are cheaper than my present carrier. I called my company and they will not lower their rate, so I'm thinking about changing to another company. Is there any loyalty factor at all, or should I just go ahead and change carriers? I was careful to be sure that the bids I got were for policies that exactly match what I have now...but I'm afraid of starting new, I guess. And, is there anything else I need to be concerned about? What do you think?



Insurace for a 2001 mustang?

My girlfriend who is 17 is wanting to get her own car. Her parents won't let her put a car on their insurance plan so she wants to get her own. She is looking at a 2001 mustang v6 automatic and wants to know, roughly, how much the insurance would cost her on her own. (she plans on getting esurance).



Best Ways to Reduce Car Insurance?

I found this article on about best ways to reduce my car insurance. Is this true?



Ok where can someone get health insurance?

ok where can someone get health insurance to get a vasectomy reversal is there any health insurance that helps pay for that



What is a semiannual premium for car insurance?

My quote was: Semiannual premium: $1251 Do I pay $1251 twice a year?



Is there an oversight body for Insurance Companies?

My insurance company made a ( medical) payment decision that I don't think is fair. I'd like to know if there is any board that regulates them. Polite, constructive answers only please.



Where can I find out insurance rates for US postal services with letters to the UK?

Each envelope would contain an item worth around the $30 mark, but as they would be going international I want them to be insured. I can find UPS rates, but not USPS rates for insurance.



Can I drive my friends car without insurance?

Can I drive my friends car without insurance? I don't own a car. I don't have auto insurance. If I borrow a friends car, am I covered under his insurance? is there a special type of insurance for people like me?



Where can i get the cheapest car insurance?

i live in virginia



Teenager Car insurance?

Approximately, how much will it cost to insure a car? I'm 18, just got my license and the car that I'm going to buy is 2008 Mini Cooper S, I live in Los Angeles, CA and GPA more



How much would car insurance be for a 16 year old with a 1999 ford mustang cobra?

It has a ton of mods and yes I am looking at fast cars because ive been around them all my life. and dont be that guy that says get a honda. Thanks



Secondary insurance for a Mustang for a 16 year old male?

My parents are going to get me an 2008 mustang. If the car is under their name and im just the secondary user, like if i drive it once a month, how much am i looking at insurance wise?



How much does it cost to become a named driver under someones car insurance? in the uk?

How much does it cost to become a named driver under someones car insurance? in the uk?



Adding someone to your car insurance policy?

I'm a new teen driver and as you may all know insurance rates are sky high. I was wondering if a family member, who doesn't live with me, can add me to their insurance policy? If yes, does the car have to be in their name? Or do I have to have the same address in order for them to add me?



Flipping Cars - Insurance?

A few friends and I are looking into flipping cars while we're in college to make a little extra money. I'm not sure where to turn as far as insurance goes. We're not driving the vehicles ourselves - just parking them until they sell. What kind of coverage would we need and where can we find the best rates for our situation? We would only drive it from the auction house and with potential buyers on test drives. Thanks for the help!



Does your license get suspended for not paying insurance?

Does your license get suspended for not paying insurance?


About how much would insurance cost for a 2012 chevy volt for one year?

I need to know about how much it would cost for one year of insurance for a 2012 Chevy volt. This is for my drivers ed class, and if you could tell me what insurance company you are getting your answer from.


AAA Insurance In California & Speeding Tickets?

Does AAA insurance allow you to go to traffic school so your insurance rates don't go up? it's my first time offense



Can you stay under your parents car insurance?

As of right now I am a college student living in Ohio with my mother and my car is under my mothers car insurance. If I move out and no longer live under my mothers roof, does this mean I must pay for my own car insurance? Or am I able to stay under her name? Please help! I need to find out soon before I get my own place. Thank you so much.



Car insurance in the u.k??

is ridiculous i am a young male who has had his license 4 10 days and havent drove a car due to the fact that robbing insurance companies are trying to charge me over 2000 for third party fire an theft on a car that isnt even 1000cc in fact its 950 cc does any one no of any insurance companies that DO ACTUALLY SAVE U MONEY thank you



Cheapest & Best Auto/Motorcycle Insurance?

Can people please share what they think is the cheapest & best insurance? We currently have state farm & feel we're getting ripped off. We have 2 vehicles 93' Ford F150 (owned, no payments) 00' Chevy Cavalier (owned, no payments) 83' Honda Sabre(Motorcycle, owned, no payments) THANK YOU! Also, why do they ask for a SS# when you apply?Are there any companies who dont? I hope theyre not checking my credit score =( I'm trying to raise it!



Is this why women have better car insurance rates then men?



What options exist for pregnant women who make too much for Medicaid but cannot afford health insurance?

I am not pregnant yet, but we are trying. My health insurance does not include maternity. I could purchase it but first off we can't afford it and secondly I would have to wait a year to use it. Our first son's birth was covered by Medicaid because we were under the poverty level at that time. Now I know that we would not be able to get Medicaid. What options are out there for me? I have heard of Maternity Card. I would love to hear your opinions and personal stories. Thank you for sharing.



How much health insurance coverage do I get as a military spouse?

I am a newly married Air Force wife. I am currently enrolled for TriCare North Standard coverage for health insurance. Does anybody out there have TriCare North Standard coverage and more



How much more will my insurance charge me?

I'm about to get my license at age 18 and I want to buy a really nice turbo charged much more will it be vs a non turbo car



Would my car insurance covers if paint is sprayed on my car by family member accidentally?

My uncle was spray painting his deck (toner - penetrating oiling formula) and didn't pay attention and it was quite windy that day it got all over my car. Now would my insurance cover this claim or not? What you guys think what should I do? I think it will cost me around $7000 to $8000 and I have full insurance. Thanks for your replies



Cheap insurance in michigan?

Hi i live in Taylor MI and im trying to find cheap insurance for a 2008 ford focus



18 male ontario car insurance rates?

im an 18 yo male living in windsor ontario. I have a clean driving record, have passes drivers ed and recently got my g license. I just bought a 2001 ford taurus and was wondering the approximate rate of insurance. Other possibly necessary information could be, im a student, and the main purpose of the vehicle is to and from work/school which is only about 16km away. Let me know if you need any more information



Insurance for Photographers?

Where can I buy insurance for my Photography company?



What is the best student health insurance plan in Florida?

What is the best student health insurance plan in Florida?



What is best single Premium Insurance Policy?

My father looking Good Return Single Priemium Insurance Policy and father age is 58.Please help me.



Cheap car to insure at 17years old?

Hi, I was wondering if someone could help me. Ok, When I'm 17 I'm intending getting a car straight away and putting it onto my dads name. (he has been driving over 30years so it should be cheaper atleast a few hundred - his is like 300 per 6month's driving a 1.8 litre Ford Focus) Anyways - I have enough money to get my driving lessons completely paid for and passed (ofcourse as I was promised for it to be paid) and I have a few thousand left in the bank Anyways - I was wondering if someone could recommend a car for me. I'm into like these kind of cars: Vauxhall Corsa Vauxhall Vectra (the 05 type) Vauxhall Astra (the new kind of hatchback (05 again I think) Ford Mondeo 2001 Ford Fiesta (I love those modified but not for a first car!) Fiat Punto 2005 Seat Ibiza I know nearly everyone will be saying the Corsa is the least to insure of which I know it is (Insurance group 1 I think) but.. Its just not my sort of car for my first car but I would like to have it later in life. I'm 15 the Now (16 in March) and my dads covered with E-Sure. What car would be best to insure (In order)



Auto insurance rates!?

im trying to find really low auto insurance rates...iv been in quite a few accidents tho, this seems to be the biggest prob..anyone with simalar experiences??



In san diego when you have a driving permit do you have to be part of your parents insurance?

In san diego when you have a driving permit do you have to be part of your parents insurance?



Where can i find cheap car insurance?????

im 19 and have a vectra any one know where i can find cheap inssurance and is it better to do me or another family member as the main driver



What is the blue sheild of california (health insurance) code format?

Please help.. like the number on the card you get. I need to draw a picture and i want to make it as accurate as possible :) what is the blue sheild of california (insurance company) code format? for example if it is ABC123 = letter letter letter # # #



Car insurance - What's the car worth?

In the past when ever i've been asked by insurance companies what my car is worth i've always told them the amount that i think i could realisticly sell it for (what its worth? or so i thought) If i was to sell my car i would be able to get around 1200-1300, which is what i would say 'it's worth', HOWEVER, recently after putting my reg number into a price comparison website it automatically came up with a value of just 700. (My car has low milege, fsh and is in v good condition so is worth more than average) So my question is, if i tell them it's worth say 1250, take out their policy and then i write it off, what will they pay? The amount i told them or 'their' valuation. Also, am i paying a higher premium than i should because i'm telling them it's true value instead of their lower valuation? and if so, how many other people are doing this?



Least expensive sport cars to insure?

I'm 16 got my license yesterday and I'm shopping for car's. My car budget is $8000 I'm looking at the rsx-s,cobalt ss,350z,Subaru wrx. Please I know it's not cheap to insurance the car but my question is what sport cars are the least expensive to insurance I'm aware their pricey



Auto insurance ????????

Is it cheap being on my dads auto insurance vs me buying my own. I thinking about getting rid of full coverage.



What is the cheapest classic car insure for 17 year olds?

looking to insure my ford fiesta L 1981, but unsure on the best classic car insurer



Car insurance without a license? Help?

Hi. So my dad just bought me a car in Chicago. We live in North carolina. I need to transfer the title and get it registered, but i think i need insurance first. I also need proof of insurance to get my license. I dont know who will give me insurance without a license and a car that hasnt been transfered into my name yet in North carolina. So what do I do? what insurance companies have policies for somebody like me where i can spend a decent amount. I'm think 250 max a month. and yeah my parents dont wanna put me on their insurance.



Car insurance...?

I am thinking about buying a 1999 ford fiesta sometime. I have opted for a 5 door car rather than a 3 door car. I have heard of some people paying up to 3k per year for insurance. How much difference roughly in terms of would having 5 doors make in stead of 3? And what would be the difference rouughly between insuring a car with a 1.8 diesel engine than something like a 1.4 diesel engine? I want to get a car when I have passed my driving test.


About how much would insurance cost for a 2012 chevy volt for one year?

I need to know about how much it would cost for one year of insurance for a 2012 Chevy volt. This is for my drivers ed class, and if you could tell me what insurance company you are getting your answer from.


What is an Average Home insurance rate of a 2 story house?

4.5 baths 5 beds 3000 sq feet finished basement 3 decks 1 fenced in gorund pool Please, just and average for 1 month home insurace. No super valuables or anything. (It's for a project) I just can't find anything that won't just give me a chart or some thing. In class we had to make up an imaginary house and get all this different stuff for it. I've found everything,but home insurance rate without having to put in my personal info.



What is the most affordable car insurance in Boise /Idaho?

What is the most affordable car insurance in Boise /Idaho?



Question about car insurance?

a friend of mine parked his car in another friends shed.The car was an 18 yrs old golf.The problem is that the car went on fire and took shed and all.When the owner of the shed checked his insurance he had it under insured.My question is though should the car insurance cover the building of the shed and its contents?The grand total would be 23000 euro.The shed and contents were only insured for 3000euro and the car was only insured for 800euro?



Why do people get life insurance?

Why do people get life insurance?



CAR INSURANCE?!?!?!?!?!?!?

well my older brother is going to go on my dads insurance on his own car. It comes to 100 a month. i was wondering if i can also go on the insurance, and if it would cost any more for me to do so. And please say if there is any other policy i an go o where me and my brother can go onto my fathers insruance.



Do you pay taxes on a Life Insurance payout?

my father died and my mother will be seeing her tax person. Will she be paying taxes on the money she collected from my dads life insurance?



Will a citation for rolling through a stop sign raise my insurance?

I live in PA and just got my first ticket. I was driving in my neighborhood and was in a rush and I just rolled through a stop sign. I know it was wrong and stupid of me but I didn't think much of it. I am a teen driver and my insurance is high as it is, will this foolish mistake raise my insurance?



How much will my car insurance be?

R reg vw polo 999cc



Classic car insurance?Anyone with a classic car INSURED!?

Any information on insuring a Classic truck would be helpful. Like the license plate thing I keep hearing about. I find an original plate and never have to change it again? License plate information would be most helpful.....Maybe Help me figure out where to find a plate? :D 1989 Truck plate is what I will need. I know it's not a classic in most eyes..But tech it IS a classic. It's just a summer driver/Fun show truck........I DO have a 1969.....That is a classic...But I haven't got far enough to insure it yet. Projects....................Thanks for any help!



Car insurance help! advice needed.?

Hello and let me thank you in advance. Age: 19 Location: las vegas nevada Length of driving experience: permit at age 17, drivers license at 18, am 19 atm. Clean record no tickets no incidents, no dui's nothing. I am a collage student and i hold a 4.0 gpa Im 19 years old and have purchased my own vehicle 3 months ago Vehicle type: 2005 dodge stratus sxt 4 cylinders ( clean title, only one incident which was a fender bender.) Has had 3 owners, i am the 4th Car had 100k miles its at 105k miles and still prefect have taken good care of it. My current car insurance is Geico, which is the cheapest rate i could find. MY rate is $222.05 ( more then liability) I was wondering if anyone has had children and how did they handle car insurance for them, did you find a better rate, or if your my age how much do they charge you. (i do know that location is a big part as well.) if you can specify location will be much appreciated. If anyone knows a website that can help me lower the cost of car insurance, but has to be more then liability. Thank you for your help.



Do i have to make a down payment on my car insurance?

i am buying my first car at the age of 18. i want to go on my moms insurance policy with the car in her name. i will pay for it myself though. from what i know, this should be cheaper if the car is known to be hers with me as a driver. when i add this car to her policy, will i have to make a down payment?



How much auto insurance coverage do I really need?

I am 21 years old and and married. I drive a 1 year old volkswagen rabbit, have had one speeding ticket and 1 major accident where I totaled my car(I was deemed at fault although it was BS, she hit me). I am renewing my policy and thought I had way to much coverage but I was reading this and apparently I need even more. I do not own a house, the largest asset is our cars which are not that much. Currently I have: 100,000/300,000 bodily injury 50,000 property damage 100,000/300,000 stacked uninsured motorist 500 deductible for comprehensive/collision 30 rental reimbursement- that is the cheapest they have and since I am under 25 I want to keep that on



Best Averaged sized car for a teenager?

So I'm going for my license soon and we're starting to look at cars to get me around. I want something that's pretty easy on gas, reliable, easy on car insurance cost, doesn't cost an arm and a leg but ALSO isn't a tiny car like the Chevy Aveo because most of the people in my family are pretty tall for instance my mom is 5'9 I'm 5'7 /5'8 and my other sisters are also about the same height. I've been thinking about the Prius because I hear it's got some leg room and is easy on gas, but people say that batteries are more harmful than regular ones and all this jazz. Then I thought about the Honda Insight but I heard that the headroom in the back is not comfortable. I was thinking the Hyundai Sonata, but the only model I really like is the 2011 and I don't think the insurance company takes kindly to teenagers driving new cars. I would prefer not too big or long a car like the Toyota Avalon, but it's manageable. Any suggestions?



Is van business insurance expensive?

My van is insured at the minute but as an electrician will i require business insurance and willit be much more



Got into a car wreck w/o insurance!?

The other day I accidently backed into this couple that have full coverage insurance. I believed everything was okay until an investigator called and left a message saying that my brother had cancelled my insurance. Therefore, I didn't have any insurance at the time of the accident. The person I hit did not get a ticket and I did not get a ticket. What is going to happen with this? Will I loose my lisence or will I have to pay for their car damages even though they have full coverage? If I call and get car insurance today, will it be effective for the accident?



Ford Mustang for a first car?

I know people say mustangs for 16 year olds have high insurance, but would buying an older model (1994-2000) with the V6 make insurance cheaper? Thanks!



I need some general information about the cost of a motorcycle versus a car?

I have been wanting a motorcycle since I got my regular drivers license, but persuading my parents has proven difficult, as always. My mom seems to be fine with it but my dad, who is normally the one to crush such ideas, is actually considering it if I research the financial aspect of a motorcycle vs. a car. I would appreciate it if anyone had information about how much insurance would go up (I'm 17 so it's probably too expensive already), regular maintenance costs of motorcycles and cars, and anything else relating to the total cost of both. I have about 2500 dollars saved up, and my mom said she would personally loan me up to 1000 at a lower interest rate than the bank, but I could probably take out a loan on top of that, but I would rather avoid that if I can. I am specifically looking at sport bikes, especially the kawasaki ninja 250R because of what I heard, It's reliable, a great beginner's bike, and it's a lot cheaper than other companies I have researched. I simply want a motorcycle even if it's slightly more expensive than a car because I have always liked motorcycles, but nonetheless my father told me to research the financial side of things, so any information is greatly appreciated. And by all means, if I am misinformed about anything like my notion on the ninja 250R, please tell me.



What do i do if I have breast cancer and no insurance?

I am 42 and won't go to the doctor because I have no insurance, I can't pay the $250 for a check up, plus lab fees, just to find out, not to mention the other tests and the referrals I'd get if there was an issue...I'm scared to go to the doctor, and scared not to go. any advice?



Why do men pay more for car insurance than women?

This fact is surely sexism based on pure stereotypes rather than relevant information such as the driver's history. Doesn't this just portray the stereotype that men are more irresponsible or 'risk takers' when it comes to driving? Why not base car insurance on ethnicity?



How much does Health Insurance cost?

Say your a 25 year old female and need health insurance how much would that cost a month..and most jobs come with health insurance



Why does insurance cost less for pleasure use rather than commuting to and from work?

Why does insurance cost less for pleasure use rather than commuting to and from work?



Who will be responsible for my dad's car wreck/Will my insurance premium go up?

I let my mom borrow my car to get to work for about 6 months. I knew she had it, I never insured it and neither did she. My dad is abusive and tries to contol everyone and their possessions (my car, my apartment, my bf's car). He hit a local business and caused 15k of damage. He has never worked and my mom just recently started a job-I have had to work for everything in my life and I'm frustrated with always being taken advantage of. My dad was taken away from the scene in an ambulance, the owner's of the property he hit never received his name or contact info. Since the car is registered to me, am I liable? Although it was his accident, will my future car insurance premium go up because of this?



Am I too young to have life insurance?

The reason why I am asking this question is because some people have told me that I am too young to have life insurance. I am 22 years old getting ready to get married next month and my fiance and I have a 18 month old. I also work full-time making a comfortable salary and I am also in school part-time. I am the breadwinner because my fiance is in medical school. I am looking to save for the long run and cut expenses where I can. I currently have a 401-k where my employer matches me 6%. I currently pay 50 a month for a 400k policy and also have a policy through my employer which is free. I was told that 50 a month for my life insurance is a good price because of my age and could be higher if I smoked and were older. I just need some advice guys



Can someone suggest a good fertiltiy clinic in the Bay Area, California? What Insurance is good?

Has anyone researched on success rate of fertility clinic in Bay Area? Which are the top / best ones? Also what type of insurance should I take up to ensure everything is paid for? Did anyone use Kaiser Vs Aetna?



Start up restaurant in chicago need insurance.?

I'm looking for affordable insurance that want break the bank.


About how much would insurance cost for a 2012 chevy volt for one year?

I need to know about how much it would cost for one year of insurance for a 2012 Chevy volt. This is for my drivers ed class, and if you could tell me what insurance company you are getting your answer from.


What cars are cheap to insure for 17 year old male like myself?

I have my practical in March, crossing fingers I pass so I thought now is an appropriate time to start looking for a car which is cheap to insure.



Is there a CHEAP car that fits my needs?

Hey, Im a soon to be 19 year old, looking for my first car, I iwll be getting my licenses next month and was wondering is there like a cheap big body cars out there sorta like the more



Am I paying to much for car insurance?

I like in Tempe, AZ. I am under my parents insurance and I'm paying $200 a month for car insurance. I drive a Toyota Yaris 2007. At first I thought what I'm paying for was wayyyyy to much, but I got some quotes from other insurance company's and they want me to spend more?! What the heck? Can anyone help me out?



How much is my health/car insurance going to be?

i am a 18 year old girl in california. ive never gotten a ticket or pulled over and i drive a 2010 ford fusion se(4 cyllinder) with all the safety features it offers. i dont think i have bad credit because all i have is a debit card that is attached to my parents accounts and they deposit money in it when i need it. so if i try to go over my limit it doesnt let me. we have triple a insurance and our bank is wells fargo. i dont know if having a job changes the price but ive had 2 other jobs and am currently employed in a new one. ive never been fired only laid off once because i was a seasonal worker and i quit another for not enough hours. all 3 jobs are retail jobs not making more than 9 dollars an hour. also i am a full time student with 12 units in a community college. My parents have basically perfect credit, both of them. does anyone know how much it will be for both health and car insurance if i start paying?



My car is registered in wisconsin how can I get insurance in california?

My mother bought me a car in wisconsin and i live in california, but the car is still registered in her name in WI. how do i get insurance coverage without having to register the car in my name? is it possible?



Car Insurance Question?

I am a little under 15 and a half years old and my dad has debated and almost bought a lot of cars for me, from ford f650's to 1965 or higher mustangs and jaguars. but so far we have thought that the car that would be good for my first car would be a 1994 Ford Mustang with a V8 with 30k miles0. which is perfect because that was the year i was born. So my question is that since its a sports car and its V8 about how much would my insurance be when i could start driving by myself?/ insurance for the other kinds of cars/trucks?



I'am 16 and does anyone has an idea how much would be my car insurance. i live in toronto?

16 yr old and wondering



Condo Insurance in Tampa, Florida Needed ASAP?

Now that State Farm Insurance will no longer be providing home or condo insurance, does anyone know another company that has reasonable insurance? I am not necessarily looking for the cheapest but want a reliable one that will PAY if I actually have a claim!



I just got pulled over for not having my seat buckle on and I'm wondering how much my insurance will go up?

This is the first time I've EVER been pulled over and I've had my license for a little over a year now. I get good grades and all that stuff so my insurance is pretty low for the average person right now. I'm wondering how much my insurance will go up? SOMEONE HELP! Kinda freaking out here. :p



Confused about insurance law in CA?

Hey guys, I obtained my license a couple weeks back but I do not have insurance, meaning I was not added to my parent's premiums yet and do not have my own as well. However, the car that I drive does have insurance on it. Just clarifying, but technically, it is illegal for me to drive as of right now correct? Or is it legal for me to drive as long as the car has insurance? Thanks!



How much would car insurance cost for a 17 year old boy for a Ford Focus RS 2003?

I am the 'boy racer' type of a boy. I have the cash to buy a ford focus rs on an 03 registration plate. i was wondering how much car insurance would cost for it? i wish to learn to drive in the car. Ford Focus RS is obviously a very fast car having been used for WRC. It is my favourite car, i can afford it but it would be a massive let down if i couldnt afford insurance on it? please help. any answers are greatly appreciated. thanks



Can you register a vehicle and get liability insurance in Texas without a driver's license?

In the near future I'll be moving back to Texas, I'm currently out of the country and I'm a 20 year old US citizen. Anyway, I don't know if this makes sense but is it possible to buy, register a vehicle and get liability insurance in Texas without a driver's license? According to to get a first time driver's license in Texas you need the following: -Provide proof of identity. -Provide proof of Social Security number. -Provide proof of Texas vehicle registration and liability insurance, if you own a vehicle. -Complete required application forms available at any Texas driver license office. -Pay the required fee. -Pass the written, driving, and vision examinations. The applicant must provide the vehicle for the driving test. -Your application must include a photograph and thumbprint. The main reason I ask this is because it says that I need to provide a vehicle for the test with insurance obviously, so does this mean that I can buy, register, and insure my vehicle before I take the driving test to get my driver's license? I do have an out of country driver's license, but I don't know if that will work. I have been driving since I was 15, but now I need my Texas driver's license. I still don't know anyone who could lend me their car for the test. Any suggestions??? Thanks.



What is a good life insurance?

Does anyone know a good life insurance that they would recommend? and would you recommened term or whole?



My car was totaled, can I haggle with the insurance company?

My car was totaled and the insurance is only offering me $11,500, but the same car (year/make/model) with same mileage on it ranges from $13,500 - $15,000 in my area. Can I haggle with them to give me more? I have not yet accepted the $11,500, I tried to tell them, but they keep saying they won't give me more, shall I ask for a supervisor, I don't know if insurance companies are starting off low and you can drive it up a bit?



Looking for an insurance plan to switch to with good maternity?

I'm getting married in less than a month & will no longer be on my insurance, my husband to be can stay on his till he's 26 however my current job doesn't offer me more



What is the best health care plan for student while attending medical school, like nursing?

I'm a student nursing and ASAP need some health insurance, including Emergency Room coverage. Does anyone know any type of Health Insurance for medical student like that, affordable and reliable? Greatly appreciate and thanks to all



Question for everyone...when universal healthcare is instituted?

what is the first thing you'll have done? How will universal healthcare benefit those you love? I know I will go to the chiropractor first, I have insurance now but the copays for the visits are just not affordable. The headaches, neck pain and tendonitis in my wrists are painful and some days unbearable. I know that I will be able to get all the medication that my child needs without worrying about how I'm going to afford it. I know several people with mental health issues who do not take medication that would help them function in society because they can't afford it. I know several elderly people who will be able to get the testing that they need and the correct medication. I also know one elderly person who is only working for health insurance who will be able to afford to retire. How about you? I'm sure a lot of you know people who are struggling who could use help with their medical care.



Suspend my insurance without it lapsing?

Im having some mechanical problems with my car that Im financing, and I am too young to rent a car while its in the shop, so Im considering buying a cheap car to get me by until I can fix it. Unfortunately Im still financing the first car and want to know if there is any way to put a hold on my insurance so im not paying $200 a month to insure a car Im not driving. I will still be making the car payments but it would make it a lot easier for me to afford the repair bill if I could skip on the insurance without the bank I finance thru getting upset.



Insurance rates with a paid speeding ticket?

I got my first speeding ticket ever yesterday and it was a $120 citation . Since I was nervous, I agreed to pay the $120 right there and then. What will happen to my insurance rates? Since I'm 18 and its my first offense will they stay the same? Also, I live in Illinois and got the cotation in Marengo if that helps. Please help! Thank you



Are you switching your Allstate Insurance?

I currently have home insurance with Allstate. My car insurance is with GEICO. I want them to stay this way. However, Allstate has written me and told me that I must have my home and cars with them or my home insurance will be dropped. Are you in a similar situation? Are you going to stay with Allstate or go with another company. By the way, Allstate is merging with Universal. I don't know anything about Universal and don't really want to go with a less popular company.



What are the best alternatives to Humana One for an individual?

I am a college graduate and my parents helped me with Humana One bills. I am about to work at my first post-college job but unfortunately they don't provide health insurance for part-timers. I am interested in more affordable but quality alternatives to Humana One especially for someone in his 20s. My alumni association mailed me info about GradMed but it is only a temporary solution and doesn't cover pre-existing conditions.



Cheapest way to buy new glasses without insurance?

I recently broke my glasses that ive had for two years. I am currently in a predicament that does not permit me to spend alot of money on a new pair and to make matters more complicated, i do not have any insurance. I cannot apply for medicaid so that is not an option either. I need a fast alternative or some ideas as to how I could go about buying a new pair preferably under $100. I constructed a plan of buying my own frames and having the lenses filled but all the optical offices i called do not allow that method, they prefer you to buy their glasses. Thanks (:



Will getting a speeding ticket affect my insurance rate?

I was going 71 in a 55 zone which is 16 over. I am 18 and still on my parents insurance and want to know if and how much my insurance rate will go up and if there is anything I can do. I got the ticket yesterday and haven't told them yet. I really want to just pay it and get over with it but if my insurance goes up I am looking at a whole other problem! Thanks for all your help in advance.



How much would insurance cost on a 49cc scooter?

I'm 30 year old and live in Leeds / UK , iv never had a car or motobike before so all this is new to me , I know roughly price of tax ,mot, cbt, but id like to no roughly price of insurance for me on a 49cc scooter so I no how much I can spend on the bike , the bike when id get it would b chained up and stored in a locked garage over night , I'm not able to reply to answers or add info after iv sent this question so more info the better please



Hi, Maintenance cost for 2001, BMW 318 sei series?

hi, I am thinking of buying my frist car, and i was thinking of a second hand year 2001 BMW, about 80000 miles, just wanted to know whats the servicing and maintenance cost for a BMW is like? Is it expensive ? does it break down often or is it a solid car? Otherwise i might look for a japanese model or a hyundai coupe. I was thinking of peugeot 206 as well and VW golf. hows the insurance for all of these car? Which car is better for a fresh graduate like me?


About how much would insurance cost for a 2012 chevy volt for one year?

I need to know about how much it would cost for one year of insurance for a 2012 Chevy volt. This is for my drivers ed class, and if you could tell me what insurance company you are getting your answer from.

Chicago Heights Illinois Cheap car insurance quotes zip 60411

Chicago Heights Illinois Cheap car insurance quotes zip 60411

Chicago Heights Illinois Cheap car insurance quotes zip 60411


BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare





Car Insurance/Title help?

I'm having a baby due at the end of this month and my car was just totaled by hitting a deer so I need to get a new one asap. The car that was just totaled was my first car which was in my parents name and insurance was also under there name. My boyfriend will be getting the loan for the new car because he has better credit, but we wanted the insurance in my name because it is cheaper so how do we go about doing that? If even possible



Car insurance for adult first time driver?

Hi there! I am 29 and still don't have a car and car insurance of almost 4 yrs of living in states. I think my husband is scared of the cost since I have never driven before even in my country of origin since we don't really need cars there. I just want to ask how much does it cost for an insurance for first time adult driver, i mean any idea? thanks! I just want to take my child to the park or somewhere since we just stay almost all our time in our house.



Which company provied better mediclaim insurance?

Which company provied better mediclaim insurance?



What kind of convertible can I get that won't be a sports car on insurance?

I'm looking at getting a car and I'd really like a convertible. The thing is that I can't afford the insurance on sports cars. So what kind of convertible that would be around 5000 dollars used (perferably 90's to an early 2000s car) would not be a sports car to the insurance agency. Or is there no way around that? And if it makes a difference I have State Farm.



How much would insurance be?

In the next couple months I'll be in the market for a 2006-2008 7series BMW. I'm 17 and this would be my second car. Approximately how much would I be paying a month for the insurance? Thanks in advance.



Should you get insurance on a rental car?

I'm taking a trip later this month and will rent a car for a couple of days. Should I choose insurance, the minimal cost is around $8 per day, so it's not too much or anything. I was wondering if most people got the insurance just in case something happens. Normally I would, but I always hear people say that getting insurance for these kinds of things is stupid.



Car insurance question?

To cancel car insurance will be 480 plus 50 admin fee to cancel this now ive lost my job. ive had insurance for 2 months and know they are all doing this cancellation fee now but i only got a car for work purposes and now they've made me redundant how i am expected to pay the 530? what can i do is there any options because i simply cant afford that amount.



How can i get a cheaper car insurance in ny after 3 non fault accident?

i have 3 accident on my current insurance , one was flood which was no fault of my own and the other two were where someone else hit my car now all state send me a letter that they are dropping shopping around but everywhere else is charging me like $600 a month...that double of what im paying now there a way i can get any insurance for cheaper ? what should i do??? please help...thanks...



How much is required down to open a homeowners insurance policy?

I am getting ready to buy a house and I am getting ready to switch my car insurance into my own name from my parents. I have to add homeowner insurance on to the policy. If I stay with the same company will I have to pay money down like for a deposit?



Where do i get the best deal on car insurance?

i`ve just finnished a six year ban and i`m looking too get back on the road legal...but i`m finding it difficult too get affordable insurance



Someone American please answer this Q about Car Insurance?

I am debating on whether or not to do a roas trip in america. I am English and will be 19 and have 1 years no claims when i go. I am male aswell btw (double the price of insurance lol). How much can i expect to pay for insurance and is it possible to buy a car there and insure it??? Obviousily i want to buy a cool non-european car like a dodge to do it that impossible. I would prefer it if you could give me figures for car insurance per month.



Moped/ motorcycle insurance in washington?

how much is insurance for it? i already have a car and car insurance. my car doesnt get great mileage. about 15-17 on the highway.12-15 city. i use to not travel a distance too much but i moved farther away from my college so i gas up once a week or every week and a half depending on if im just going to school or if im also going out. I want a scooter or motorcyle just because there fun and better on gas. im not reckless. ill be safe and drive them to minimize the risk as much as possible. MY STATE DOES NOT REQUIRE MOPED OR MOTORCYLCE INSURANCE BY LAW. Im just curious to be safe. and for me, my faith in god keeps me safe.



Can I put a car and insurance on a car if i have unpaid parking tickets from 4 years ago?

Can I put a car and insurance on a car if i have unpaid parking tickets from 4 years ago?



Denied car insurance?

what happens if all the major car insurance companies deny you insurance if your a first time driver and have bad credit. geico and allstate denied me already. what can i do if they ALL deny me?



What insurance company should i use as a 17 year old male?

I am looking for the cheapest insurance firstly as with a provisional license holder and then with a full uk license, the car is a 2001 Vauxhall Corsa (Y reg) and has alloy wheels. Also if its better to be a named driver with one of my parents as the owner. Thanks



I need a new credit card so I can pay my car insurance.?

Can I get a new credit card then pay my 400+ car insurance with it and then be able to pay it off gradually without having interest rates added to the bill? The cards say 0% interest for the first 9 months BUT they then say if you pay your credit card bill in full you don`t have interest on it. What does this mean if it already states you don`t have interest for the first 9 months anyway? It doesn`t make sense, none of it.



So can I lie about my grades to the car insurance company?

So im 17 and getting my license in a couple of days. Apparently i need car insurance to drive by myself. Seeing as how my parentals want to pay less, they want as much discounts as possible (who doesnt?). So i kinda have like a 2.5 GPA and you need a 3.0 for the discount. So, im thinking i can get a report card, scan it and change the grades. When i do that, i just give it to whatever insurance company and they'll give me the discount. Sounds fool proof. Now, is it? Can the insurance company find out my real grades? i doubt they actually look. So can someone fill me in?



How much to insure a 2003 BMW 325i in GA?

Iam Canadian living in the States for 6 month out of a year in ATL. I wonder how much will my ins would cost like basic insurance coverage.



My car insurance company wants to use recycled parts for a repair to my car. Is this legal?

My car insurance company wants to use recycled parts for a repair to my car. Is this legal?



Whats the cheapest car insurance company for young/newly qualified drivers in the UK?

I have just passed my test and have a car, but the insurance is ridiculously high, around 3,300. There has got to be cheaper quotes out there. Please help, thanks!



Cheapest Auto Insurance Humanly Possible?

I am a college student living on campus and want to have a car but will not be driving it much at all. I am just looking for the most basic and least expensive auto insurance I can find. I am 19 with no tickets or accidents yada yada yada. Where can I find some cheap coverage?



How much should a person pay for car insurance in uk?

How much should a person pay for car insurance in uk?



Any Florida (Tampa) insurance agents out there (auto)????

Well its pretty simple i have a car now and i know how much insurance i am paying now but i have a few questions since i am going to change cars in a few months i am looking at getting an Suv something like a jeep srt-8, trailblazer ss, maybe acura RDX but im not sure what kinda things make insurance cheaper like AWD vs FWD or RWD, auto vs manual etc so if you are an insurance agent and could help me please email me or im me. Thanks BTW some background info: 17 years old Male no accidents, no tickets



USA traveler renting car in New Zealand. What's the best car insurance?

My wife and I are traveling to New Zealand this September and renting a car for 2-weeks. We found out that our USA car insurance does not cover automobiles in New Zealand. I also checked American Express (my credit card) and they too do not offer any type of coverage in New Zealand. We are renting our car from Hertz but the insurance through them is super expensive. Does anybody have a suggestion on temporary car insurance in New Zealand? Also, feel free to offer any other advice about renting cars and driving in New Zealand. Thanks a lot!



Can I throw away my old insurance card?

I got new insurance. do I need to keep the old card for any records?


Chicago Heights Illinois Cheap car insurance quotes zip 60411

Chicago Heights Illinois Cheap car insurance quotes zip 60411


Do I need Car Insurance to drive with a learners permit?

i live in Pennsylvania, i was told that i do not need car insurance to drive with a learners permit and i am 16. can anybody confirm, disprove, and/or explain more in depth?



What's the car insurance requirements in GA?

I need to know what is required and is not required and what falls under full coverage and liability in the state of GA.



Cheap car insurance for 21 yr old?

I have a 2003 Grand Am. I've had it for a year. Until recently I had it in my mothers insurance policy. But hers has expired now and I would like to have it put under my own policy. I've had my license since I was 19. I've never had any violations, not even a speeding ticket. What are some cheap car insurance for my situation. I live in Kentucky.



When buying a used car what do you do about insurance?

so i am going to buy a used car. it's my first car but to put it on the insurance how do i go about it? do i call the insurance company before i buy the car or after? im so confused



Do you need car insurance to get your permit in New jersey?

Do you need car insurance to get your permit in New jersey?



How much for scooter/moped insurance?

I want a 50cc scooter and I have no idea how much i would pay yearly. This is in Montreal by the way. How much on average for insurance, and other costs (License plate)?



Will my grandfathers insurance go up if I was using the car?

My grandfather let me use his car for work one day (I have no car of my own) and I got a ticket. I went to court today for it, the gave me one point on my license. Will this effect his insurance even though its not my car and I am not on the policy? Or will it only effect my insurance when I get a car of my own?



Insurance for a 16 year old male, owning my own car, please help(ontario)?

Im 16, male, in ontario, single, no other drivers in my family. I plan to own my own car, i know alot of you will say; depends on model or year of the car idk the answer to that because i dont have the car yet... but i do know it will be between the years 2001 and 2004 roughly, it will probably end up being a chevy, toyota, honda (just the average company) can anyone please give me a rough estimate what i will have to pay either per year or month doesnt matter thanks :)



Auto insurance debt reported on credit reports?

I changed my auto insurance from progressive to some other company.yesterday i got a call from collections that i owe progressive money.Is this reported on credit. Also do i have to pay them? I had insurance quote from them for 6 months but i found cheaper one so i moved. I live in california. Thank you



Would a V6 minivan generally have a higher or lower insurance rate than an equally equipped V6 sedan?

I'm shopping for a used car, and I figure if I can get all that extra space without it costing more I'll do it...



Wondering about car insurance/registration?

This makes sense to me and seems like it should be possible, but my family has no idea. If I buy a car next week and have the car put in my name and list either one of my grandparents as a CO-OWNER on the title, would I be able to put the car on THEIR insurance, instead of getting my own, and have them just list me on as an extra driver? If there's anything I can do to keep my insurance low or possibly just have it on theirs but with the car title in my name, please explain! I live in CT if that makes a difference.



Motorcycle insurance cost?

I was in an aciident a year ago it was my fault. I was driving a truck. Now that I'm 21 I want a cruiser such as the boulevard or vulcan, maybe even a shadow. I would like to know will my insurance be high? I don't have a license to drive one yet. I will be taking a class so I can learn the basice then buy a beater to learn to ride better before I get what I want. It will most likely just to get to work and school.



Will obstruction of plate show up on car insurance?

I got a ticket for obstruction of plate this morning and I was wondering whether this will show up as a record on the insurance. I would rather pay it off myself because I don't want my parents to find out. Also, will it increase the rates? I read somewhere that no proof of insurance can increase rates, but I got a ticket for that awhile ago, it didn't affect anything.



Additional Driver costs?

How much should i expect to pay to add a permanent additional driver to my car insurance? It will be a driver on their provisional licence, aged 24. Its with Direct Line, in the UK I already have a quote, i just think i was quoted wrong, and want to know what other people think it usually costs.



Car Insurance Settlement?

Ok about 3 weeks ago I was rear ended while my car was stopped on the freeway. The guy hit me doing about 30mph. I have had back and neck problems ever since. I have been seeing a chiroprator on a weekly basis. Also it was a hit and run but I was able to get his license plate number. I live in California. Ok so his insurance company called me trying to settle for 1000 plus my medical expenses. The problem is I don't now what my conditions will be like in the future. Also how many times will his insurance call me and change the offer?



Insurance for honda civic?

Does anyone no how much insurance is for a Honda civic, I am 17. Do i have any hope of getting any?



Does your car insurance rate go up if you get a seat belt ticket in illinois?

Does your car insurance rate go up if you get a seat belt ticket in illinois?



How much would you estimate the annual cost of living to be in central New Jersey?

This would be for a simple lifestyle- one bedroom apartment, utilities, food, clothing, phone, internet, cable, basic car, car insurance, gas, car maintenance, computer, pet, gifts, and a one-week basic vacation. You can provide an estimate both with, and without, a basic health insurance plan premium. I am just trying to figure out about how much it would cost to live in this area. Thank you for your advice.



How much do you think my motorcycle insurance will be?

I am getting the CBR125R 2009 HONDA! It's going to be black. I'm a 16 year old girl, and the bike costs $3,599.00 . How much do you think my insurance will be? All together what will it possibly total up to? Thank you!



What car can i get that will be the cheapest insurance a month?

Hello I'm 18 I'm a male and I live in Cleveland Ohio I was wondering what is the best car I can get with the lowest insurance a month? And what is the best car insurance for first time drivers?



Wht car insurance is better for full coverage and cheaper..... ?

car insurance help....



How much does DMV charge for the 30 day car insurance?

How much does DMV charge for the 30 day car insurance?



How much would car insurance be for a 17 year old girl.?

I live in michigan, we own our house just a simple house 2 cars. working parents, we have 21st century and i'm trying to do as much research as I can before I make this offer to my parents, I have no car yet i'm wondering how much do you guys think my insurance would cost? please don't send me to another website if you've been in this situation tell me how much you payed and your story(how many cars, insurance company, etc) thank you so much to those who will help! I'm thinking maybe $150 or $200.



Can you insure two people separately on the same car?

My girlfriend is doing her lessons and driving to work and having her own car would cost more than it does to get the bus with price of parking, and I don't want to put her on my insurance so would she be able to insure her self on my car as well on a different policy?



Lying on car insurance...?

what are/or could be any consequences of me lying about my car insurance renewal when i do 26,000miles per year and if i put that i only did 10,000miles my insurance would be alot cheaper it would go from 240p/m to 180p/m!?!?!?!?!? how would the insurers know how many miles i did per year?


Chicago Heights Illinois Cheap car insurance quotes zip 60411

Chicago Heights Illinois Cheap car insurance quotes zip 60411


One-way Insurance HELP?

What if I have one-way Insurance, and my friend hit my car? what will happen if I do Insurance on him? Will I receive any money for the damage? will my insurance rate go up?



Can a employer make you get health insurance?

My boss told me that if i do not prove that i have my own health insurance, i have to get the health insurance the job offers, i would like to know if it is legal for them to do that? force me to get health insurance? now i know that with President Obamas Health law, in 2014 all people over 26 who do not have insurance will be subject to tax. but it is not 2014... its 2012 and i do not want any of my money being taken out of my check for something i do not want at this time.



Car insurance for a 17 year old?

First of all i need a new car and now i have a 2004 honda civic and i got prefered to a 2011 camaro from a friend who really needs to sell it because they are having a baby and they offered me 2,500$ to 3,000$ ofcourse id take it but my mom said if the insurance is really high i cant get it? How high would the insirance be its a two door 2011 camaro



Was done for drink driving what car shall i buy when i get my liciece back for cheap insurance?

Was done for drink driving what car shall i buy when i get my liciece back for cheap insurance?



What is the major advantage of term life insurance over whole life insurance?

What is the major advantage of term life insurance over whole life insurance?



Anyone know of affordable health insurance that is not a scam?

im in florida - sunrise



Where can I find the cheapest car Insurance in NJ?

I trying to find insurance that is not not less expensive does someone know where I can go to get this?



How much would car insurance cost for two 16 year old boys?

My son and my stepson just got their license. My son wants my car; 2006 Porsche Cayenne which means I have to get a new car & My stepson wants a 1989 Nissan 300ZX. Me and my husband are on Nationwide currently. How much would insurance cost a month for 2 sports cars with teen drivers?



Could I file a lawsuit even if I didn't have car insurance?

I got into an automobile accident and i didn't have insurance. I was 7 months pregnant, and the accident cause me to have an emergency C-section. My daughter was born weighing 2lbs and 13 ounces. Do I have a case?



SSN check for auto insurance - WHY ?

I've received a number of answers for the question. It seems that in a number of cases the quote that's received depends on how good or bad your credit is. What's the difference if someone has bad credit, as long as he's a good driver? Insurance premiums are paid in advance so why the credit check ?



I want to start a health insurance company how would I go about doing that?

I want to provide people with an affordable insurance that will also pay fair rates to the pharmacies and hospitals. I used to work for a pharmacy and saw how if the customer got a good price on a drug then the pharmacy got screwed over and vice versa. This needs to change, please help me make that change.



Average insurance price for a Speedfight 2 (16 year old male) ?

could anyone please tell me the average insurance price for a Peugeot Speedfight 2 red wrc 50cc moped 2006 ---- for 16 year old male, no modifications just 3rd party, locked up at night with the cheapest price?? any help/info is helpful -- thanks alot :)



I'm stuggling to find car insurance HELP!?

I'm 21 and i past my driving test in may 2011 and got my car in july, I was insured by swiftcover for 145 per month but then I become ill and had to leave work so I couldn't afford the payments and decided to cancell my insurance til I could get back to work, but when I tried to renew my claim with swiftcover then said their policies have changed and they can no longer provide insurance for people who have been driving less then 4 years! So now every other insuance company want around 250-280 per month and I just can't afford this. Do u know any cheap insurers that take on young drivers in the UK, HELP!



Can an insurance quote lower you credit score?

I am looking to buy a car soon ... but I am a new driver and I know my insurance will be hight ... I am planning to go insurance company to insurance company to get quotes. Does that lower my credit score?



What are the pros and cons of national health insurance?

It's going to be a hot topic in the next Presidential election. What do you think?



Mitsubishi evo 8 or mr car payments and insurance info?

if you have any of these two cars, how much is your monthly car payment? how much you pay for insurance. I'm planning to ge one but these two payments may not let me get it. I'd like to see if i can afford it. please give me some good answers. Thankyou



Driving without Proof of Insurance?

I was recently stopped by a police officer for speeding and when giving him my license and proof of insurance he stated that my insurance had expired. I then received a $550 fine for not having insurance, but not for speeding. I do have insurance, but the proof of insurance is what expired (we searched everywhere and the cards that the insurance agency was supposed to send did not show up). My question, then, is what do I do about this? I was not aware that my proof of insurance had expired (again, not the insurance) and I was freaked out because this is the first time that I have ever gotten pulled over (I'm a college freshman and the car is in my grandmother's name, it was a grad gift) On the ticket do I contest the claim and go to court or do I admit the claim and go to court? What are the possible outcomes or what is most likely to happen?



If a teenager gets into a car accident, how long until their insurance rate goes back down?

One of my friends was recently involved in a car crash which I believe he was at fault at. The other car didn't sustain much damage, but his car took quite a beating. He's only 17, and he's basically in a shell shock right now since it was his first accident. He told me that he feels really guilty about the fact that his insurance his gonna spike up (State Farm) and he feels so bad for the fact his dad is gonna be having to pay for it. So my question is..will his insurance always be that high for the rest of his driving life until he's old? Or will it steadily go back down?



Bussiness insurance?

need to know what type of insurance i need to open a carpet cleaning and window cleaning service.



Does comprehensive car insurance cover others not on the policy?

My Brother has a full comprehensive UK car insurance. Can I drive his car and be covered by the insurance even though I am not listed on the insurance and live at the same address. I have a full UK license, he claims I am covered because he gives me the permission to drive the car which according to him is right. I have read the insurance policy but my brains are not big enough to understand that given permission part. If anyone can throw more light on this, it will be fully appreciated.



What is the cost of general liability insurance for park rental?

need the insurance to cover a softball tournament



I'm wondering how much other 24 ish year olds pay on car insurance?

I've been riding a bike for years... by motorbike insurance is now 150 a year, I just put what i thought was a normal car into a qoute and it was 130 a month... Is that high? Any idea what might be the biggest effect on that? So answers: I'd like to know what people pay on things + any advice on types of car or things to do to get it down.



Is it a good idea to get insurance on your DSLR camera?

if so, which one is the best insurance.



Why is it important that all Americans have health insurance?

Currently, health care in America takes care of everyone, regardless of whether or not one has health insurance. By requiring all Americans to have health insurance, will this make our health care system better than it is now?



Car Insurance: Which is cheapest in America?

Just purchased brand new vehicle and wanted some feedback on which companies offer inexpensive rates and superior service when needed.


Chicago Heights Illinois Cheap car insurance quotes zip 60411

Chicago Heights Illinois Cheap car insurance quotes zip 60411


Estimate my traffic ticket cost please? California?

Got pulled over for going 65 in a 45 and on top of that I did not have my insurance card on me, but I do have insurance. Can I bring proof of insurance to the court to bring down the fee? Or am I for sure going to have to pay? Also what is the estimated fee for the tickets in total? I am in LA county.



Do I need full insurance coverage to finance a USED car?

I am planning on buying a car after putting like 4000$ down, I want to finance for like 2-3 years BUT I heard I had to buy full coverage which is like 300-400$ for me..(currently I pay 150$ one way) This will be a huge problem. I went to some dealer and a guy working there said it's upto me if it's a USED car, and you only have to buy full coverage for brand new cars. Is this true? I am from Edmonton Alberta, Canada.



Is it legal to do this with car insurance?

I know of people who do this for the sake of saving money, but I am not sure if it is legal or not? Say Person A has horrible insurance rates to the point of where driving is impossible to afford. Now let's say Person A sells their car to their significant other, Person B for a small price and transfers the title into Person B's name, so now this car on Person B's active insurance policy. Person B's rates will go up a bit based on their cost to insure, however Person A will still be driving this vehicle on a regular basis, and simply pay Person B the additional, much cheaper premium. Is this legal? If not, how would anyone ever know the difference? Now the new



Car Insurance question?

ok so im a newbie teen at understanding all this so this may sound dumb. When you get car insurance is it insuring the car? or are you getting it to insure you AND the car? my mom said something about adding me onto her insurance as a driver so under her policy that she has she would just add me as a driver? like can someone help me understand like the basics please.



I have experience working in the health insurance industry, now im wondering what job I could apply for?

I worked as a medical case manager at an insurance company. We were a 3rd party company. I did phone interviews with people applying for individual insurance for several more



Why is my car insurance so high?

my car insurance is very high its something like 5000-10,000 and plus its only third party and the car is cheap 500 fiat punto ive checked confused several times still same prices



Insurance and tickets?

I got pulled over for being on my cell phone but the cop gave me a ticket for not wearing my seat belt which is only $46, i can pay online, and i dont have to go to court. Will this ticket be reported to my insurance?



Idea as to how much full coverage car insurance would be for a 17 yo. Just a ballpark figure. Thanks.?

Idea as to how much full coverage car insurance would be for a 17 yo. Just a ballpark figure. Thanks.?



Can anybody help me figure out how much car insurance would be?

I am 19 years old, female, and I'm moving out on my own. I have to buy my own car insurance. I have a 2004 Mustang that is completely paid for in my name. I need help finding a good insurance company and price range?? PLEASE AND THANK YOU (:



Cost of insurance on a mercedes Benz each month?

i have to do a gay project



What's the average state-farm-auto-insurance quote?

For a young woman getting her first car under her name with good grades (good student discount)? I'm trying to find out for a friend getting her first car



Can't decide if i want to go to college for Insurance sales?

I wanted to go to college to be and insurance salesperson but im not sure. If i go to a community college and get an associates degree in business-insurance sales what does it quallify me to sell, like what type of insurance? How much do they make? Will it be easy to find a job? What are the typical hours? Will i have a secure job? Do you work off comission? Any additional info plz



Do you need insurance for a 50cc scooter in florida?

Do you need insurance for a 50cc scooter in florida?



Rough estimate of Health/Dental Insurance Cost of family of four?

I am considering taking a position with a firm that currently does not offer health insurance. I will ofcoarse seek professional help to get a better number, I just wanted to see what sort of range I will be looking at. I live in Texas and both my wife and I are in our late 20s and have two one year olds. Thanks



Car insurance help?

Ok so im about to turn 16. my parents said they would get me a car, but only if i paid my own insurance. can u please tell me how much it would be a month. and what company would be the lowest price. i dont know if u need this info but. im 16. white ( someone told me it matters?), i live in florida (palm beach county), and the car will probably be an audi a4. thanks for help



Depending on certain factors, what would my insurance premiums be?

i am a teen driver, just got my license and now am looking for a car and i was wondering how much more my insurance rates would be if i was driving an early 2000 era BMW, Audi, Lexus or Jaguar vs something like a simple japanese or american made small truck or sedan. I also get straight A's in schooll as ive heard that can factor into it as well.



Motorcycle insurance in italy?

i will be moving to rome next month and i need to know how i should go about getting my vespa insured. im getting my bike trucked to me and i want to ride the bike. does anyone know about insurance etc. there. i only hold a UK provisional licence. have completed my CBT but not sure if this will be valid to ride in Italy or not. please help!!! :) thanks



What Insurance Company has Accident forgiveness?

I need a company that wont be so expensive. I had a bad accident and need a different insurance company, any good ones? Im in Florida btw



How much does a semi truck insurance cost?

Hi I'm thinking to have a truck. I want to know about the costs. Please, help me. I want to know about cost of a semi truck like insurance and ... How much does a truck driver pay for insurance. Thank you



What is the cheapest Mitsubishi lancer insurance wise?

I want a Mitsubishi that looks nice, a bit like an evo, without the crazy insurance price or high speed engine. Any suggestions. I'm 19 and have been driving just over a year.



Insurance rates going up?

If there is a licensed driver in a home where ppl have auto insurance would the rates go up? I really need to know.



I just passed my test. I'm 17. What has the best insurance quotes and what's the best car to get?

I want a relatively new car and the best insurance I found was 2800 for a Volkswagen up!



Would my car insurance cancel my policy?

Would they cancel my car insurance if I got into an accident and I'm in fault? I have full coverage and collision. I recently got into a car accident and I'm scared that they will cancel my policy.



How much do you pay for car insurance?

How much do you pay for car insurance?



About how much is insurance gonna cost for a 15 year old who just got his license?

how much will insurance be if im a 15 yeaar old guy who just got his license and im driving a 1995 acura integra, can anyone give me an estimate on how much it will be a month


Chicago Heights Illinois Cheap car insurance quotes zip 60411

Chicago Heights Illinois Cheap car insurance quotes zip 60411

I'm driving uninsured. We can't afford our vehicle insurance. Is it nuts to drive out of town?

I'm driving uninsured. We can't afford our vehicle insurance. Is it nuts to drive out of town?

Please settle an argument between my husband and I. We drive in our town back and forth to work, and I feel ok with that. I want to rent a car tonight because we have to go to an interview. It's about 2 hours away, down a highway strewn with police. I think it's crazy to try to drive in our vehicle, uninsured. He doesn't want to waste the money on a rental. It's a $5000 fine if we're caught - plus I'd likely lose my job (can't have a police record). How far would you drive uninsured? I don't even like driving in town - but we're a few months away from being able to afford insurance. Opinions please.


BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare





How much car insurance will cost?

i m 28 year female. i bought a used car for $3000. i have new G2 driving licence which i got last month.i have driver trainning certificate too. can someone please tell me how much my car insurance will be? i tried quote online, but i m not getting correct amount. please some one give me a average monthly payment that would cost?



How much does a psychiatrist cost without insurance?

I will not have insurance to give for going to a psychiatrist. How much would you think something like this would roughly cost?



How much is insurance on a Lamborghini aventador?

I'm not looking to buy one now, but I'm determined to hopefully one day own a Lamborghini aventador roadster. How much would insurance cost through Allstate.? Just curious and it's always helpful to know.



Car wreck, how much is the insurance going to give me?

I got into a car wreck sometime this month of May. It wasn't my fault, the guy made an early turn and hit me. My car and his car are now totaled. I was wondering how much money the insurance will give me on the newer car...? By the way, I have a 1995 Honda Accord Ex and its now totaled. I just wanna know how much they will pay me back? And I have insurace, but not full coverage.



Cheapest car insurance for learner?

Best car for male 17 year old ?



Can you buy car insurance for yourself if you are under 18?

I'm under 18 and my boyfriend wants to buy a car for us. The car will be under his name. He doesn't have a license so he will need me to be the sole driver of the car. Is it possible for me to buy car insurance since I'm underage?



How much auto insurance do I need?

How much auto insurance should I get for a 1999 Ford Escort that is already paid for. I have insurance now but it is 660 dollars a year and that sounds like way too much for an 11-year-old car.



What is the cheapest car insurance premium quote?

That you know of , for an 18 year old male driving a group 1 car. Thanks.



Is this car insurance thing true?

I heard online that in Texas if you drive less than 35 miles a day, you'll get a HUGE discount in your insurance. It this true? Or is this just a lie?



Help finding very very cheap car insurance please?

i live in florida (miami) is there anyone that can give me a legit site that provides me car insurance for the cheapest price possible? what i mean by legit is no scams or anything, and an address where i can personally go to visit the insurance agency for the papers.



Car Insurance Costs.?

Coverage Type: Your Basic needs Collision: $250 Deductible Comprehensive: $250 Deductible Medical: None Bodily Injury Liability: $100,000/300,000 Limit Property Damage: $50,000 Limit Towing: Yes Rental Reimbursement: None ^^ Does anyone have an clue towards how much that would be monthly?



Will Florida drivers have to have car insurance?

do you need to have PIP insurance after october 1, 2007?



How much would insurance cost?

i was looking to get a suzuki GZ250 motorcycle. i am 18 years old, and i have taken a drivers ed course and the motorcycle driving course. i was wondering about how much insurance would be. it has 249 cc



Question about car insurance?

What is the average price difference between full coverage and the lowest coverage? What exactly do they cover? And are there options in between? I know it differs from company to company, but I would like to know what the average difference is. I have enough money for a car, but as soon as I find a job, Im going to buy one, but I need to know what im going to be paying for insurance, and what is right for me. Im going to be spending between $1500-$2000 for the car if it makes a difference, thank you.



Changing car insurance co.?

Still confused. After getting considerably lower quotes from 3 major insurance co. ,for the same coverage. Why is it that my current-- Allstate-- was not able to lower their rates? We have been loyal customers for 10 or more years. No infractions for at least 5 years.Been advised that the lower rates are to lure you in. Then watch out! Dont want to make a change and then regret it later.



Will home owners insurance or the drivers insurance pay for my dogs med. bills?

my dog was hit by car and we were yelling and screaming for her to slow down but she was not paying attention and my dog who was standing on the side of the road bc there was another dog across the street was hit. this woman was not paying attention and bc of that my dog is now in surgery. it is very expensive, is there anyway my home owners insurance or the womans car insurance will pay for the bills?



Is a 1978 lincoln mark v cheap to insure?

i am looking at a very cheap car to insure. i was looking into one of these classic cars. i currently drive a 1995 ford explorer V6 and its RWD that costs $140 a month on insurance and it gets worse gas mileage than a 1969 lincoln mark iii. as far as i know, this is a 34 year old car and registration is probably gonna cost 50 bucks or less and i live in NH. im 19 and have no tickets or accidents, will the lincoln mark v be cheaper than my explorer. i only have liability



What are some cheap cars to insure for an 18 Year old?

What are some cheap cars to insure for an 18 Year old? I am learning to drive at the moment but I want to know what some cheap cars are to insure?



What is the best place for an 18 year old to get health insurance?

My ex is dropping my daughter from his insurance because she is 18. To pick her up on my insurance would triple my premium, which is already outrageous. Is there a reasonable policy out there for a healthy 18 year old?



How much insurance would be if i bought a 1994 honda civic dx?

i am 18 and i plan on buying a car next year so i just wanted to know how much insurance would cost



Applying for health insurance coverage - please help?

Do you have to have a valid social security number to apply for health insurance benefits with regence blue cross blue shield?



Home Owner's Insurance?

I'm hurt my foot not even a year ago. May 22, 2012. I was at my neighbor's house when her husband called, She was outside in her pasture fixing a fence. I went to take the cell phone out to her. I forgot to put on my shoes. As I was walking, I was about 5 feet from her and my older brother. And I fell to the ground. A Re-bar about the width of a pinky went through my left foot inbetween the toe by the pinky going 4 inches inside. I had to stay in the hospital for 8 days. Almost losing my foot. I have no feeling in my toe but at the top of my foot, just touching it causes me to feel pain. Is it possible for her Home Owner's Insurance to pay at least half or all my medical bills? I owe over $36,000. This also Happened in Oklahoma, and I moved to Missouri back in November (don't know if that would affect my chances). My mother decided that she didn't want my neighbor to pay for it. And I'm disagreeing.



Does my first speeding ticket increase my auto insurance rate?

I just got my first speeding ticket, and I'm really worried about the insurance rate ! The ticket says 60 on 30 limited area, so yeah 30mph over the limit ! also they were not using any detector as on the ticket says, can I go to the court say they made a mistake?! lol I'm living in MA FYI.



What happens If I have California insurance and I get in an accident in Hawaii?

NOTE: if your the kind of person thats going to say things like well you shouldnt do that... waa waa waa please stop reading and go back. Please only answer if you have an answer to my question, I dont need moral advise! this is a hypothetical situation and I'm just curious. I know if one has insurance in California and They get in a accident in another continental US state, its not problem since, they could just be on a road trip. But what if (s)he ships their car to Hawaii, and they keep their old insurance, and 3 months later they get in an accident, is the insurance company going to look at the report and say hmmm well theres no way he drove to Hawaii on a road trip, they must of moved there , and not cover the accident? the reason I ask is: my current CA insurance is 90/mon. The cheapest i found in Hawaii is 230/mon which is INSANE!!!. Im only wondering hypothetically, what if one found a way to get by the vehicle inspection with their CA insurance. then they get in an accident a few months later, will the insurance company stil cover the accident? I know you have 30 after you move to be covered, how do they verify/determin what was your exact move date?



How can I get cheap insurance on a Renault Clio?

I'm 17 and am getting a Renault Clio 1.2 as my first car. Is there any good insurers or ways of reducing the insurance at my age? Preferably not with a box though! Thanks


I'm driving uninsured. We can't afford our vehicle insurance. Is it nuts to drive out of town?

Please settle an argument between my husband and I. We drive in our town back and forth to work, and I feel ok with that. I want to rent a car tonight because we have to go to an interview. It's about 2 hours away, down a highway strewn with police. I think it's crazy to try to drive in our vehicle, uninsured. He doesn't want to waste the money on a rental. It's a $5000 fine if we're caught - plus I'd likely lose my job (can't have a police record). How far would you drive uninsured? I don't even like driving in town - but we're a few months away from being able to afford insurance. Opinions please.


How much is a used car and how much is car insurances ?

i am going to be 16 soon and i want to buy a used car and car insurances so how much is it i live in canada if that helps nova scotia to so umm yeah and btw i can't go on my more



With the new Obamacare, how do I get insurance if I am 19?

I was looking at the calculator for the new Obamacare (google Obamacare calculator) and I noticed that there is not an option for someone under 19 getting insurance for themselves...and I am still considered a child. My family does not have insurance but I despereately need it, and was just wondering how some like me, a full time student and 19 years old with a part time job, gets insurance...or am I not allowed to have insurance because I am 19? I have never been able to afford insurance before, but now will it be more affordable? Sorry, this Obamcare thing confuses me but if this is a chance for me to get insurance I want to know all I can about it! Bt so far all i can gather is you have to be 21 or over to get your own insurance. And please don't tell me to get a full time job and get company provided health care...someone has told me that on an answer before and I stuggle just having a part time job and going to school full time...a full time job is just not plausible right now and NO I am NOT LAZY thank you very much.



Dog life and health Insurance?

In June I got my first dog ever, he's part Yorkie and Chiuua. He's 4 months old and I'm wrecking my brain looking for resonable insurance for him, can someone please help me, I am on a budget, however, I have health and life insurance for myself and granddaughter, my new baby should be covered as well. But I don't have a clue and I don't want to get ripped off either. Thanks



Auto insurance question.?

I was in an accident and my auto insurance has a limit of 5000 medical. I went over the $5000 medical bills. Will my private health insurance cover the overage?



Good car insurance companies for a low cost??

Good car insurance companies for a low cost??



Affordable Private Health Insurance Provider Needed?

Could somebody tell me any company for affordable private health insurance.I need good site.And free quotes and many benefits.Please be honest.



Car insurance for a 17year old girl..please help?

so im just trying to find out an estimate of how much it would cost to get insurance on a 2005 Ford Mustang. Im 17 years old and i have very good parents are freaking out saying it would be too much money. can someone help me out in price ranges please?! thanks



Is it cheaper to get insured on your parents insurance?

Is it cheaper to get insured on your parents insurance?



How can I become an Insurance claim adjuster in California?

Ive searched and searched for classes offered, or forming but there seem's to be non of that offered so how can i get my foot in the door to become a claim adjuster? it seems as if its a catch 22, because jobs that are hiring for trainee adjusters or in house adjusters need you to have experience but there seems to be no way to get your foot in the door. Ca someone guide me towards the right direction? Thanks



Government car insurance?

I've heard Of Auto Insurance Sponsored Through The Government For Low Income Homes. Where Can I Find More Information About This?



Test driving a persons car if you dont have car insurance?

I live in Texas. I want to buy a used car from a private party (i.e. another person). Ill obviously want to test drive it before I buy it, but I dont have insurance. If the other person has insurance, is it legal for them to let me test drive it?



Insurerance companies unable to insure me- why is this?

im in the process of buying a second hand toyota yaris sr (first registered in 2000). i have one other car and have no problems getting insured on it. for some reason with the yaris i cannot get insured (even with same insurance company) even though my personal circumstances havent changed. any ideas why this might be? also with one copmpany they'd insure me if it didnt have alloy wheels but because it does they wouldnt.



Trying to find cheap car insurance for myself and daughter (she has a provisional licence) any recommendation?

small Matiz. 7years Ncd



Why does insurance cost less for pleasure use rather than commuting to and from work?

Why does insurance cost less for pleasure use rather than commuting to and from work?



What is a cheap affordable coupe for a teen?

i understand the insurance issue. im 17 . I absolutely love the 03 g35 coupe, but im starting to realize i cant afford to maintain, insure and repair it :( what else similar is a little more affordable. please help im losing my mind!



What is the cheapest 50cc Moped / scooter insurance for a 16 year old ?

I have been look everywhere for cheap moped / scooter insurance and the cheapest I can see is 320 for third party only. I wanted third party fire and theft, but it doesn't look like I'll be able to afford that if third party is so expensive. The scooter I have is from Direct bikes. It's the sports DB50QT-11. I'm from Scotland and have no convictions. Answers really appreciated. Thanks :)



Where can I get affordable health insurance?

I am a full time college student, and my school offers insurance, but it is expensive. I need basic health care to cover doctors visits, specialist visits, and x rays. The main reason I need coverage is that my back is messed up from a car accident about a year and a half ago and I can't take the pain anymore. I went to my states website and the insurance they offer is currently not accepting applications. I have looked at tons of sites online, but so far am having no luck. Any advice would be appreciated.



Cheap car insurance for Land Rover Discovery?

I'm about to buy a 03 Disco and was wondering what everyone is paying for car insurance. I'm 25 with no accidents on my record, but the quotes I keep getting seem to be outrageous. I'm just curious if that is common or if there is a company with decent full coverage rates for discoveries. Thanks for the help



How much car insurance coverage do I really need?

I am paying a mortgage on a house, and am about to get married...I don't own much else.



Does insurance cover a newly purchased vehicle?

I'm looking at buying a pickup truck, it's value is less than $1000. I heard that if you buy a new vehicle you have 6 - 24 Hours of coverage and in that time you would have liabality coverage is this true? As in just bought a vehicle, and am driving it back to my house from sellers house. Thanks



Individual health insurance?

if i can get health insurance from my employer but can get better and cheaper coverage from as an individual do i have to take coverage from my job



How can a medical group charge different prices for people with insurance and no insurance and medicare?

is this legal to charge people with medicare a higher price to go to the Doctor than people that don't have medicare, I thought that medical groups are to charge less so medicare don't go broke and people with insurance, so there monthly don't go up higher



Whats the best place to get auto insurance from???

desperate for cheap good car ins. please help...



Car Insurance question?

about how much does it cost for a 16 year old to be added to parents car insurance? allstate



What is the cheapest auto insurance company in the province of New Brunswick, Canada? HELP!?

I have a new car - 2007 Nissan Versa


I'm driving uninsured. We can't afford our vehicle insurance. Is it nuts to drive out of town?

Please settle an argument between my husband and I. We drive in our town back and forth to work, and I feel ok with that. I want to rent a car tonight because we have to go to an interview. It's about 2 hours away, down a highway strewn with police. I think it's crazy to try to drive in our vehicle, uninsured. He doesn't want to waste the money on a rental. It's a $5000 fine if we're caught - plus I'd likely lose my job (can't have a police record). How far would you drive uninsured? I don't even like driving in town - but we're a few months away from being able to afford insurance. Opinions please.


What is a good insurance plan for some one 49 years?

Single, non smoker. I don't have health insurance and Im gonna need it. I don't know where to start.



Insurance for Bentley GTC Continental?

I (sadly) dont have one of my own - yet (im working on it..) Just out of general.Theres another new footballer on the go,hes only 21 & recently purchased a bentley.Approx. for someone in there early 20s how much would insurance cost? (I understand hes a footballer,he earns more a year we all do lol..) Thanx in advance xx



What is the average cost for home owners insurance in illinois?

I'm trying to get average cost of insurance for the south and southwest suburban areas of the chicago area.




Planning to buy a car. Prefably Vauxhall Corsa or Toyota Yaris. How much would the insurance be. Corsa is 3E and Toyota is 2E but toyota is more expensive to buy compared to the corsa. How much approximately would insurance cost for 3E or 2E insurance group for an 18 year old female in london? Any cars you would recommend as a first car? Cheap insurance? Thanks



Ticket for no proof of insurance?

in california best friend got a ticket for no proof of insurance at the time of accident, he doesnt have insurance i know everyones gonna write about that but how can he fix the ticket? he didnt know that his insurance was canceled his dad who lives out of state pays. ive read other questions on YA and one said u can take proof of insurance to the clerk before the court date (the judge) and they will disregard the ticket? if the insurance card says that hes covered from 6/30/09-6/30/10 would the clerk check to see if hes paid?



I got a traffic ticket out of state. Will I receive points on my license and/or will my insurance rate go up?

I'm from Missouri and received a traffic ticket for running a red light in Iowa. The violation was vehicles fail to respond to steady red signal . Will I get points on my license from this ticket? If so, how many? Will my insurance rate go up? Should I try to get my ticket taken care of ? Thank you.



How long until I lose my health insurance?

I left my job on August 17, 2012. I had Cigna Health Insurance. How long until I get the letter that says I don't have it anymore?



Can i get car insurance in my cousins name?

My cousin lives in Luton and I live in London so can I get car insurance with his name as first driver and me as second driver? Also how will it work because we're going to have different addresses? How will road tax and permit work? My cousin is 21 years old and I'm 18.



How much would average insurance be for a 20 year old student for a 2011 Camaro LS be?

Im looking just to get an estimate.



Insurance Companies?

What kind of jobs are there at insurance companies and what is the salary for those jobs?



I need health insurance for my daughter?

I am a 70 % disabled military veteran looking for affordable health insurance for my daughter. Any suggestions?



What are some home insurance companies in FL?

I am looking for a list of home insurance companies in FL, or if not a list if anyone can tell me the name of a few? Thank you very much!



CAR INSURANCE~with points?

if someone has 2 or more convictions on there licence, they have to declare thses, but is there a car insurance company that does not take theses convictions into account ? long shot i know but ya never know.... points were for exceeding 30 mph (34) and 50 (59) lectures please.....



Adding car insurance to existing insurance...?

I don't have any car insurance, and never had any, but my elder brother does. He has his own car as well. I read it somewhere that it's cheaper to add a name to an existing car insurance because first-time drivers usually have high insurance. If I were to do that, will I have to drive the same car as my brother does? Can I buy another car and add my name to existing insurance of my brother? I apologize in advance if it sounds like a stupid question. This is my first time and I don't have any experience with this. Thank you in advance.



What is the punishment for a second offence of driving without insurance ,within a one year period?

What is the punishment for a second offence of driving without insurance ,within a one year period?



How much does Missouri Medicaid after insurance?

I have twins and Missouri Medicaid is my secondary after insurance. We had a NICU stay for 12 days. Will Missouri Medicaid cover whatever my insurance doesn't? I'm looking for any ones story's or any information! Thank you for the help!



What is the cheapest Auto insurance company in Florida for youth !?

I am 23 Years old and i am looking for a cheap car insurance for a Honda Civic EX Coupe , i have never had a car insurance before because i was out of country for Years, I got my driving license last year when i was 22 years old i heard that the insurance will be high and i checked with Geico online i find out that i am going to pay 180$ every month that's too much for a car like this !! and this is the minimum state insurance.



How much would my insurance be?

i will be 17 in oct and hoping to save up for a car (corsa, punto, 206) and i was just wondering how much my insurance would be?



How do we get life insurance?

im 45 & my wife is 42 we have 2 kids one is 18 and one is 20 we never had life insurance before does it work? it expensive? 3. how much money can you get? 4. what company is the best to choose? 5. can we still get life insurance? please answer all my questions dont put stupid answers :)



Health insurance in Colorado?

I just moved to Colorado from California and am looking for a job. My problem is I have to get my vision tested, and I'm going to an optometrist, but I'm pretty sure he'll refer me to a specialist and testing will be required. I really want to go because I've been putting it off forever and it's starting to affect me a lot. I applied for Medicaid and was denied, obviously, since you have to have children or be over a certain age. Is there an insurance plan that's comprehensive and affordable, something that's going to cover doctor visits? I'm not looking for hit-by-a-bus insurance because that won't cover doctor visits or prescriptions. Or is there another public option? Thanks for your help!



50 in a 40, first ticket ever. Insurance?

I got a ticket for going 50 in a 40 tonight. My gas was PASSED E, and I was turning into the gas station. I realize that doesn't do anything for my case. I'm 17. I've never been in a wreck, never been pulled over. The cop (who is a friend's dad) said that I go to court Oct 1 and if I'm eligible for Defensive Driving I can take it, and it wont go on my driving record. Question is, does this affect my insurance rate at all? I pay my own insurance. I have State Farm.



1000 Car Insurance for an International Student?

Does anyone know a cheap car insurance company for a young driver (21 YO) who will be driving with an international license for 1 year? I have tried Clements but they don't do insurance for students. Can anyone please help? The major online companies are so expensive



How much would my insurance cost?

hi i am 18 and looking for a vauxhall corsa the old one or a ka the old version i wanted to know from my age and the car on average how much would my insurance cost a month i am from england so could you tell me in pounds please p.s. i know it depends on a lot more things but it will be my 1st car could anyone please give me an average thank you



Hastings direct car insurance.?

We are thinking of taking car insurance through Hastings direct. Are they reliable? Until now we've been with Norwich Union, but they are very expensive now, so we want to switch. Any others people really recommend, reliable and cheap?



Need help deciding what car to get next ? 10 points for the best answer.?

Hiya, I just wondered if anyone can help me choose my next car ? I would prefer it to have 5 doors, with a fair size boot, not bothered about speed, but needs to do well enough for motorway useage, cheap insurance, cheap tax, and does a lot of mpg. Also, I have around 2600 to spend. I am in England, so no American cars please, unless they are RHD and readily avaliable in England. Thank-you for any help you give! And the best answer will recieve 10 points. Just thought to add - It will be my 2nd car, only been driving for 7 months, so not that experienced for anything too special as my first car was a 400 Renault R5! Thank-you (:


I'm driving uninsured. We can't afford our vehicle insurance. Is it nuts to drive out of town?

Please settle an argument between my husband and I. We drive in our town back and forth to work, and I feel ok with that. I want to rent a car tonight because we have to go to an interview. It's about 2 hours away, down a highway strewn with police. I think it's crazy to try to drive in our vehicle, uninsured. He doesn't want to waste the money on a rental. It's a $5000 fine if we're caught - plus I'd likely lose my job (can't have a police record). How far would you drive uninsured? I don't even like driving in town - but we're a few months away from being able to afford insurance. Opinions please.


Roughly how much of a fine would this be if stopped driving a car by a police officer?

1. No Inspection 2. No Insurance 3. No License Plate 4. No Registration 5. No License for driver. 6. Speeding 7. No Seat belt. I had to do this to take my car to the junk yard. Luckily I didn't get stopped. How much would that have cost me had I been stopped?



Average teen male's car insurance cost?

I'm 18 years old, I'm a male and i would like to get a car insurance by myself. I know you need more information, but i just want an estimate. I don't have a car yet, but I'm planning on buying a used car. I have straight A's so i would be able to qualify for the discount



Okay insurance rates on a 2009 challenger rt for a 20 year old male.. how much?

I know its not practical or anything but im just curious what they would be. And maybe any other financial information on the subject. Please no lectures about how I shouldn't have one.



Can i list my vehicle at another adress for insurance?

hi, i own a 2006 acura RSX-s and i live in the philadelphia suburbs. my insurance is quite PRICEY! any how, my father owns property in northern PA which is primarily farm land, and insurance would be alot cheaper if listed there. tho i dont live there, can i list my insurance there? is there anything illegal or could it hurt me? i see alot of people with New Jersey tags who live in PA to get cheaper Insurance. what do you suggest, and what would i have to do, change adress on D/L etc?



Can I purchase a car, and tow it home without insurance?

I want to purchase a car from a small car place, the man puts 30 day tags on it and mails the title to the DMV, but my father cant get off work to come put insurance on the car for me. So can I buy the car there, have the title put in my name, but have the car towed home and stored off the street until I can add it to insurance and get my own tags? or is it illegal to tow a car without insurance on it?



16, got a car brought for me.. can anyone help me with an insurance question?

i'm 17 in 3 weeks.. and my parents brought me a car, it has no insurance but we need to get it back to my house. as i'm only 16, does it have to be on my parents insurance until my birthday?



Insurance on small cars example punto ?

hey everyone iv just passed my theory test today and i want to buy a punto for my fist car i need advice on de price off tax and insurance like for example i would probably purchase any punto from 1997 -2001 and im 19 does anyone av any advice for me cause i don wanna be ripped off thanks for readin you guys xxxxxxxxxxx



Motorcycle insurance?

How much is insurance? I am 15 1/2 (male) and I want to get a ninja 250r. I live in california, I get good grades and I will take the basic riders course ( I hear good grades and the brc give insurance discounts).



What is the estimated price of being added onto a parents car insurance?

i am 16 sorting out the finances of my future car and have noticed the unreal car insurance price for a little car such as a nissan almera and am thinking of going onto my parents car insurance.



Why is my motorbike coming up wrong on insurance quotes ?

I Have a Gilera Runner VX 125cc, When i go onto gocompare & all other insurance websites it asks for my reg & when i put it in and select vehicle its coming up as a VXR 180cc, when i go on to HPI its 125cc & on my logbook its 125 could anyone explain why this is happening ? thanks for your time.



What will happen if I drive without car insurance and get caught?

I drive my parents Grand Prix every once in a while, but i do not ever drive the ford expedition. I asked my stepfather will it be okay for me to drive back to college, he said no. He said that it will cost to much to add me on at this point. My mom does not want me to drive sometimes, because she think my license will be revoked or I would have to pay a large fine. I want to have a car on campus, because I do not like being stuck their mostly throughout the week, even though the semester is about over. Is it a good idea to drive without car insurance.



Why is car insurance so high?

it it fair if you do not have good credit you have to pay more for car insurance i dont think it is right i have clean driving record



1998 V6 Firebird Insurance?

I'm 18 years old, just graduated high school, and am looking to buy a car to get to college and back home. What is the insurance on a 1998 v6 firebird or camaro based on a clean driving record and taken the driver's ed courses?



Where can i find cheap renters insurance in nj?

Where can i find cheap renters insurance in nj?



Definition of Fully Comprehensive car insurance (UK)?

Does this mean i am insure to drive other peoples cars (with permission from them) ?? And also, my insurance on my last policy expried in July 2011, and i never renewed it, Does this mean i lose my 2 years no claims, or can i say that i still have 2 years no claims ? Is it still valid if i had no insurance for a month ?



I got a wet reckless, and filed the SR-22. What happens if I cancel my insurance?

The California DMV says you have to maintain proof of financial responsibility (car insurance) for 3 years after a license reinstatement after a wet reckless charge. What happens if I cancel my policy and change insurance companies? What happens if I just cancel my policy and just don't choose to drive?



What is a good insurance company that will insure a just bought, used cell phone?

What is a good insurance company that will insure a just bought, used cell phone?



How much would the insurance be on a VW Beetle?

I am 17 and intrested in getting my first car a Classic VW Beelte, does any one know the price range for the insurance on one? Many thanks



Whats the best kind of car to get cheapest insurance for first time driver under 25?

Whats the best kind of car to get cheapest insurance for first time driver under 25?



What is the best way to find cheap car insurance if Ur 21. Ive tried all the comparison sites, help??? ?

I've tried all the comparison sites but I'm getting a really high quote.



I want to start trying for another baby by August, but I don't have medical insurance....?

My husband makes too much for me to get on Medicaid. I want to get a good insurance. I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions on what to do.



Police get cheaper car insurance?

I went on a compare site and the only thing i change was the job to police officer and the insurance was cheaper? This may be due to the fact that they are less likely to commit crime.



California insurance--driving a friends car???

I'm not an insured driver, but is it illigal if I drive a friend's car (that is insured) in California? What happens if i get in a wreck? I dont normally drive, but in case my friend's been drinking sometimes she'll ask me to drive her home. thanks.



Looking for health insurance for self employed person with hepatitus c?

I am self employed and have Hepatitus C, I am looking for health insurance



What do you recommend for cheap car insurance for me?

Can someone recommend a cheap insurance company please! Many thanks


I'm driving uninsured. We can't afford our vehicle insurance. Is it nuts to drive out of town?

Please settle an argument between my husband and I. We drive in our town back and forth to work, and I feel ok with that. I want to rent a car tonight because we have to go to an interview. It's about 2 hours away, down a highway strewn with police. I think it's crazy to try to drive in our vehicle, uninsured. He doesn't want to waste the money on a rental. It's a $5000 fine if we're caught - plus I'd likely lose my job (can't have a police record). How far would you drive uninsured? I don't even like driving in town - but we're a few months away from being able to afford insurance. Opinions please.

Blue Cross/Shield health insurance?

Blue Cross/Shield health insurance?

Is this Insurance corporation a good one or a bad one to have as a health care plan?


BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare





Does my credit score affect my car insurance costs?

Someone told me it did... but that just doesn't make sense!



Car Insurance for Young Driver (UK)?

Hi, I'll get straight to the point, I'm 17 almost 18 and am looking 2 buy my 1st car. I live a upper class life, and when it comes down to cars i do get to travel in in style. e.g. my dad drives a Jaguar S-Type, my mother a brand new 2008 Land Rover Freeland, and i do know people with Bentley's and this one guy i know will take me out for a drive in his Aston Martin Vanquish. I do like to stick out from a crowd and this is a amazing opportunity to do so at college. My 1st car is definitely goin on my dads policy, and by then i will have my full license. I have seen Jaguar XJ's for sale which i can afford, but my greatest question is how much would the insurance be. If someone who is a young driver who drives a Jaguar or something similer could give me a rough guess to how much insurance wud be?, i wud be greatfull or someone who has insured a young driver on there Jaguar?.



A few questions about health insurance (recent college grad still on parent's insurance)?

I asked a similar question yesterday but realized I was a bit vague. So, here's my situation. I am a recent college grad working a job that does not offer me health insurance, and I receive excellent coverage under my parent's plan. I recently went to a job interview for a position that offers insurance, but I would have to pay a pretty large chunk of change for it monthly ($500+, which is a lot if you're working an entry-level position), and the coverage isn't nearly as good as my current plan. (For example, I currently pay $3 for a three month supply of my prescription. The new plan would charge me $30-90 for the same amount pills). I saw a clause in the Affordable Health Care Act that said I would only be able to do this after January 1st, 2014....I really wish this went into effect in 2013 instead! So, my questions are: Can I opt out of this insurance and remain on their plan? If I were to take this job and the insurance plan, would I be able to re-enroll under their plan if I stopped working at this place and worked at a place that didn't offer insurance? (I'm under 26, and my family's plan covers both my parents and another sibling)



Rsx type s or s2000 what cost more to insure?

I just got an 2002 acura rsx type s (clean tittle) or I have a chance to trade for Honda s2000 (salvage tittle) I am 16 fixing to be 17 and of course the car is gonna be under my dads name but i just wanna know how much its goona be since im part of the insurance



Im 19 with a permit, can I register my car and insure it? Price Estimation?

First I have a 1999 Acura Integra...I believe over 100,000 driver side airbag, no alarm system YET...and its fast...BUT I drive safe...I dont believe in street racing because It claims to many lives, especially innocent ones such as families that are not even involved with the idiots racing... Im 19 with a learners permit, have wayyyy over 4 yrs driving experience, I plan to get my license this month [or this week], as I just got my permit today, can I register my car and insure it? What would an estimated price be for... 1. My Registration and Tag [whats better temporary or permanent for now? 2. Insurance [Who should I go to for insurance?!] Thanks



Auto insurance question.?

My step father auto was struck in th readend by a teen the other day. Now his car is not worth much. Maybe 1500 dollars. The 2 body shops gave repair estiments at 2700 and 4300. Now as this is his personnel car and gets 45 miles to the gallon you can understand why he wants to keep using it to get to work. From a legal standpoint, as this is a personnel auto and the other driver is required to carry general libility to cover damage to aother peoples autos. Can a insurance company require him to just settle for the 1,500 dollar value of the car. Or total the car. Or do they have some kind of loop hole. How is it they can require a third party to settle on there terms? As he is not the orginator of the policy, he did not enter into a contract with the insurance provider. Can he just go get it fixed and send them the bill or have the repair compnay send it to the insurance compnay?



Renters insurance?

what exactly is renters insurance all about? is it pretty important or a waste of money?



How can I take the insurance of my car off my parents name?

Okay sooo, my dad has never been a good father figure until i turned 16. I'm now 17 and have a car that i bought and i have the title and loan in my name. He is the co-signer. He also pays the insurance. I have a boyfriend and he doesn't like it when i have a boyfriend. He thinks i'm too young for one. My mom and him are divorced and i live with my mom. She doesn't care that i have a boyfriend and lets me go over to his house and go on dates, etc. He doesn't approve. So he threatened to take my car away if i don't be home when he says. My home is my moms house. I have more of a right to listen to her than i do my dad. She thinks so too. He says since he pays the insurance he should be able to take my car away if he wants to. I offered to pay my own but he won't let me because then he won't have anything to hold over my head. How can i get my own insurance and take it off his name without him knowing until its done?



How can I learn how much money do I have to pay for short term disability insurance?

I am going to start a business. And , I have 11 employees . I would like to get short term disability insurance plan and long term term disability insurance plan for my employees, and life insurance too . How much much money money do I have to pay for this?



Cheapest Place to Get Auto Insurance, Wilmington, NC?

I am a first time driver. I need help finding a cheap auto insurance company to help me out



What is average cost for insurance on a 2013 Kia optimum comp and collision?

What is average cost for insurance on a 2013 Kia optimum comp and collision?



How much would insurance cost for a 16 year old driving a 2004 acura tsx?

How much would insurance cost for a 16 year old driving a 2004 acura tsx?



What is the cheapest insurance company to switch to for a descent price after a DUI?

I am 23 and have a 2005 chevy silverado single cab. It's paid off in full. I usually like to have basic & Im on my dads plan which is about 3-400 a year. & they are now increasing it to 800$. I would like to switch to a company that I can pay less to.



I am retired federal employee & want info on car insurance rates?

I am retired federal employee & want info on car insurance rates?



Cheap car insurance in Oklahoma?

Where can I get a good deal on car insurance in Oklahoma?



Free car insurance quotes?

are these qoutes accurate or could the price they give you actually be lower then what the free quote says?




I just had geico and I would like to change car insurances. Whose rates generally have lower down payments and monthly?



When you switch car insurance companies, trusting the new company with the quote they give you, do they have?

to stick with that quote throughout the year or can they cheat you and increase it later and the quote is just an estimate. I live in California



How much should one spend on their first car?

Here is the problem. I am a photographer who photographs rural areas, but I can't stand not living in the city. I don't drive, cause I live in Chicago and I thought I hated driving. I think I just hated drivers ed. SO now I want to drive everywhere and work more often instead of waiting until I can find someone to drive me around. I am obviously going to be road tripping a lot, and this is my first car. I need something with great MPG. I live in Chicago, but my mom lives downstate, although I'd like to share it with her. I'm thinking either a used prius, mini cooper, or volkeswagon. I'm 19. What do you think would be the best choice, and what costs am I looking at for insurance, ect?



Ticket for driving without insurance in florida?

Hello, I recieved a ticket in January for Driving without Insurance in Florida. The officer cited me 110$ and let me go, I stayed off the road for a few weeks immediately purchased insurance within 30 days. However my ticket is still unpaid due to lack of employment, bills and stuff and license just go suspended. Can someone explain to me if I go to the courthouse and pay the ticket without any proof of insurance, what will happen. Do I just pay it and thats it and then get my license reinstated? I really am lost, I make minimum wage i don't know what to do but i have to pay this ticket and fix my license i just don't know if they will arrest me on the spot cause i cannot furnish proof or what? My insurance lapsed pretty much because i lost my job.




I was in a car accident yesterday a very minor one, the damage to my mother in laws BMW was just a cracked head light, and damage to theres was hardly apparent although the man said there was a tiny bump in door and a scratch. what happened was i was leaving a duel carriageway and on the side lane one lane was closed and a cone was in the road i swerved to miss going into work access (plenty of room as cones missing ETC cos of bad weather) then i pulled straight back out into correct lane having dragged the cone and seeming to leave it in work access... although all this happened in matter of seconds when i pulled back out i have hit the car that was originally behind me in the side door he obviously didn't break in time to stop when i swerved... i have a feeling because it was me that hit him that i am at fault? problem is i don't want to really go through insurance as it means both me and my mother in law will lose our no claims and because it was me driving not my mother in law excess is 600 as i am only a named driver.... I would rather just pay for damages if i am at fault than give my mother in law all the much do you think it will cost? only thing is when i said this to the man he said he needs to notify insurance anyway and mine which i have been told will lose our no claims anyway... any ideas info please as im quite confused?



Car insurance looking to buy my first car?

i am a 20 year old male have my full licence 6 months and looking to buy a 1.4 golf gti could somebody tell me how much insurance would cost me would you say or best places to get a quick quote online



Whats a good cheap car insurance for someone with a dui in NJ?

i got a dui 3 years ago and need car insurance for both my girlfriend and i. i would like the insurance to be under my girlfriends name and me be covered under his... anyone have any advice on cheap car insurance with someone that has had a dui?



How do you find the cheapest car insurance?

I'm almost 20 been driving since I was 16. No accidents, no tickets. I've been on my grandparents insurance but now it's time I get my own. How do I go about finding the cheapest car insurance?



Does anyone know which insurance companies do not using residential location in calculating car insurance?

I guess I have heard a few months ago that some car insurance companies will not include the location of where the car would be parked in their calculation of car insurance. The media touted that it will cost less to car owners who live in high traffic areas such as Los Angeles. Any input will be welcome


Blue Cross/Shield health insurance?

Is this Insurance corporation a good one or a bad one to have as a health care plan?


Which costs more, Motorcycle insurance or Car insurance ?

I just got my Drivers License earlier this second quarter and I'm going for my motorcycle within the next month or two. My birthday is in February and I am currently 23 years of age.



How can i get a cheaper car insurance in ny after 3 non fault accident?

i have 3 accident on my current insurance , one was flood which was no fault of my own and the other two were where someone else hit my car now all state send me a letter that they are dropping shopping around but everywhere else is charging me like $600 a month...that double of what im paying now there a way i can get any insurance for cheaper ? what should i do??? please help...thanks...



What's the best car for insurance. 17 y/o?

I'm 17 in two months and will need a car. Mum said a Renault Clio would be good. However which 3 door car (small) would be best on cheap insurance. Whatever suggestions would be brill



Car insurance, accident related question.?

I have been recently involved in a car accident where the other driver ran a red light and totaled my car. I have witnesses, police reports and the individual that crashed in me got a red light ticket. My neck has severely been strained from the accident also lower back and right leg. I am going through an injury law firm and they recommended me to a rehabilitation clinic. The money that this rehabilitation clinic will receive will be from my insurance company but will I have to pay for it in the following years in my policy. Or will my record be clean and my insurance premiums will not go up? Thanks.



What does liability mean with Auto Insurance?

Im in the military so I dont need any medical mine is fully paid but does this mean I dont have any coverage when it comes to damage to my own vehicle? I got quoted $544 for 6 months. ANy idea how much it would be if I got insurance on my vehicle too. Thank you



Will car insurance cover modifications?

I have full coverage on my 2005 acura, the car has a custom molded body kit, aftermarket rims, nice paint job, and a turbo, if the car was totalled would the aftermarket modifications be covered? my insurance company is progressive btw. and they never asked if it had any modifications.



Dollar Car Rental Insurance Cost?

Hello I will be renting a Dodge Charger next week. I am thinking of getting the insurance - ( i have full insurance with allstate and also CC covers it too) I hate to get them involved, even if i pay more for the insurance, i just want to leave without having to revisit it, if something where to happen. How much does Insurance cost with Dollar rent a car? The one where they let you go for any kind of damage. Thanks



Will car insurance go up if I'm added to my parent's policy?

I'm 15 and have my restricted license to drive to work and school in Kansas. Basically what does adding me to my parent's policy do and about how much more will it cost?



Is there any auto insurance that is affordable for college students?

Is there any auto insurance that is affordable for college students?



Maternity Insurance?

Does any one know of a good insurance for maternity. I have been trying to concieve for a year and 8 months with no luck. It is time to visit a doctor. But I think it is better for me to get insurance since fertility treatments are expensive. Which insurance would you go with?



How can I get discounts on auto insurance?

I want to know more about auto insurance discounts. I would like to reduce costs so a discount will be nice.



Why are rich people so upset that poor people and youngters can now get affordable 'health care'?

here in mississippi for our age group it's like only $500 a month. No wonder they need to raise the minimum wage.



Did you get Affordable Health Care?

My husband & I have insurance & it didn't change but my daughter & family got Affordable HC. Their previous insurance was $1,200 a month. They are now paying $325 so there's was a very positive experience. We're in California. They had a really hard time getting into the wed site but persevered & are happy with the plan. It covers their eldest son who is in college & has Type I diabetes & their youngest son who suffers from asthma. Does anyone else on YA have a positive experience to share? What State are you from.



How much does insurance cost for old/classic cars cost?

I am 15 and and a half, and I live in New Mexico, here you get a drivers license at that age. Anyway, my parents got me a 1977 oldsmobile vista cruiser (my dream car) and I know insurance for older cars are cheaper, how much (average) would it cost and could you recommend insurance companies which you think is best



How much will a insurance be for a student in Alberta?

Hi, I'm turning 16 in September and is planning to get my licence right away. I haven't bough a vehicle yet, however, I'm planning to buy a car with a price range of 1000-2000 for used car. I didn't take any drivers training, I live in Alberta and I'm also a male. Around How much will my insurance be per month?



What does liability mean with Auto Insurance?

Im in the military so I dont need any medical mine is fully paid but does this mean I dont have any coverage when it comes to damage to my own vehicle? I got quoted $544 for 6 months. ANy idea how much it would be if I got insurance on my vehicle too. Thank you



Insurance on Mitsubishi Eclipse RS?

Right now Im a 17 year old male. I just got my stage 2 license so I can finally drive alone=D Now I'm looking to get a car. Right now I have my eyes set on a Mitsubishi Eclipse RS for the nice look, but not having too much power that would boost my insurance. I was suppose to get a mustang GT form my step dad but thats WAY too steep for me. The Mitsubishi RS has 140 HP w/ a 4cyclinder 2.0 lit engine. Would this be a good car to start with on insurance rates/would being in the national guard reduce my rates?



ADIs: How much does driving instructor' s insurance cost?

Whilst I already know that age, location, type of car etc will affect the cost, can you give me a general figure? What is the cheapest you've paid for it? How much can a newly trained ADI expect to pay (on average) Thanks.



Car insurance tips for new drivers?

im 23 and have just passed my test. i live in the uk and im looking for car insurance which is very expensive. i have tried a few companies and made the excees the most it can be but its just too much. just looking for any tips or websites anyone knows of that may help thanks



What factors affect how much i will pay for car insurance?

what are the factors that affect the amount i pay for insurance on a car? im looking to purchase my first vehicle and want to know what i can't afford.



Car Insurance In St Louis?

I just purchased a 2002 Mazda Protege today and I bought the car right out but now I'm looking into auto insurance but I have no idea where to go. I am looking to just get liability but doing online quotes is a lil' tiring because I really don't know what I'm looking at. Could someone tell me what is the best rate for auto insurance in St. Louis to go. I also have never had auto insurance before and have never had any priors driving anyone else's car.



Guy at school hit my car, pocketing the insurance money?

A guy at my college hit my car the other day, and the (lowest) estimate was $1,029. I only paid $1,650 for the car, so it feels like $1k is a little to much for a dent. However, I could really use the money because I just got laid off, have bills, and I'm running low on money. I know I am entitled to this money, but it be wrong to get it and then use it for bills? His dad asked me to do a $500 settlement without insurance, but I know I can get the $1,029. I really do need the money. Ethically, would it be wrong of me to do this?



How does insurance work?

How does insurance work? like im really not sure.. do you pay into it every month?



Car insurance?




How much do you pay for car insurance?

I know that you cant tell me exactly how much car insurance would cost for me so I am asking how much you pay for car insurance? If you are around 18 years old and drive and older car and have good grades how much do you pay per month for car insurance?


Blue Cross/Shield health insurance?

Is this Insurance corporation a good one or a bad one to have as a health care plan?


Need health insurance for a 6 year old ?

Something afforadable my grandchild no longer can be covered under his old insurance.. help please



If i was to buy a car 300 miles away from where i live what would i do about insurance and driving back?

Hi Question pretty much says it all, , I cancelled my insurance few months ago when i sold my car, so it wouldnt be a matter of ringing them up and transferring over. I dont know how it works could i just drive it back and say i have just bought it if for whatever reason if i get pulled??



If my car is totalled, will the people's insurance who hit me give me kelly blue book value and take my car?,?

I was t-boned the other day and am pretty sure my car will be totalled, it still runs great, and i love the car. the accident was the other persons fault. if it IS toatalled, will her more



What is the cheapest car insurance in Wisconsin?

It seems to me that every insurance company out there is claiming to have the lowest rates, etc. In your experience, who has had the cheapest prices? I'm referring to basic car frills, just the minimum coverage that is now required in WI? Thanks (and please dont try to sell me something...I just want some ideas here)



Do you liability car insurance or full coverage?

Do you have liability car insurance or full coverage insurance? Pros and cons?



If a person gets a speeding ticket while driving someones car and they want your insurance does it effect you?

if you let someone borrow your car and they get a ticket while driving your car do they need your insurance? and if you decided to make a copy and give it to them for proof of more



Just got my M1 , wondering what kind of motorcycle I should look at? ( price/Insurance wise )?

I have my eye on the Suzuki 500 gs , Since its considered a Touring sport, I will have cheaper insurance... Any suggestions on some motorcycles, I live in Ontario Canada. Thanks



Is Aviva a good car insurance what is a good car insurance company for a first driver ?

Aviva is the company that gave me a cheap car insurance quote. I would like to know if Aviva is actually a decent company to go with? I am a first time driver they gave me a quote for 501 per month.



How do I prove auto insurance to MN DMV?

My license is revoked and I need to prove to the state of Minnesota that I am insurable. I do not have a vehicle to insure right now, and don't understand why it would be necessary to get insurance for any period of time since I don't have a vehicle, but it is mandated by the state that I prove I have insurance. All the insurance companies I have talked to say that I need to have insurance for a year or the state will take my license again. Is there a way around this or is there an easier way to prove I am insurable without having to pay $1200 for a year of insurance when I don't even have a car?



How does health insurance work?

and a family doctor? like if i went to a checkup insurance pays for me what does that mean



Cheap insurance?

my 20yo son has 6 points and no ncb its his 1st car can anyone tell me a insurance company who not charge him a fortune please...........



Car Insurance...????

How much would it be for a 16 Year old boy to be added on his parents insurance policy... Completed Drivers Ed Lives in Baltimore, MD Has really good grades It would be liberty mutual if that helps... thanks!



I want to start a health insurance company how would I go about doing that?

I want to provide people with an affordable insurance that will also pay fair rates to the pharmacies and hospitals. I used to work for a pharmacy and saw how if the customer got a good price on a drug then the pharmacy got screwed over and vice versa. This needs to change, please help me make that change.



Health insurance ?????????????????

whats a good health insurance for me, and i don't have allot of money, i could go to the county health insurance and get it for free, since I'm working full time and i am a student starting in the fall, i need help



General Liability insurance?

How much will General liability insurance cost for my company? We have been incorporated for 2 years, with no claims against us. We are a parking revenue and security company. I have called dozens of brokers. i just need a ball park so I can tell if i am being ripped off. We have insurance now but feel it may be to high. Please advise



What health insurance is best and affordable for my wife?

We had a baby 3 months ago, but I am looking for health insurance that is good and affordable for my wife. Any suggestions?



What is auto insurance ?

can anybody explain what is auto insurance ?



A few questions about SR-22 Insurance?

Alright, so I'm getting slightly annoyed of the DMV as I've visited them three times already an had literally no progress made in all those lame visits... Anyways, I only got insurance so I can drive, but my car has failed smog three times now so that wont be happening and I'm now paying non-owner SR-22 insurance. Here are a few questions I have about the SR-22 and any input would be much appreciated. 1) What are the exact consequences if I choose to cancell my non-owner SR-22 insurance? I acknowledge that I will have to restart the process all over again when I want to reactivate it, but will the price be raised even more and the time frame? 2) Who do I call to find out how long I have to have SR-22 insurance; DMV or Local Court? 3) When does the SR-22 officially get activated, when the judge orders it or when I first started paying for the insurance? (I'm asking this because the insurance company I'm with is saying I shouldn't cancel because it will restart; I got the DUI 2 years ago and acitvated the insurance about 2 mounts ago.) I'm planning on going to a 4 year college so I don't want to be paying not to drive...! *I live in California if that helps you answer the question.



Whats the cheapest car insurance company in ireland for young drivers ?

whats the cheapest car insurance company in ireland for young drivers ?



I got a ticket for no insurance in california?

well i told the officer that i had insurance on the car but the little proof of insurance card did not come in the mail yet so he gave me a ticket for that and he told me something about if i mail the proof of insurance to the court i guess i dont have to go to the court date or soemthing like that is that true by the way i checked the mail that same day i got the ticket and the proof arrived




would it be more expensive for car insurance for a brand new car or a used car.



Auto insurance quote with unreported accidents? What will happen?

A friend has 3 accidents in her driving record. She got an auto insurance quote without mentioning any accidents. The company sold her the insurance without any further verifications. Is that a big problem? In case of an incident in the future will the company check her records and create any problems like not approving claims or so? Should she just ask for a refund to prevent further problems. What is the worst that can possibly happen? We are kind of newbies here. Please advise...



Should I sue or settle with the insurance company?

So, my 2010 Sentra (Brand New less than 6K miles) was rearended. It's been hell dealing with the other guy's insurance company- never return calls, no followup, etc..... My car is back looking great except for minor details (issue with the trunk) which I hope to work out with the shop. They are giving me a low ball offer on diminished value and I live in a state that grants diminished value Here are my questions: 1) Is there a simple calculator that can be used to calculate diminshed value? The car was in pristine condition prior to the wreck 2) At this point, is it better to use a Attorney? I want to be compensated for days lost from work, medical expenses, diminished value, pain and suffering (also if shop is not able to work out minor repair detail I want compensation for that )



How did the United States healthcare system develop? e.g. health insurance, Medicare.?

Why does the United States have health insurance? It is optional to have health insurance, because it is not required by any law, unlike auto insurance. I would like to know where the system of health insurance got it's roots.



How much would a $500K life insurance policy cost?

I am a healthy 32 year old female.


Blue Cross/Shield health insurance?

Is this Insurance corporation a good one or a bad one to have as a health care plan?


What companies has cheap car insurance for college students?

Im a college student and wants to get off my my parents car insurance its currently 97.00 a month she said thats the cheapest it would be because I would have to pay 500 or 800 in advance or something like that. But i want to be independent and just pay it myself under my own plan ...any suggested car insurance companies?



Insurance on a S2000 for a 45 year old man?

How much would it cost for a 45 year old man with a good clean record to own a S2000? I'm only 22 and planning on buying a IS300 (with manual transmission). If I do find one the car will be under my dads name and the cost will be around $150 a month!!! But how much for the S2000 (and under my dads name)? I want the IS300 but there so hard to find in MN with manual transmission and with very low miles on!!! So if the S2000 doesn't cost too much or maybe as much as the IS300's insurance, I probably would consider getting the S2000 since it's a bit easier to find one! (plus they look better!) (and also both cars are around $15,000) Thanks in advance!



Thanks To Democrats, I Can't Afford Health Insurance?

I live in New Jersey. But, Democrats refuse to allow me to buy a health insurance plan based in Pennsylvania, where insurance is cheaper. Why do Democrats make life so hard on more



Insurance estimate for 16 yr. old driving BMW?

About how much will full coverage insurance cost for a 16 year old driving a 2007 BMW 530i mostly to school & work? Just an estimate. Thanks




how much a year would a 1998 chevrolet camaro base, not z28, be for a new driver. any ideas? and also a 2002 dodge intrepreped es 4 door cost? please.



Why is insurance so high on the scion tc?

what is the best/cheapest insurance out their for the scion tc and why is it so high?



Car insurance for total loss?

I got a car accident due to bad weather and got a total loss. No one is involved in the accident. I`ve got a full coverage insurance at that time. The insurance company is cancelled a contract with me after a claim (accident) I issued, which I found it through insurance agency. The insurance company said that they did not know the previous accident record on my driver license. Then they cancelled the contract. Can I possibly claim a complain with my insurance company? I terribly need any car since I use a car for my job. The insurance company said they will not give me any money either a car. What should I do? Thank you



0bama: You can keep your health plan. Why will MILLIONS of Americans lose their health insurance?

. If you like your health plan, you will be able to keep your health plan. ~ Borat 0bama President 0bama repeatedly assured Americans that after the Affordable Care Act became law, people who liked their health insurance would be able to keep it. But millions of Americans are getting or are about to get cancellation letters for their health insurance under 0bamacare, say experts, and the 0bama administration has known that for at least three years. 0bama administration knew millions could not keep their health insurance



Car Insurance Help Please!!?

So I was just wondering what types of things made a car more expensive on insurance... im a 16 year old guy...the car im looking at has these mods:17 inch konig racing rims. wrapped in new falken tired Brand new black pint with fleck Aftermarket front bumper and grill Cold air intake Front sway bar Full exauhst. dna headers. 2inch catback with 3 inch tip welded on 5% tint Tezza tailight Aftermarkey spoiler jvc headunit Shaved emblems Its a Honda Civic...Thanks



How much would insurance cost for a 16 year old?

I want to buy a 1 year old camaro but was wondering how much insurance would cost for a 16 year old male. I need an estimate for the cheapest insurance. Even if the liability is really small.



I have already asked if i can get car insurance without license someone said put it in my name is that the car

put car in my name or insurance in my name?



Is my insurance company responsible !?

I recently submitted a claim to my insurance company an it was rejected . At some point during some severe weather something struck our roof causing water to enter . The rain water caused the sheetrock ceiling to crack and start to collapse . We were told by our insurance provider that this was caused by a manufacturer defect . The manufacturer checked the damage and disagrees . I also disagree being that we have lived in the home for four years and this the first appearance of water . what should I do next ? I have already submitted statements from the manufacturer . The insurance company has also declined to renew our policy because of the damage .



Do i get the money (first and last months payment) i put down for car insurance back if i switch companies?

i bought car insurance two months back and i put a down payment first and last month payment but i would like to switch i found a cheaper insurance will i get that money back?



Pregnant with health insurance but no maternity coverage?

Would I qualify for Medicaid for pregnant women if I have cigna health insurance without maternity coverage? I live in Florida. If not does cigna offer maternity coverage?



Can I get a driver's license without a car or insurance?

I'm older than 24 and never got around to getting a driver's license because I went to college at a young age. Now I have an opportunity to use my mom's insured car for a couple months, and I want to practice and get a driver's license, just so that I'll have the driving test out of the way (and won't feel so weird being this old without a license). However, I still don't plan to have a car, I'll be moving somewhere that I don't need a car, etc. I don't want to have to pay any insurance for having the license. Can I just get a permit and practice and take the driving test and get a license, without ever buying a car or auto insurance? And then I won't use the license, I'll just have it until it so happens that I might need to drive (perhaps use the insurance that you can buy along with rental cars, if I need to rent a car?). Also, I'm not sure if I'll be covered under my mom's insurance for permit driving because I am older than 24. I really don't know much about this. I just started looking into it about an hour ago. I've had an illness for a couple years that prevented me from driving but I'm getting better and thought maybe I should learn to drive now.



Bike Insurance?

I am looking to buy either a 250cc or 500cc Ninja bike. What are the insurance rate like for these bike compared to other bike and compared to cars?



Is group health insurance what college insurance plans use?

Is group health insurance they type of insurance that college insurance plans use? I am filling out a form for CHP+ and it asked if I have group insurance available... I attend school that provides an insurance, but I can't afford that insurance.



Insurance Cost Starting Driver-?

Statement of Facts: 16 (soon turning 17) Good Grades, above B, honors Several after school activities (Student Council, if that is even relevant) Impeccable driving history (no infractions) State of Residence: Maine Rural/sub-city? Insured under fathers plan, also clean record (51 and 1 ticket?) Alright, I'm currently under my fathers policy and am driving his vehicle to school and back. Soon we will be purchasing a vehicle for my own, and I have a few questions. To be frank, I am looking at mustangs. Not v6s, but GT v8s, preferably standard transmissions. Dad's biggest problem is insurance, which is understandable. My question is how much said insurance would cost/ raise his existing policy? -I like this model because I want a vehicle with performance. When I think of performance, Muscle comes into mind. The quintessential of this and most feasible is a mustang. Many older versions (such as 1990's, early 2000's) so they are affordable, and I just like them. Also I know a considerable amount of knowledge for my age about vehicles due to helping in my grandfathers garage past summers and many weekend projects.



Where can a marijuana smoker get affordable life assurance?

it depends on if your a heavy smoker or just smoke a few times. if they ask for health records then you will be in a higher quote, but also when they ask you question on health and you answer honestly it will help you in the long run because then you will be covered for the need of that disability since your health assurance new you can since you are a smoker. but it depends on if your a heavy smoker or just smoke a few times.



SAS resume for insurance companies?

i need to make a sas resume for insurance companiy.can anyone help with what to write in work experience describing experience in an insurance company setup.



Car insurance for golf?

i am currently getting quoted silly money ask you can imagine for a golf as I am a 17 year old male which just passed. may be a silly question but is there any reasonable insurance companies out there or anyway round it to make it cheaper !?



Parents to buy car or insurance?

How can I persuade my parents to buy me a car or pay for my insurance (preferably insurance because that is more expensive). My dad said he is going to buy my sister a car and pay for her insurance but is going to make me get mine all on my own, even though I have better grades than her in school and I am more active outside - I play sports and do physical work. And to top it off, my test is in December, so I really will only have a car for the next 10 months as I will then be going to university, so the insurance won't even be that much. How can I persuade them?



Whats the best insurance company and cheapest?

Heya im 17and looking at car insurance was wondering if any one has a goods insurance company and preferably a cheap one thanks



Whats the cheapest car insurance for a 17 year old?

I'm getting towards the point where I'm going to be driving soon whats the cheapest car insurance I can get



Health insurance for non-residents of any state?

I live part-time in California and part-time in Washington, though my residency status is in California. When I purchase health insurance, am I allowed to only purchase it from California because I am legally a resident there? Or can I also purchase it from Washington? If I can only purchase from California, will I also be able to use it within Washington?


Blue Cross/Shield health insurance?

Is this Insurance corporation a good one or a bad one to have as a health care plan?