best term life insurance quotes

best term life insurance quotes

best term life insurance quotes


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Got in a car accident driving someones elses car, they had no insurance.?

got in a car accident driving someones elses car, they had no 26 ive never been in any trouble and have a clean driving record. i was terrified and i left the scene and got cought, whats going to happen at court?



How much money would it cost for car insurance for...?

I am 17, I got my G2 license recently.. How much would I be looking at if i were to buy insurance for a jeep 04 rubicon? Also, if you know, how much did you or your friends pay or ur kids for car insurance and where do u live...



How much might insurance be...?

On a car like a 2008 Hyundai elantra for a guy under 25 if it was new?



How much would health insurance cost for me?

I am 22 years old, I am completely healthy, I am a girl, and I live in Kansas City, KS. How much would health insurance, on average, cost for me?



Auto insurance for a 16 turning 17 year old for a 2003 mustang gt?

I'm just wondering how much it will be. I have a 2001 v6 at the moment and my parents pay for my insurance and they don't know for sure how much it even is for my little sixer (they insure 5 vehicles) can anyone help me out? I live in new jersey



Insurance for young drivers?

I just passed my test im 18 tomorrow and i am looking for short term insurance but fairly cheap. I have already tried to look online but most of the insurance company's require the driver to have a years experience on the road beforehand. I desperately need to drive and i desperately need to have insurance. Can anyone please advise on cheap company's plus how to arrange it all?? Thanks



I need a cheap insuance plan?

I am 18 and am needing a liability insurance plan. I live in Houston TX, the cheapest I have found is with Geico for 3 somthing a month, and I think that is INSANE!!!



Does anyone have any suggestions for affordable health insurance for the self employed?

I am a self employed horse trainer and can't find an insurance company to insure me for a reasonalbe amount of money.



Do you know cheapest car insurance? My friend is 21, male.?

Do you know cheapest car insurance? My friend is 21, male.?



How much insurance for a 16 years old boy?

in california



A good reasonable priced inclusive car insurance?

Hello there are that many companies selling car insurance .Which one,s stand out for good value for money.



How to save more money as a teen, for a car and motorcycle?

I'm about to turn 16, and would like to save up for a reliable, cheap (2k-4.5k), good-looking, car. It has to be American, or anything other than Honda, Subaru, Toyota, Lexus, Hyundai, etc. cause dad works for GM. I am paying for the car on my own, most likely, but maybe I can convince parents to pay 1k or so. Money is tight right now in my family. Dad got demoted last year during GM's bankruptcy, and may get a promotion in spring. My Mom is opening a restaurant this year, which is going to cost a lot. I got a job in November at a brand new Kroger grocery store, where I get minimum wage and cannot work over 16 hours per week because I'm only 15. I have saved a little over 1.2k in the bank. I also have invested $500 of my own money this year into stocks, which are up a little. This might sound dumb to some, but I have dreamed of buying a motorcycle. I want a Kawasaki Ninja 650R. AND YES, I KNOW INSURANCE COSTS MONEY, (FOR CAR AND MOTORCYCLE) I'M NOT AN IDIOT. I also need to plan on how to save for that. Any tips, help, and info would be great! Thanks so much.



How much auto insurance do you really need?

like do you need medical or pip, all that extra stuff?



How can I lower my auto insurance?

I am 20 years old. I live in Florida which is by far the WORST states to have auto insurance. I've only been in 2 accidents, both not my fault. One was a small fender bender (which my friend decided to get a PIP claim even though he didnt get hurt so he could snag some money from the government). The other i totaled my car, but that was over 2 YEARS AGO. This is a no fault state which sucks because both of them werent my fault!!!!! Currently my auto insurance is 253 dollars! I'm a college student and i CANNOT afford that, but thats the cheapest one I found. Geico and all the popular ones wont even look at me. And it also adds on the my mom was in an accident (also not at fault) she got hit from behind at a red light and of course they penalized her for that too. Florida is a fraud state, they penalize you for everything when its no fault. Does anyone know how i can lower my auto insurance? It's been 2 years since I totaled my car and almost 2 and a half 3 years from the small fender bender. I also got a small speeding ticket from maybe september or december of last year, but thats it. no other tickets. thanks!



Temporary Car Insurance Cover?

I wanted to get a 1 day car insurance but my licence is just under 6 months. The car belongs to my Grandma. Some of the insurers are reluctant to this. I am 32ys old so not in the under 25 bracket. Any suggestions as to who I could try please. Thanks



What kind of car details will lower the cost of insurance?

I have to buy a car and the insurance will be costing more than the actual car. Some factors I can't change like the fact it will be my first year with a full GB licence, my gender, age, where I park it, etc. But when considering the car I will buy, what factors might lower my insurance costs? Keeping in mind my price range for the car is 450-900 pounds, - what makes/models are hardest/easiest to break into? - what security devices would make a difference to the cost of my insurance, and how much would they cost? - what year of car is considered to be built more securely than in the past? (harder to break into...I understand older cars are easier to break into, but what is the general cut-off line of old ?) - style or colour of car? - any other factors?



Does anybody know of the cheapest car insurance company in Hamilton, Ontario?

Getting car insurance these days is getting ridiculous...I've gotten quotes for $500, etc. but there has to be something cheaper out there. I'm getting an old car, so just basic insurance would be fine, so I can legally drive. Does anybody know of the cheapest car insurance company in Hamilton, Ontario?



18, Looking for car insurance, a little lost?

I'm really not entirely sure what to do or look for. My parent has pretty much told me to sink or swim at this point and is not helping whatsoever, so I need a little help or atleast a push in the right direction. I only need cheap liability insurance, since between my job and school I'm strapped for cash. Does anyone have any recommendations? Any advice on where to start looking? I'm an 18 year old guy with a beat up 18 year old truck with a great driving record in Oklahoma if that makes any difference.



Hit a pole. Should I file an insurance claim or pay out of pocket?

We rent an apartment at a big complex and each unit gets a carport. If you can picture it, it's just one large, covered structure with two 4'x4' wood poles separating each port. Coming home, one of us turned into the carport but the turn was a little too short and the car struck one of the poles. Fortunately it did not damage the carport, but the estimate for supplies and labor for a new pole to be cemented and installed was between $300 and $400. They don't care if we pay it out of pocket or file with our insurer, as long as they get their money. I am finding this tricky. It's a little more than I want to pay out of pocket knowing I have liabillity insurance but at the same time I am concerned about the effects on our insurance rates if a claim is files. We both have several years safe driving records. Any thoughts?



How do you calculate the prices of car insurance?

where do all these companies get their prices for car insurance from?



What would be the car insurance group for a renault megane cabrio dymanique 1600cc?

I am selling my car and have been asked what insurance group it is please.



Hu is the cheapest car insurance for dr10?

Hu is the cheapest car insurance for dr10?



How much is insurance for a 17 year old?

I live in MA and I'm just curious how much money I would have to pay for my insurance...if anyone knows how I go about finding that out it would be very helpful! Thanks



If I get a license and a car, will my parents be forced to get me car insurance by the law?

Or can they chose not to. My family has 3 drives, Mid 50s, 23, and 21. I'm getting my license and a car next year. Will the government force my parents to get me car insurance or will my car just sit in the garage. I'm buying my car btw and not my parents...



My grandma says TEENAGERS arent covered on her car insurance. Is this possible?

i want to drive her car cause im 16 and just got my temps a couple weeks ago and all she keeps saying is that her insurance only covers people 21 and older. i totally think shes lying! cant anyone drive the car? the insurance is already one the CAR, not the person, so shouldnt the insurance cover the car regaurdless on who's driving??


best term life insurance quotes

best term life insurance quotes


Car Insurance - why does the quote price change depending on occupation?

if i put i'm a student the quote is the cheapest if i put unemployed the quote is the most expensive anything in between is cheaper than the unemployed quote why is this



What is a good (cheap) insurance in Canada?

I'm a new driver, I would like to have an insurance for myself, in case IF anything happened. What are some companies with good deals? They are mostly expensive, but I have heard there are some cheaper ones available. Thank you for you help!



Car Insurance Renewal?

I currently have a 8 years no claims bonus and I am due to renew my car insurance at the end of this month. The quote is 520. However as the current value of my car is about 900-1000 and I only do about 3000 miles a year, I dont think its worth insuring this car for this year and plan to get rid of it. I plan to get a newer car next year or the year after. If I dont renew my car insurance this year and say there was a gap of 1 year or 2 between renewals, would I lose all of the benefit of my 8 years no claims? Would i have to start from 0 years no claims again? Any body help? Cheers!



I was wondering how much insurance would be for camaro?

I am a 17 year old male (I know :( ) it would be a z28 I would only want insurance for like 3 months( is that possible) Only liability insurance too or the cheapest one and still be legal.



If I open a bank account with USAA, will I pay less for USAA car insurance?

I'm a college student who inherited USAA car insurance through my mom. I'm transferring to a 4-year Uni and looking for all the simplicities and money saving options available ie; overdraft protection, quick debit records, free atm anywhere, no monthly charge, online features........ pretty much everything USAA has standard. As of now I still bank with BOA, but it may be simpler and cheaper to bank with USAA... especially if they offer a price cut in monthly car insurance. Much thanks to those(asside from insurance salesmen or banking officials) with information. =)



How much money could i save on my car insurance by switching 2 geico?

How much money could i save on my car insurance by switching 2 geico?



Car insurance question?

how much will it cost for a 21 year old single female per month? i just recently got my drivers liscense and i have never had a car or insurance..i have no credit and have never had a more



Will Health Insurance Reform give us affordable premiums?

We understand the proposed legislation will require insurance companies to accept pre-existing conditions and prohibit them from dumping anyone who gets an awful prognosis. These features are very progressive. Mr. Obama didn't want federally mandated insurance, but the insurance industry does want it. So if everyone is required to sign on, as with car insurance, then we need to shop around for the best rates. What's the bottom line? How can we find out? Can we still ask our Congressional reps to strike this out?



How much is car insurance?

I am in Delaware. I am starting grad school and I will have very little money. But I am considering getting an old car just to get around and save some time. I'm a 26 year old girl so I know I'm not in the worst catagories. I just want a basic idea of whether or not it will break the bank to consider a car.



Is it cheaper to buy your own car insurance or to add on to your parents premium?

You're a new driver, 19, and you have a 2004 Honda. Would it be cheaper to add on to your parents insurance plan?



What is the best UK car insurance for me to get?

Ok, i'm a little confused here. Basically my insurance expires in a few days and i'm coming up to 4 years no claims. I've never protected these claims (obviously as you cannot protect less than four years) and on my renewal i've come to a dilemma; 1) I have got a fairly cheap quote which includes courtesy car, legal cover and windscreen cover (this is cheaper offer but doesn't offer protected no claims). or 2) courtesy car, protected no claims and windscreen cover (this is a little more expensive but doesn't have legal cover). Now my question is (since I don't know much about car insurance, i just know its a law), how important is legal cover? i'm assuming its very important but for the last four years i've never had any claims or been in any accidents, and i really want to start protecting my claims since my car is kind of old now and i'm worried about losing the last 4 years, any tips or advice? oh this is on comprehensive by the way. Thanks in advance to anyone that can help.



Would it be against the Law if you don't have this Obama Health Insurance?

Will you be put in jail or a fine if you don't have this proposed Health Coverage? What if someone is homeless which is alot of people with this economy, do we pay for them too? Who is this for anyway? Do you think the Insurance Co.'s will make it affordable because I seriously doubt that with the Government in their pocket!!?? If it passes would this be a huge windfall for the Insurance industry or what?? First the Banks and Now the Health Industry?



Car insurance on rentals?

do i have to do the insurance myself or do the rental company do this for me?



How long does a speeding ticket affect my insurance in MA?

I got in a recent (minor) accident and was shocked at how much my insurance is going up. And it stays there for 6 years. Add that to a couple speeding tickets that are already there, and it becomes a very high rate -- particularly considering that my car is so old and worth so little, I'll be paying half what it's worth in insurance each year. When I was talking with my insurance agent about how much it would go up, I mentioned that at least the speeding tickets would be leaving soon. She disagreed. My tickets are both over 2 years old already, and I thought they would come off my insurance in 3 years. She says it's 6, just like the accident. I'd like another source to check, and am having trouble finding it. I'm currently in MA, with Commerce Insurance.



Is ATV insurance more expensive than motorcycle insurance in Ontario Canada?

How much more or less would a new honda trx500 ATV run me dollar-wise to insure for a year.



Can I get auto insurance?

I am able to use several different cars of extended family and friends. I want to be covered if anything happens to any of them. Is there a way for me to be covered without being on multiple policies. Is that even legal?



Need help with Car Insurance?

I am a 18 year old male in california, who just bought a 92 Buick Skylark and I need to no what would be my best bet when it comes to getting insurance, I would like cheap insurance.



Where can i buy public liablilty insurance?

hi, ive brought a small 20p sweet vending machine, which i would like to place in the local kids 'wacky warehouse' type place, i wanted to get public liability insurance to cover me, say for example, if the machine falls and hurts someone or something? i have had publlic liability before for trading on a market stall and im sure it only cost 35-45, does anyone know of any good providers around a similar price? Thanks :)



Can car insurance comp increase my premiums like this?

In April of this year, I paid for my car insurance for the period April to October. Now they are telling me they are increasing my premium for that period by another $50 because the address of my workplace changed. I don't get it. Can they do that? I already paid for my premiums for that period. If I don't pay the extra $50, is my insurance still valid?



Where can I find an affordable Orthodontist in Seattle/Kirkland/Woodinville area?

Where can I find an affordable Orthodontist in Seattle/Kirkland/Woodinville area?



Why do people hate Obamacare so much?

Because of this law, a lot of people are now able to get affordable health insurance. I'm one of those people. I can buy my epilepsy medication at an affordable price. Why do Republicans want to rip this away from me and go back to the way things were before? By the way, I was on my parents insurance before, but I moved out because I needed to be a man and get out on my own. Because of Obamacare, that is much more affordable now for me. Health care was a disaster before this law. What will Republicans do if they repeal Obamacare?



In NJ, Can you get a driver's lincense but not have car insurance or a car/drive? TEN POINTSS?

I'm 18 years old, female. I've always wanted my driver's license. I have my permit that now expired. My parents won't let me get it because they don't want me to get into an accident and because they said insurance is sooo HIGH! Is it possible to pass my driver license test and not be on an insurance policy and not drive any car? Not drive at all, just own the license. I have a job and would get my own policy, but it would just be even more expensive!



What's the Best Car Insurance?

What's the best car insurance that gives good coverage, good service, and will be cheapest if one has had a minor moving violation in the past 6 months?



How much does car insurance go up from a minor accident w/no injuries?

I just got into an accident hitting a car on the freeway, not paying attention, so I hit the car in front of me. He said and his family weren't hurt, but you never know how they will feel the next day. How much will my car insurance go up? I have no tickets on my record & no accidents. I did receive minor damage to my car & a small dent to the other car';s bumper. I wasn't speeding or drinking. My car is a 2004 Honda Civic four door & I'm in my 40s. Oh, I live in CA. Thanks.



How much will insurance cost for a 17 year old in london riding a 125 motorbike ? (around)?

How much will insurance cost for a 17 year old in london riding a 125 motorbike ? (around)?


best term life insurance quotes

best term life insurance quotes


How are young drivers expected to build up 'no claims' or experience when insurance prices are so expensive?

How are young drivers expected to build up 'no claims' or experience when insurance prices are so expensive?



Car insurance payout question?




I rang up Tesco Car Insurance today and they sent me away?

Hello, I rang up Tesco Car Insurance today, this women spoke on the phone and her first question was asking for the policy number, and then I asked her a question why they increase my insurance and she said everywhere is the same, they are the cheapest, and then she told me to ring somewhere else to get a quote and then phone us back. Thats a good customer service. What do you guys think about this situation?



I'm roughly 14 weeks pregnant with no prenatal care or insurance. What are my options?

I'm assuming I'm around 14 maybe 15 weeks pregnant & I haven't had any prenatal care nor do I have health insurance. With my first pregnancy I qualified for Medicaid & left the HHS that day with it! This time they have been dragging me around since March, losing things, accidentally deleting files, denying me & then asking me to reapply. All of this over & over again, it's just been very unorganized & stressful. Not to mention I had a meltdown & told them that I NEEDED TO GO TO THE DOCTOR, so please let me know what to do! This was a month ago, they still say things are pending & I could expect to wait 30 more days. This is adding such a tremendous amount of stress to my pregnancy, I just want to see my baby. Are there any other insurance plans for pregnant women? I'm not married, but my fiance has a well paying job. Naturally though, I can't receive insurance through his job until we are officially married. We attempted to make an appointment & self pay, but during that one visit they demanded $600 up front, which we weren't prepared for. I refuse to go to a clinic simply because my last pregnancy was high risk & ended in an emergency C-Section & there were complications & I'm sure this one will be the same, since I ended up getting pregnant before the desired waiting time for a previous c-section. Not to mention, my OB/GYN has been my doctor since I was 13 & he is truly the best where I live. I just wouldn't be able to trust someone else. I live in Texas by the way. Do any of you have any ideas?



How much auto insurance do I need?

How much auto insurance should I get for a 1999 Ford Escort that is already paid for. I have insurance now but it is 660 dollars a year and that sounds like way too much for an 11-year-old car.



How can the health care be made affordable to every citizen of United States?

Health care has become very expensive due to needless tests and lawyers and frivolous lawsuits.



Should I change my insurance coverage?

I drive a 10 yr. old Chevy Malibu with 52,000 miles on it and plan to keep it for a while. I have full coverage and with a payment due soon I'm wondering if it's time to drop some of it. Such as collision or comp or both. Thanks for any suggestions.



I have my driving test soon need insurance help im 17 could go on mums insurance but lowest quote is 1500?

and thats with a box in the car but lowest quote without box in lowest quote 3500 and lowest quote on my own insurance 4000 her car is a 1.4 54 plate fiesta on my own it would be a banger old car



Should I get rental insurance for my apartment?

I don't have any expensive appliances. I only have used funiture and my clothes. Lately I have seen a lot of apartment fires on the news and now I am indecisive about getting rental insurance for my apartment.



What do you think is the best, most reliable, and inexpensive AUTO INSURANCE company?

In the state of FL.



I am 16 years old, and someone hit me from the back, will my insurance go up?

It was clearly his fault, but will my insurance premium go up since I am a new driver? I live in California.



How will 2 points on my license affect my insurance?

I live in South Carolina and am insured through State Farm. I recently recieved a speeding ticket that cost me 2 points on my license. What is an approximate percentage increase that I can expect in my insurance rates over the next couple of years?



Motorcycle Insurance?

I got into a car accident almost 2 years ago and I was wondering if it will effect me when I get insurance for my motorcycle?



What do i do first, title or insurance?

so i figured out what insurance company i'm going to use, and my cousin is giving me her car. do i need to get the title of the car before i get insurance or do i have to get insurance first. i'm 17 by the way.



Life Insurance?

Is life insurance under rated? If so explain why?



If I work for an insurance company, do I get free/discounted insurance premiums from them?

I'm paying nearly 2400 at the moment, if I went and worked at an insurance company do you think I could blag a bit of cheap insurance? (ENGLAND)



What does it mean Going of your parents car insurance? ?

I heard that you can register the car to my parents car insurance and it will be loads cheaper for myself, but its apparently fraud? What could happen? If I crash my car should I just leave it and run?



Health insurance just for the baby?

What health insurance is out there that i can just get for the baby? My current job offers family coverage to what i have now but it will be $83 EXTRA per WEEK for family...thats over $300 per month! i was wondering if there was a health insurance program that would do just the baby. THOUGHTS ANYONE?



Cheapest car and car insurance for a 21 year old.?

Well i dont know anything about cars so please dont criticise me lol my partner is having his test next month and he is 21 so his insurance will be sky high, so whats the best car for cheapest car insurance at his age? We need it as cheap as possible as were only looking for a second hand one due to it being his first car and he isnt botherd about the looks like as long as it gets us n the kids A to B lol please help.



At fault driver had no insurance?

Me and my Daughter was riding my custom built harley sat. and a car made an illegal u turn in front of us and we hit his car on the side. He does not have insurance but I do. Can I use my auto insurance which is a different company form my bike insurance to cover the cost of my bike and other injuries that we suffered.? Should I hold off on getting a lawyer? I really do not want them to get my money that we are due..



Car accident before renew my insurance?

Hi, lately, i had a car accident and it was my fault. At that time, my car insurance had already expired. A few later, I renewed my car insurance but I'm not sure If I'm applicable to ask the help from my insurance? The cost of repairing the car that I crashed with is $1700. I don't want to pay this much so I have choices: ask the help from insurance and pay $550 excess only (but mine expired during the accident time), or should i just go to the body shop to repair the car? Thank you very much from your advices



Florida law - Florida license, no car, so no insurance?

If someone with a Fl driver's license who doesn't have a car so doesn't have car insurance is involved in a car accident while driving someone else's car. Does the car owner's insurance cover the uninsured driver?



Please tell me the insurance companies that would take my car insurance payments through a bank standing order

Because of my credit low rating, I have been paying regularly my creditors such as phones providers, professional bodies and charities through standing orders. But the insurance companies insisted on Direct Debt or Credit cards which I cannot use as of now. Please assist in finding any car insurance company that would take a bank standing order. Thanks.



If i buy a new cbr 600 wat will my insurance cost? ?

im 19 and live in tx hoe much will i pay a yr? if its new or used wiill it make a differece>?



How much would insurance cost?

I am 20 years old, I have taken driving school, I have been driving since I was 16, and i have my g2. im gonna need a reliable car to get me to my new job. I am looking for a used care, i need to know how much insurance would be. Can anyone suggest a car, used, 2004-2008, price, insurance for a female who is 20 and taken driving school. Something reliable like a honda or a mazda or anything else and around how much payments would be a month. i know it wont be exact , there are many factors i just am wondering like an estimate if anyone can help me.


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best term life insurance quotes


How can I locate the Insurance Company that provides coverage for a California resident?

How can I locate the Insurance Company that provides coverage for a California resident?



Cheapest car for insurance?

My parents have agreed to get me a car, but the insurance has to be cheap. We have allstate and i have no idea what the cheapest car would be to get, insurance wise. thanks for any help!



Should i gain my CBT license to lower insurance on a 125cc scooter?

I currently have a full driving license and interested in buying a scooter. To lower insurance even further should I gain my CBT license or any other awareness courses?



Where to buy business auto insurance?

My job requires me to transport individuals from their home to various stores or dr.'s appointments. I recently found out that my employer will only cover the person served when I am driving my car on the clock, but not me, or my car. I've done some research and found that I need to update to business/commercial insurance. I live in Iowa. Where is the best/cheapest place to purchase this type of auto insurance. I've got a fairly clean driving record (I've been in two accidents in the last 5 years, neither were my fault) and a safe car.



Do you need proof of insurance when getting license in alabama?

i know you need it but i cant get it by tomorrow. is it ok because they have the information stored in the computers? i need help!!



How long does it usually take to get car insurance?

Hi. I'm an 18 year old teen. Recently obtained my drivers license. But I can't drive yet because I don't have car insurance. I was wondering how long it usually takes to get car insurance as a teen. From researching it tells me it may take as short as 3 days and as long as 7 days. (Business days only of course). I've been waiting for around. 11 business days. Is that normal? I have no idea what the car insurance company my parents are using because they know i'm going to call them and complain. My friends who are...Allstate,Geico,Triple A, ETC. Have told me they got their car insurance in about 3 business days.



Health Insurance Advice?

I'm currently laid off and need insurance for myself. I'm not sure what insurance company to go with. Also I'm not familiar with how health ins works. Like deductibles, co-insurance percentages, office visits covered or not covered. I don't go to the dr a lot but recently I've been in a car accident and will be going to the dr more often. I also don't want to pay that much either.



2 insurances? 2 deductibles?

If I have 2 insurances one has a 500 deductible and a 80/20 coverage and my x has an insurance that has a 750 deductible, does this mean we both have to pay each of our deductibles for our child? She is getting a MRI, what happens, will my insurance make us pay the first 500, then the 20 percent.. Then does the remainder go to her secondary insurance, then the first 750 comes off top of the balance again?



What do you think is the cheapest insurance out there? i'm trying to switch from my current one.?

i currently use allstate. I pay about $160 a month and its not even full coverage



Does a driver under 25 in the state of NH need car insurance? if they live with parents?

i know nh drivers don't need car insurance, but does a driver under 25 that lives with parents need car insurance?



Can I get insurance myself at 17?

I'm 16 right now and I have been diagnosed with major depressive. My mom lost her insurance in May last year and I haven't been to a doctor since. My symptoms are getting worse and I attempted suicide a couple months ago (refused to see a doctor afterwards because I didn't want social services to get involved). I have a family history with depression and mood disorders and my condition is only getting worse. I tried to get insurance all summer and fall last year, but I couldn't qualify for medi cal (I live in california) because of my age supposedly and my old doctor refused to sign off on minors consent. I'm wondering if things will be different by the time I turn 17? Will I be more likely to be accepted by then? Is there anything else I can do that won't get my mom arrested and me put into the foster care system? I feel like the social workers have a gun pointed to my back right now.. if I say much more about my problems to them they'll take me, and my little brother. Also CPS is not an option I want nothing to do with them or foster care. I would rather continue on and die in my condition than go to the foster home in my area, I've met kids stuck in that system and continuing on without medical care seems better than living in that hell hole. And I certainly wouldn't wish that on my little brother.



How much would car insurance be roughly for?...?

It is a Ford K.A. T 06 plate. I will be 17 when I pass and I was just wondering how much it would be monthly as a rough estimate. Oh and I also live in the United Kingdom.



Motorcycle Insurance?

Does anyone know of an insurance place in the Niagara region that will insure a 1982 Suzuki Tempter GR650 with a rider being 20, have only M1 and never had insurance before? It doesn't matter if its expensive I just want to know if they will insure the rider.



Why is the health care bill being compared to car insurance?

No one is forced to drive, but we are forced to buy health insurance?



Best home Insurance in Texas?

I'm a first time homer buyer and I'm about to gets quotes for home insurance and I was wondering what are some of the best and affordable companies to go with????



What is car insurance?

I tell people that im going to get a lambo when I grow up im going to save $120,000 and then buy it all at once....and then pay for the maintence ad all that too.. but people say that you wont be able to afford the car insurance?? what is car insurance. I thought that's a choice like you pay 100 a month and if your car is broken you get it fixed for free.. so why DO I HAVE TO PAY FOR INSURANCE ON A LAMBO? why cant I just save up all my money and buy it and then that's it.. just take it home and drive.



What is the best insurance plan for Abilify?

I'm an 18 year old smoker, female. I need to get on an insurance plan that's not too expensive. Which is the best?



If you know about car insurance (10 points will be awarded )?

Hey, my older brother has a Honda HR-V 1.6 VTEC engine which is UK insurance group 9 and tax bracket F, I am looking at a Suzuki Swift Sport 1.6 engine, insurance group 9 and tax bracket E... my insurance is with my dads business who say i can have up to a 1.6, I learnt to drive in my brothers car but the insurance company are looking into whether or not i can have a Suzuki Swift Sport, it has no turbocharger, so what is the big deal 10 Points for best answer



Where can I get cheap health insurance?

Where can one get cheap health insurance?



Can you really find cheap health insurance ?

I live in mass and i can not find health insurance for my needs and have been denied by the state health insurance. Dont know what to do ... anyone can help ?



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Just tryin to see if anyone has a idea of the cost



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I want to know for my cousin who is 12. He really like the XJR from 1997-2003 .What does the insurance cost?



HELP! I need an insurance company for my 50cc moped?!?

Hey Im 16 and have just bought an 07 Aprilia SR50 scooter, I need to get insurance but most places are quoting me around 500! Im not one of these chavs that races around don't worry! Does anyone here recommend any insurance companies or have a good deal on there insurance? Thanks in advance. =]



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What are some good homeowner insurance companies other than State Farm?



What company can I use to purchase private dental insurance in Seattle, WA?

which dental company can I use to purchase affordable dental care privately, not through an employee? For anyone age 18 and over and would cover basic dental visits and surgery such more


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